★★★★☆ Owner: Yandex email: client-service@yandex-team.ru
tel.: 8 800 250-96-39, + 7 (495) 739-70-00, + 7 (495) 974-35-81
address: Russia, Moscow, 119021, ул. Льва Толстого, д. 16
I like the design, stylish, visual, nothing superfluous, only convenience, that's why I use it.For weather forecasting, Yandex uses data from ground-based weather stations, satellites and other sources, and takes into account factors such as terrain and proximity of water bodies. Information from meteorological stations, the company verifies 140,000 times a day with actual weather using the Matrixnet machine learning system - it finds recurring discrepancies and establishes regularities that allow us to refine calculations.
Meteum technology compiles a new weather forecast With each new user access to the service "Yandex.Pogoda." It works in the web version of the service, as well as in applications for Android and iOS.
★★★★☆ Owner: Yandex
Used: Yandex.Maps, OpenStreetMap. email: app-pogoda@support.yandex.ru
tel.: 8 800 250-96-39, + 7 (495) 739-70-00, + 7 (495) 974-35-81
address: Russia, Moscow, 119021, ул. Льва Толстого, д. 16
Yandex.Weather on map
One can look at the weather situation in the region, the country or in the world at a glance.Approach, delete and get a general or more detailed forecast.
Meteum technology compares traditional forecasts with weather stations. She sees repeated mistakes and uses MatrixNet's machine learning method to detect statistical patterns in them. So a set of rules is formed, allowing you to make a more accurate prediction.
Weather can be viewed at the current time, as well as the forecast for the selected date.