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Instagram -
Delete your account on Instagram.

Delete your account on Instagram.
It will not be possible to restore, neither to you, nor to anyone else.

By the way, you can simply disable your account and it will not be active, it will simply disappear, but then it can be activated again.

Of course, first download your photos and videos if you want, then it will not work.

  1. We go to the Instagram website in our account, not the application, but through the browser.
  2. Open the "Delete account" page.
  3. Indicate the reason for your decision.
  4. We thought again, suddenly they just freaked out, who doesn’t happen to?
  5. Re-enter the password.
  6. Click "Delete account MY NAME"
  7. The account will be deleted within 30-90 days.

Top blogs.

30 most popular entries of the main bloghostings runet.
The site is executed decently. Everything is simple, accurate and intuitive.


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TOP of popular installation accounts in Russia

Seene -
Instagram in 3D.

Instagram in 3D.
Instead of posting photos in 3D.

Unlike Instagram, Seene is only tied to iOS. The application allows you to view photos in 3D and make such photos.
The process of shooting is not easy, but it is well explained.

On the Seene website for any snapshot, you can get the code to embed on any site.

Instacode -
Instagram, to source only.

Instagram, only for source code.
You came up with an interesting code and would like to share it with friends who break it.
And they would like to share it beautifully and visually.

How does it work?

  1. We go and throw the code into the form of the field.
  2. We set the programming language.
  3. Set the art filter.
  4. Click on Proceed.
  5. In the next window, adjust the scale, rotate, tilt and add effects.
  6. Watch the result in real time in the preview window. Liked? - Click on Publish. The result is a picture of our code.
  7. We share the picture in the networks, and if we have a roof from the love of our code, we can make it wallpaper for the desktop.


Insert a link to a photo or video from Instagram and get it.


Download photos and video from Instagram. Send a link - get a media file.

Instagram -
Service for sharing photos and videos with elements of sociality.

Service for sharing photos and videos with elements of sociality.
Photos are square, Polaroid style.
Polaroid used to take instant photos and they were square.
Hence the name Instagram - Instant.
That is, just as Polaroid instantly developed photos, so Instagram instantly posts photos.

How does it work?

  1. Put the app on,
  2. takes the photo,
  3. applies a filter to the photo,
  4. share the photo through any social network, including Instagram.

Why Instagram?

And really, why? When there are social networks that are much more functional.
The thing is, people use social media mostly feeds.
Some use chat.

That's why messengers with elements of sociality have become popular.
There, the user finds everything he needs and nothing unnecessary.

And the most interesting thing in the feed was the pictures. So much for Instagram - only pictures.
And, thanks to filters, they look more interesting than in social networks.
The format allows you to comfortably look at a smartphone.

What do people do on Instagram?

  • Some people like to take pictures and share everywhere.
  • Creativity - someone knows how to take pictures and share their creativity.
  • Employment - if you're active, you might earn something.
  • Promotion - you can sell products or promote your services.