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Windows/Linux/Mac OS
| 5.56 Mb | home page | download |



The most popular torrent client.

Category: Internet / Peer networks

Tags: Torrent Download


MP3 Skype Recorder

| 2.5 Mb | home page | download |


A simple program that automatically or manually records the calls and conferences in Skype MP3.
Supported hidden mode - no icon in system tray and in the tray.
Required .Net Framework 2.0 or newer.

Category: Contacts / IP-telephone

Tags: MP3 Phone


Sun Java Runtime Environment

Windows/Linux/Mac OS
| 15 Mb | home page |


Real (unlike the one included in Microsoft products) Java virtual machine of Sun Microsystems.

Category: System / PC tuning

Tags: Virtual System utilities


Visitcard 4

| 13.9 Mb | download here |


Program to create business cards for dummies.

Category: Work with text / Office software

Tags: Graphics Visit cards


Easter Dates

| 25.9 Kb | download here |


Shows dates Orthodox, Catholic and Jewish Passover. Does not require installation.

Category: Christian software / Biblical software

Tags: Christian Calendar


Home Bookkeeping Lite 4.0

| 2.4 Mb |


Accounting program Finance, family, personal or your company; easy to use and requires no knowledge of accounting: cost accounting, revenue accounting of the funds on an unlimited number of accounts; recording in multiple currencies; multiuser; password protection; detailed help system.

Category: Inforamtion / Bookkeeping

Tags: Financial


Calorie Calculator 1.0

| 477 Kb | download here |


Test version may will be paid. Does not require installation.

Category: Inforamtion / Women software

Tags: Calculators Diet Health



| home page |

iTunesAndroid huawei

Identify unknown numbers, block SMS spam. The application filters out unnecessary calls and messages and connects you only with those who are really important.
Truecaller has a list of spam numbers constantly updated by a community of 250 million users.

  1. The world's leading caller identifies whoever is calling you,
  2. Blocking spam and phone sales agents,
  3. Displaying names of unknown subscribers in call history,
  4. Flash messaging - sending to friends information about geolocation, emoticons and statuses in Flash.
Truecaller does not send or publish data from your contact list anywhere.

Category: Contacts / Phone

Tags: Address book Phone Protection