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Save all +S
Synchronize +Option+Y
Maximize/minimize editor Control++F12
Add to favorites Option+Shift+F
Inspect current file with current profile Option+Shift+I
Quick switch scheme Control+`
Open settings dialogue +,
Open project structure dialog +;
Switch between tabs and tool window Control+Tab

Navigating and Searching Within Studio

Search everything (including code and menus) Shift twice
Find +F
Find next +G
Find previous +Shift+G
Replace +R
Find action +Shift+A
Search by symbol name +Option+O
Find class +O
Find file (instead of class) +Shift+O
Find in path +Shift+F
Open file structure pop-up +F12
Navigate between open editor tabs Control+/
Jump to source F4/+
Open current editor tab in new window Shift+F4
Recently opened files pop-up +E
Recently edited files pop-up +Shift+E
Go to last edit location +Shift+Backspace
Close active editor tab +W
Return to editor window from a tool window Esc
Hide active or last active tool window Shift+Esc
Go to line +L
Open type hierarchy Control+H
Open method hierarchy +Shift+H
Open call hierarchy Control+Option+H

Writing Code

Generate code (getters, setters, constructors, hashCode/equals, toString, new file, new class) +N
Override methods Control+O
Implement methods Control+I
Surround with (if...else / try...catch / etc.) +Option+T
Delete line at caret +Backspace
Collapse/expand current code block +-/+
Collapse/expand all code blocks +Shift+-/+
Duplicate current line or selection +D
Basic code completion Control+Spacebar
Smart code completion (filters the list of methods and variables by expected type) Control+Shift+Spacebar
Complete statement +Shift+Enter
Quick documentation lookup Control+J
Show parameters for selected method +P
Go to declaration (directly) +B or +Click
Go to implementations +Alt+B
Go to super-method/super-class +U
Open quick definition lookup +Y
Toggle project tool window visibility +1
Toggle bookmark F3
Toggle bookmark with mnemonic Option+F3
Comment/uncomment with line comment +/
Comment/uncomment with block comment +Shift+/
Select successively increasing code blocks Option+
Decrease current selection to previous state Option+
Move to code block start Option++[
Move to code block end Option++]
Select to the code block start Option++Shift+[
Select to the code block end Option++Shift+]
Delete to end of word Option+Delete
Delete to start of word Option+Backspace
Optimize imports Control+Option+O
Project quick fix (show intention actions and quick fixes) Option+Enter
Reformat code +Option+L
Auto-indent lines Control+Option+I
Indent/unindent lines Tab/Shift+Tab
Smart line join Control+Shift+J
Smart line split +Enter
Start new line Shift+Enter
Next/previous highlighted error F2/Shift+F2

Build and Run

Build +F9
Build and run Control+R
Apply changes (with Instant Run) Control++R


Debug Control+D
Step over F8
Step into F7
Smart step into Shift+F7
Step out Shift+F8
Run to cursor Option+F9
Evaluate expression Option+F8
Resume program +Option+R
Toggle breakpoint +F8
View breakpoints +Shift+F8


Copy F5
Move F6
Safe delete +Delete
Rename Shift+F6
Change signature +F6
Inline +Option+N
Extract method +Option+M
Extract variable +Option+V
Extract field +Option+F
Extract constant +Option+C
Extract parameter +Option+P

Version Control / Local History

Commit project to VCS +K
Update project from VCS +T
View recent changes Option+Shift+C
Open VCS popup Control+V