Mathematical symbols HTML

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‰‰ permil
ℑℑ image
℘℘ weierp
ℜℜ real
ℵℵ alefsym
ªªª ordf
⇔⇔ If and only if
∀∀ forall
∂∂ part
∃∃ exist
∅∅ empty
∇∇ nabla
∈∈ isin
∉∉ notin
∋∋ ni
∏∏ prod
∑∑ sum
−− minus
∗∗ lowast
√√ radic
∝∝ prop
∞∞ infin
∠∠ ang
∧∧ and
∨∨ or
∩∩ cap
∪∪ cup
∫∫ int
∴∴ there4
∼∼ sim
≅≅ cong
≈≈ asymp
≠≠ ne
≡≡ equiv
≤≤ le
≥≥ ge
⊂⊂ sub
⊃⊃ sup
⊄⊄ nsub
⊆⊆ sube
⊇⊇ supe
⊕⊕ oplus
⊗⊗ otimes
⊥⊥ perp
⋅⋅ sdot
⌈⌈ lceil
⌉⌉ rceil
⌊⌊ lfloor
⌋⌋ rfloor
⟨〈 lang
⟩〉 rang
◊◊ loz
&lt;&#60;< lt
&gt;&#62;> gt
&not;&#172;¬ not
&plusmn;&#177;± plusmn
&times;&#215;× times
&divide;&#247;÷ divide
&sup2;&#178;² sup2
&sup3;&#179;³ sup3
&frac14;&#188;¼ frac14
&frac12;&#189;½ frac12
&frac34;&#190;¾ frac34