Ph4 / Australia / Brisbane

Ph4 / Australia / Brisbane

Queensland University of Technology -

Griffith University -

University of Queensland -

FlamingText -
Logo generator.


Enter the text of the logo, then you can use the Cyrillic alphabet, numbers, symbols.
I tried to enter something difficult - Cyrillic, Latin, numbers, symbols, space. He drowned, or did not bring anything.
At the output we get text in style, like Photoshop styles. Choose from what, you get more than 200 options.

FlightAware -
Live flight tracking service for airports worldwide.


Real-time flight tracking service for airports around the world.
More than 800 airlines, about 30,000 aircraft and about 7,000 airports are tracked.
Using the service, tracking the position of an aircraft is possible only if it is equipped with an ADS-B type transponder and it is turned on.


  1. aircraft type;
  2. side number;
  3. Departure and destination airports.
If you click on the airplane, we get:
  1. the airline operating the flight;
  2. the current status of the aircraft (landed, in the air, etc.);
  3. time of departure and arrival;
  4. airport of departure and arrival;
  5. the distance that the aircraft has traveled so far;
  6. distance left;
  7. travel time and remaining time;
  8. total distance between airports;
  9. route;
  10. The speed and altitude of the aircraft.

Flexicar -
address: PO Box 6848, St Kilda Road Central, 8008 Victoria
tel.: +1300 36 37 80
Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Warrnambool