Financial - Freeware


| 1.1 Mb | download |


Will help to use undocumented functions of graphics cards from nVidia and ATi to improve image quality and solve compatibility issues with some games. The program works in Windows 98/ME/2K/XP. It supports all versions of ForceWare drivers and Catalyst. Detailed instructions in Russian can be read - here

Category: System / PC tuning

Tags: System utilities


BM Simplified taxation

| 2.5 Mb |


The program calculates the amounts of the single tax payable in connection with the simplified system of taxation, and generates a tax return form KND 1152017 in Excel. Most likely you will need dao35 (3.6 Mb). It can be downloaded on the same site with the information on installation. You will need free of charge on the website with a temporary password.

Category: Inforamtion / Bookkeeping

Tags: Financial


Perpetual Calendar 2.54

| 1.23 Mb | download | download |


Shows moon phases, holidays, Flash player required.

Category: Christian software / Biblical software

Tags: Christian Calendar


Knowledge - Power 2.2

| 1.54 Mb | download here |


Game on the knowledge of the Bible. Similar to the game Who wants to be a millionaire.

Category: Christian software / Biblical software

Tags: Christian Games