1 September | Constitution day Slovakia |
12 November | Constitution day Azerbaijan |
12 December | Constitution day Russia 12 December 1993 year a referendum was adopted by the Russian Federation Constitution. Constitution Day is perhaps one of the most important dates for the Russians. |
15 March | Constitution day Belarus to 1998 year day |
25 October | Constitution day (Konstitucijos diena) Lithuania |
28 June | Constitution day (День Конституції України) Ukraine |
30 August | Constitution day Kazakhstan |
5 February | Constitution day (Día de la Constitución) Mexico Celebrated the promulgation of the constitution |
5 May | Constitution day Kyrgyzstan |
5 June | Constitution day (Grundlovsdag) Denmark Day of approval of the Danish Constitution in 1849 year. |
5 July | Constitution day Armenia holiday |
6 November | Constitution day (Eid-i-Sarconuni Jumhurii Tojikiston) Tajikistan |
6 December | Constitution day (Día de la Constitución) Spain |
7 June | Constitution day (Syttende mai or Grunnlovsdagen) Norway independence from Sweden in 1905 year |
8 December | Constitution day (Ziua Constituţiei) Romania The day on which 1991 year a referendum was held on the occasion of the Romanian Constitution. |
8 December | Constitution day (Konstitutsiya kuni) Uzbekistan |