

Full description

Christian hostel, Krasnodar, Russia.

Christian hostel «LOFT», Krasnodar.

Low prices and discounts. At the moment 1 place ~ 400 rubles., Family room for 4 people - 1800 rubles.
Children under 7 years free.The rooms have:

  1. beds,
  2. bedside cabinets are individual cells for storing valuable things,
  3. fresh linen and towel
  4. all rooms have free Wi-Fi,
  5. recreation area.
The hostel has a cozy kitchen:
  1. fridge
  2. microwave,
  3. kettle,
  4. electric oven.
There are also
  1. hair dryer
  2. iron,
  3. washing machine.
You can order a full breakfast.

There is a bike rental right in the hostel.
24 hour front desk.


Downtown. Nearby shopping center "Gallery", Drama Theater, Central Square, the central market.