Strength and power of Internet

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Strength and power of Internet

DDoS attack
(Distributed Denial of Service)
Attack on the computer system in order to bring it to the point of failure, for example, reload with the number of requests.
We know the influence and power of the media.
Lenin first seized the post and telegraph, and only then attacked the Winter Palace.
Today, the authorities are pressuring the media to stay on the chair. And in general, the press is the 4th power.

But the Internet is MUCH MUCH more than the post or the media, even MUCH more than the mail and media combined.

DDoS attack on Estonia and Georgia

After the authorities decided to move the monument to the Bronze Soldier, our bloggers agreed to conduct a massive DDoS attack on Estonian servers. That is, they agreed on a time when everyone simultaneously began to make requests and servers could not stand the amount of work.
For several days, the Estonian Internet segment was practically cut off from the outside world, and a number of government sites were disabled by DDoS attacks, reports According to the author of the report, prepared by order of the anti-virus company McAfee, such an attack on British resources, which are already integrated into the lives of citizens, could cause much more damage.

Later similar was done and with Georgia.

So, the Internet strength.

A militiaman shoots down a pregnant woman with impunity

RIA News
May 13, 2009, 10:11, MOSCOW

About half an hour ago, a foreign car was hit by a pregnant woman crossing the pedestrian crossing, crossing the road in the area of ​​house No. 10 on Asenovaya Street.
Having made a run-around, the driver of the blue SUV did not even stop. Pressed into the floor of the gas pedal, the hacker disappeared from the scene of the accident. Random passers-by, who witnessed the incident, were able to remember the numbers of his car. Employees of the Moscow traffic police at this moment are searching for a car "Subaru Forester" with a state number "T 747 MX 199 rus."
To capture the offender in the city, a "Interception" plan was introduced. The injured woman is examined by the doctors of one of the city hospitals.

Behind the wheel was a policeman, who was fired for this. The cases against him did not start, he was already severely punished.

Then Alexey Shumm started a blog on livejournal -, the blog was sent to popular and as a result - the trial of a policeman.

So, the Internet strength.


First we will get acquainted with the sites of procurement.
Our state wants to spend economically not an unlimited budget, therefore it organizes tenders for state orders. Those who offer more and better services for less money will receive state orders.
It is entrusted to "respected uncles and aunts" who have their views on budgetary means Russia. But, that everything was fair and this site was created, because he is on the Internet and he can visit, to whom the soul desires.

But here comes the blog.


The young guy noticed that on the official site of state orders the Russian letters "k" were replaced by the English "k" and the Russian letters "o" were replaced by the number zero "0".
It turns out:

"the right to conclude a state contract on the continuation of the restructuring of the project" Reconstruction of the production of tubers for diagnostics of bac- teria in living animals "

For a man there is no difference, but not for a computer. So these contracts have been reliably protected from potential contractors, which means that it is possible to pay expensive for acquaintances or "new friends", and thus deepen the hand to the state budget.

And do not spit on uncle's official websites with a high bell tower on the opinion of the blogger?
It turns out no, because the blog became popular and rumor went for a walk on the Internet. As a result, the FAS intervened.

Elections in Moldova


In the post-Soviet space, the old guard is in power, which is ready to do anything to keep the chair, because the election has become a farce.
In Moldova, a mass protest was suddenly expressed, mass actions were held, invitations to which came via the Internet - social networks, blogs.

Elections in Iran

In the Islamic world, too, there is no need to talk about honesty and justice.
But this time the opposition did not swallow this injustice, but reacted actively. Thanks to the Internet, mass actions were organized. The Iranians began to send messages from the events on microblogging Twitter and videos from mobile to YouTube, where it was created Separate blog.

Elections in Iran

So, YouTube and Twitter have become more media, but and organizational centers.

So, internet is power.

Red button of Internet

US senators, Democrat John Rockefeller and Republican Olympia Snow, drafted a draft bill that provides the president with USA a second "red button" with which, in the event of emergency Situations in the name of national security, the president will be able to turn off Internet access.

To this decision they were prompted not only by the constant growth of tension in the world, but also by the trend towards the transfer of interstate disputes to the Internet, as it was in 2007 in Estonia, when a number of DDoS attacks brought the state to near bankruptcy. However, most observers consider this step premature, and are confident that there are other ways of combating terrorism on the network.

The countries of the European Union have proposed to privatize ICANN and transfer the corporation to international supervision, Bloomberg writes with reference to the statement of the European Commission. The European Union does not like the fact that the management of the global Internet network is handled by structures subordinate to the government USA.
ICANN, the company responsible for the worldwide management of Internet domain names, is not accountable to the entire world, but only to the government of USA and is governed solely by the laws of the State of California, In which it is located.

The Senate USA received a bill

The president will be able to disconnect "non-state" networks from the Internet, if necessary for cybersecurity.

In Russia

According to experts, these powers are already in the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but, unlike USA, they apply only to domestic providers, not to the whole world.

Internet power

How will it be used next? Who will lead? A holy place is never empty.

Bible says that a man from the people will come to power.