Gothic cathedrals on the map

Transport / Travel / Travel on Map

Gothic cathedrals on the map


Temples, Cathedrals, Churches on the map.
Easy to navigate, find and click to get the official name, address, contact information, opening hours, links to the site to the group in social networks..

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Used: Google maps.
address: USA

Gothic cathedrals of France on the map.
There is no Russian language. The project of the Visual Media Center in the Department of Art History and Archeology at Columbia University, the Visual Resources Library at Vassar College, and the libraries of Columbia University.

Solid, because it can not only find and see how the cathedrals look, but also get detailed, official information on the required cathedral.

Mapping Gothic France

People's Catalogue of Orthodox Architecture.

Churches and monasteries of Russia and the world.
Catalog of Orthodox structures - descriptions and author's photos of Orthodox monasteries, temples, cathedrals, churches, chapels.

The goal - to collect the most complete possible historical descriptions and photo-records of all the Orthodox churches in Russia and around the world.
And also to popularize Russian culture, Orthodoxy and will help travelers, local historians and people interested in Russian history and culture.

More than 5,000 contributors have gathered information on more than 50,000 sites of Orthodox architecture, including more than 65,000 articles and about half a million photos.

Temples can be found on a map (Yandex, Google, or OSM to choose from) and go to the temple description page, chapel ...