

Windows/Linux/Mac OS
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Visual (WYSIWYG) EPUB editor, with the ability to edit EPUB files based on code and import HTML and text files.

  1. Full UTF-16 and EPUB 2 specification support
  2. Multiple views: book, code and preview view
  3. WYSIWYG editing in book view
  4. Table of contents generator with multi-level heading support
  5. Metadata editor with full support for all metadata entries
  6. Hunspell based spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries
  7. Full regular expression (PCRE) support for find and replace
  8. Supports import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets
  9. Integrated API to external HTML and graphics editors
  10. FlightCrew validator for EPUB standard compliance validation (separate plugin)

Category: Work with text / Ebooks

Tags: Editors Compilers