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The project is dedicated to creating verbal descriptions of various images for blind people.

The project is dedicated to creating verbal descriptions of various images for blind people.Thanks to modern technology, the blind man has the opportunity to use the Internet.
Special programs on your computer and smartphone convert text from the screen into speech, but they are almost powerless if we are not looking at text but at a photo or video.
This is why our project appeared: to give blind people access to verbal descriptions of visual information that would otherwise remain inaccessible.

Volunteers at the request of blind people create descriptions of various video clips, greeting cards, paintings and much more. Descriptions are sent to customers, and the most interesting are published on our site.


  • Read descriptions of images that are regularly published on the site;
  • Find descriptions of interest through search or in categories;
  • Share links to your favorite descriptions in messengers and social networks;
  • Send images you would like to see in your email to project volunteers.