Heraldry USA, United States

Graphics / Heraldry / Coats of arms and flags

Heraldry USA, United States

Republic of Hawaii, Republic of Texas, Confederate States of America

Country slogan: На Бога уповаем (In God we trust)
American Samoa
American Virgin Islands
Northern Mariana Islands
Republic of Hawaii
Republic of Texas
Confederate States of AmericaNorth America

Full name: USA, United States, United States of America

United States on Yandex.Maps/Google Maps


Presidential Republic
50 states and 1 federal district

Territory: 9 363 km2
Population: 305 097 000 people.

Capital: Washington (on Yandex.Maps/Google Maps)
eng. Washington

Language: English
Main religions: Protestantism, Catholicism

Bank cards enacted in the country:

Main export items: aircraft, motor vehicles, chemicals, coal, machinery, corn, oil, wheat

Code IOC: USA - National Olympic Committee

Coat of arms


Domain of the country: US
Vehicle country code: USA

Phone country code: 1

Hymn short version


Heraldry of the head of state

coat of arms


Embassy of Russia in United States


website: russianembassy.org
address: Embassy of the Russian Federation, 2650 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., WashingtonD.C., 20007, USA
tel: +1-202 298-57-00, +1-202 298-57-01, +1-202 298-57-04
emergency tel: +1-202 332-07-37, +1-202 365-21-24, +1-202 298-57-00, +1-202 298-57-01, +1-202 298-57-04
email: russianembassy@mindspring.com


address: Consular Division, Embassy of the Russian Federation, 2641, TUNLAW RD., N.W., WASHINGTOND.C., 20007, USA
tel: +1202 939-8907, +1202 939-8913, +1202 939-8918, +1202 939-8919

New York

website: newyork.mid.ru
address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation in New York, 9 East 91 Street, New York, NY, 10128, USA
tel: +1-212 534-3782, +1-212 348-0626
emergency tel: +1 917-612-78-42
email: mailny@mid.ru

San Francisco

address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation in San-Francisco, 2790 Green Street, San Francisco, CA., 94123, USA
tel: +1415 928-6878, +1415 929-0306


address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Seattle, 2323 Westin Building, 2001 6th Avenue, Seattle, WA., 98121, USA
tel: +1206 728-1910, +1206 861-4900, +1206 728-1871


website: rusconhouston.mid.ru
address: Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Houston, 333 West Loop South, te. 1300, Houston, TX 77027
tel: +1-713 337-33-00 ext 309
emergency tel: +1-713 337-33-00 ext 309, +1-713 447-87-88
email: info@rusconshouston.org

Embassy of United States in Russia

address: г. Москва, Большой Девятинский переулок, д. 8
tel: 728-50-00


By USA visa. - могут потребовать показать аккаунты социальных сетей.

Officially recognized only international driver's license. (In a number of countries, for example. The United States is a formal requirement and it is possible to use Russian rights, here it is necessary to learn separately)

Officially recognized second citizenship.

Citizenship by birth.

They prefer to emigrate to Canada