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Russian software developer in the field of Internet security, conducted a study of the age categories of children whose parents are concerned about the impact of electronic resources on their children.

Experts Entensys survey of 1,000 software product users KinderGate Parental Control.
As a result, it was found, that most solutions control access to the Internet are required parents to children from 13 years.

The degree of urgency of the problem of the possible adverse impact of electronic resources is directly proportional to the child's growing up.
important to note that there is a sharp increase of 7 years (from 1 to 10%).
As you know, at this age children go to school, so parents allow the child to use the Internet for homework.

The second jump is seen for children from 13 years of age (from 16 to 72%).
at this time the child begins to actively interested in various social networks, instant messengers, online gaming, to expand the range of his interests and, of course, close the browser when a mom or dad, thereby causing additional concern of their parents.

'The study clearly indicates the lack of attention to the issue of child Internet -. Kurashev said Dmitry, Entensys CEO
Parents continue to believe that a child in a small age is not able to stumble upon objectionable content, as it is his. 'not looking'.
Thus, they advocate a reactive approach to the problem.
The diagram shows that only a small part of the mothers and fathers are actively working to ensure safe access for children up to 7 years in internet network.

Given the well-established trend of "children begin to grow up faster," the bar, "13 years" will start to decrease in the near future. "

Category: Internet / Filter

Tags: Control Protection