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Audio / Music / Music


Fun Switcher - funswitcher.com
A collection of various sounds.

A collection of various sounds.

The site has a lot of icons and switches, click and what is drawn and signed will sound. Whether it’s a character from a movie or an owl hoot, or Big Ben. The sounds of people, objects ....


NatureSoundsFor - naturesoundsfor.me
Sounds of nature.

A natural sound player.
You can use this page to listen to the sounds of nature, like background music, when you read, ponder, or just for fun.

Everything is simple

  1. Select the sound for the channel. It can be a bird, the sound of surf, fire, Indian drum ...
  2. We set the volume level of this channel.
  3. Send the sound to the left column or to the right, or in half.
  4. The same is done with all 4 channels.
  5. You can save the link and share it with others.
Sounds - 7oom.ru
Sounds of nature.

Well done site.
We hear, listen and see if you can stream the video on the whole screen, for example Niagara Falls, and the sound adjusts the very waterfall and gulls.
You can turn off something.

Here are the themes:

  1. Relaxation music
  2. Sleep music
  3. Winter forest
  4. Aquarium
  5. Rain noise
  6. Sea noise
  7. At dawn
  8. Sunset
  9. Desert
  10. Cozy cafe
  11. Bird singing
  12. Sounds of the night
  13. On the shore
  14. Rain and thunder
  15. Space
  16. Sea noise
  17. Sounds of the forest
  18. Sounds of campfire
  19. Ocean
  20. Behind the moon
  21. Cat Murder
  22. Niagara
  23. Dolphin Songs
  24. Waterfall


Save the Sounds - savethesounds.info
Technical Sound of Noise.

Museum of Endangered Sounds - a museum under the threat of extinction of sounds.
Just on the page of the picture, click and hear the sound of the image.