Wikipedia: Aviation
Wikipedia - Aviation
International Open Encyclopedia of Aviation.Sky Corner
Great aviation encyclopedia.- more than 9 000 articles describing more than 10 000 aircraft from 77 countries.
- about 1,500 aircraft weapons,
- about 300 engines,
- more than 60,000 photographs,
- more than 2,000 drawings,
- more than 2,500 articles,
- more than 450 books.
The uniform of stewardesses of different airlines of the world (more than 380) for different years.Aviation Explorer
Information server of the Russian aviation and cosmonautics. Russian Used: Google maps. email:
address: Russia, Moscow, ул. Сущевская, д. 19, стр. 4
address: Russia, Moscow, ул. Сущевская, д. 19, стр. 4
Aviation portal.The federal news agency distributing news from Russia and the near abroad from its own correspondents, subsidiary agencies and partners.
The latest and most relevant aviation news: daily updates, relevance and truthfulness of information.
Aviation news.The information server of the Russian aviation.
One of the largest portals about aviation.