Hot links The Bat

Software / Freeware / Hot keys

Hot links The Bat

A list of keyboard shortcuts for restoring laptop's factory settings | Character Codes for HTML

Quit The Bat! Alt+X
Close active window Esc
Address Book F8
Message Finder F7
SmartBat F6
Scheduler Alt+F11
Quick Templates Shift+Ctrl+Q
Sorting Office/Filters Shift+Ctrl+S
Create new message Ctrl+N
Reply Ctrl+F5, Ctrl+Enter
Reply to all Shift+Ctrl+F5
Forward Shift+F5, Ctrl+O
Resend Shift+F6
Redirect Ctrl+F6, Ctrl+E
Save to file Alt+F5, Ctrl+S
Edit as new Alt+F6
Reply quoting selected text F4
Reply without quotation Shift+F4
Reply to the sender Ctrl+F4
Alternative Forward Shift+Alt+F5
View Source F9
Move to next unread Ctrl+Alt+Right
Move to previous unread Ctrl+Alt+Left
Move to next viewed Alt+Right
Move to previous viewed Alt+Left
Open message in new window Enter
Copy message to folder Ctrl+C
Move message to folder Ctrl+V
Delete message Del
Mark as unread Ctrl+U
Mark as read Ctrl+M
Park Ctrl+J
Unpark Ctrl+Alt+J
Flag Ctrl+G
Print message Ctrl+P
Select all messages Ctrl+A
Add sender to Address Book Ctrl+W
Add recipient to Address Book Shift+Ctrl+W
Delete sender from Address Book Ctrl+B
Delete recipient from Address Book Shift+Ctrl+B
Open reply Ctrl+BkSp
Create filter Shift+Ctrl+F
Verify signature Shift+Ctrl+C
Decipher Shift+Ctrl+D
Decipher and save Shift+Ctrl+G
Copy thread Ctrl+T
Move thread Shift+Ctrl+V
Delete thread Shift+Ctrl+Del
Mark thread as read Shift+Ctrl+M
Mark thread as unread Shift+Ctrl+U
Get new mail F2
Send queued mail Shift+F2
Set access password Ctrl+F12
View Log Shift+Ctrl+A
Refresh folder list Ctrl+F9
Dispatch new messages Ctrl+F2
Dispatch all messages Sift+Ctrl+F2
Sorting Office/Filter settings Shift+Ctrl+S
Account properties Shift+Ctrl+P
Quick Templates Shift+Ctrl+Q
Folder properties Alt+Enter
Mark all messages as read Ctrl+M
Move up Shift+Ctrl+Up
Move down Shift+Ctrl+Down
Move in Shift+Ctrl+Right
Move out Shift+Ctrl+Left
Refresh message list Ctrl+R
Refulter messages Ctrl+F
Delete message duplicates Ctrl+D
Browse deleted messages Ctrl+B
Purge+Compact Ctrl+C
Create new folder Ins
Create new common folder Alt+Ins
Delete folder Del
Send message Ctrl+Enter
Save message as draft Alt+F2
Save message and continue editing Ctrl+S
Save message as… Ctrl+F2
Put message in queue Shift+F2
Print message Ctrl+P
Copy text to clipboard Ctrl+C
Cut text to clipboard Ctrl+X
Paste text from clipboard Ctrl+V
Select all Ctrl+A
Paste as quote Alt+Ins
Paste with formatting Shift+Ctrl+Ins
Find text Ctrl+F
Find and replace Ctrl+F7
Continue search or replace F3
Reverse search Alt+F7
Upper case Ctlr+[
Lower case Ctrl+]
Invert case Ctrl+\
Capitalise Ctrl+/
Calculate Shift+Ctrl+=
Search address (forward) Ctrl+=
Insert quick template Ctrl+Space
AutoFormat Shift+Ctrl+F
AutoWrap Shift+Ctrl+W
Justify on autowrap Shift+Ctrl+J
Left alignment Alt+L
Center alignment Alt+C
Right alignment Alt+R
Justify Alt+J
Automatic spell checking Ctrl+F4
Check entire text F4
Bold Ctrl+B
Italic Ctrl+I
Underline Ctrl+U
Insert current date Ctrl+Q D
Insert current time Ctrl+Q T
Convert current word to upper case Ctrl+[
Convert current word to lower case Ctrl+]
Cancel Esc
Help F1
About Alt+F1