Ph4 / Israel / Nazareth

Ph4 / Israel / Nazareth

Nazareth Village -
address: 5079 Nazareth, ZIP
tel.: +972 4-645-6042
Nazareth Village.


At the time of Jesus, Nazareth was a small one of himself not representing a village. Josephus describing these places, more than once mentioned the city of Sepphoris (the largest city of those places) and a number of nearby villages, but never mentioned Nazareth. No wonder that they said "from Nazareth, can there be anything good?" (John 1:46).
It's like our Katzapurovka. The project was initiated by Protestant communities. A small place, an educational center.
The village is 2 km from Nazareth. This is a museum that imitates the life of Jesus. The whole exterior and interior reflects the life of the 1st century - architecture, wineries, olive presses, stone arches and lamps, as well as the clothing of the inhabitants of the village and their food. This unique museum will leave an unforgettable impression.

Nazareth village

Nazareth village

Nazareth village

Nazareth village

Nazareth village

Nazareth village

Israel, Arab -
address: P.O. Box 50027, Zip 16160
دار الكتاب المقدس.