| home page | reliable site.Offline maps and open source navigator.
tourist information about facilities; using data from Open Street Maps (OSM) without Internet access.
- work with cards without Internet access (you will need to select and save the cards in your phone, the cards are very compact);
- display additional information on the map, such as GPX or navigation routes, objects (POI), favorite locations, altitude lines, public transport stops; overlay additional maps with adjustable transparency;
- addresses and objects (POIs) search without Internet access;
- laying of routes;
- car, bicycle, and pedestrian modes with capabilities: auto switch to day/night map drawing mode;
- speed-dependent map scaling;
- rotation of the map by compass or direction of travel;
- use voice commands (played by recorded or generated voices) when navigating a route;
- warnings about exceeding the allowed speed of movement;
- navigation on public transport.