Heraldry Canary Islands

Graphics / Heraldry / Coats of arms and flags

Heraldry Canary Islands


Etymology of the name of the country: (Islas Canarias, literally canine islands, from the Latin canis - the dog: according to the ancient Roman scholar Pliny the Elder, on one of these islands there were large dogs, or sea wolves - es: Otaria flavescens, also having large colonies on the islands)

Full name: Canary Islands
original name: Canary Islands

Canary Islands on Yandex.Maps/Google Maps

Territory: 7 447 km2
Population: 1 000 000 people.

Language: Spanish
Main religions: Roman Catholicism

Main export items: tourism

Coat of arms


Domain of the country: IC


Embassy of Russia in Canary Islands

Embassy of Canary Islands in Russia


By Schengen visa.