
Yandex.Fines: online payment

Owner: Yandex , reliable site.



If you are within 2 months, you pay a fine, you pay only half.
Unfortunately, happiness letter comes to us is not very fast, then you need to go to the bank to pay.
As proposed in a letter form the full amount available, and we have to pay only half. That such complexity.
Not every bank after payment of a hurry to inform the traffic police.
This application promptly informs us of the presence of a fine by SMS, and clicking on the link we can quickly pay for Yandex Money.
Yandex.Money - friendly service, and he knows that we can only pay half immediately and offers it to us (unless we tighten ourselves, then he will offer the full amount).
Member State services can be found on the traffic police fines for our souls as well.
So I made the request after payment of fines on public services (site of the State) and the same day they reported that shraf paid.

Category: Transport / Fines

Tags: Auto SDA