Bases of scientific works and literature

Mass media / Information / Data bases

Bases of scientific works and literature

  1. - Russian Book Chamber - Book chronicles, chronicles of journal articles, newspaper articles, abstracts of dissertations, reviews, isoizdaniy, music and cartographic publications by the Russian Book Chamber.
  2. - Document View System - The Library of Dissertations of the Russian State Library - ~ 885,000 full texts of dissertations and author's abstracts.
  3. - CyberLeninka - Provides the ability to read texts.


State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia.

Electronic Catalog GPNTB.

Search by keyword - phrase in natural language.
Keywords are formed from almost all fields of bibliographic description.
The phrase is broken down into individual words (numbers are not counted!), Which morphologically normalize (only for Russian words!).
When searching by keywords, the algorithm for ranking the found documents is used: the list of search results is sorted in descending order of the document's rank.

The more words are found in the found document from the query, the closer these words are to each other and the greater their total weight is, the higher is the place of the document as a result of the search.

The "Find Similar" link, which is shown in the bibliographic description of the records found, generates a request for a ranked search that includes all the keywords of the record.

Having received the search result, you will be able to "refine" your query in the same way (search in the found one).


Database of VINITI RAS

Federal base of publications on natural, exact and technical sciences.
The base is regularly updated, well structured: 28 topics, 200 sections.

Wiley Online Library

Wiley is the international scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly publishing business of John Wiley & Sons, with strengths in every major academic and professional field and partnerships with many of the world's leading societies.

Wiley Online Library hosts the world's broadest and deepest multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. It delivers seamless integrated access to over 6 million articles from over 1500 journals, over 20,000 online books, and hundreds of reference works, laboratory protocols and databases.

Featuring a clean and simple interface, this online service delivers intuitive navigation, enhanced discoverability, expanded functionalities and a range of personalization and alerting options.

Nature Publishing Group

Publishing house for physical, chemical, applied sciences and medicine.
Open access to 85 magazines of the publishing house.


reliable site

Owner: MSU
address: Russia

University information system RUSSIA (UIS RUSSIA)

Free access to the databases of the MIS RUSSIA, registration is required.
You can register individually, or collectively by IP.

Individual full access is provided to teachers, staff, graduate students and students of universities, universities, colleges, research institutes, research centers, specialists of state organizations of the Russian Federation.

Access without registration with restrictions.

Cambridge University Press

The full collection of Cambridge University Press magazines includes more than 350 journals on various fields of knowledge.
Magazines are combined into thematic collections: Science, Technology, Medicine and Humanities & Social Science, etc.

Cambridge University Press journals are authoritative scientific publications, about two-thirds of them are included in Journal Citation Reports.


reliable site

Owner: Elseviers
address: Netherlands, Amsterdam


Currently over 250,000 articles on ScienceDirect are open access.
Articles published in our open access journals are peer-reviewed and made free for everyone to read and download. Permitted reuse is defined by the authors’ choice of user license.

Russian - Englesh

reliable site

Owner: Elseviers
address: Netherlands, Amsterdam


The world's largest daily updated database of abstracts and quotations Elsevier publishes more than 21,000 scientific and technical and medical journals for approximately 5,000 international publishers.

Science Magazine

The magazine of the publishing house AAAS (The American Association for the Advancement of Science).
The journal of natural sciences covers the latest developments in the natural and applied sciences.


Curated data and advanced functionalities to support research in materials science, physics, chemistry, engineering, and other related fields.

A comprehensive database covering multiple material classes, property types, and applications.
Enhanced data visualization features display interactive crystal structures, data tables, and phase diagrams with export options for further analysis.
Search functions optimized for materials science like elemental composition or chemical structure searching to quickly find material property data.
Trusted and curated resource with thousands of materials science experts ensuring high data quality.

Archive of scientific journals

More than 2000 journals, about 3.5 million articles are structured.

Terms of use
  1. Non-commercial use;
  2. Download to the platform in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  3. Access to full texts is permitted by IP addresses of authorized organizations.
  4. Authorized organizations include state And public organizations, as well as non-state universities.
Each collection consists of metadata and full texts of articles. Metadata is available to everyone in the public domain, full texts are provided to authorized organizations.

Russian - Englesh

reliable site

address: Russia

National Electronic Library

The federal state information system that provides the creation of a unified Russian electronic knowledge space. The NEB unites the public libraries of Russia at the federal, regional, municipal levels, libraries of scientific and educational institutions, as well as copyright holders. There are both digitized books And a directory to find a specific printed book in the nearest library.


  1. books transferred to the public domain;
  2. Lessonbooks and scientific literature that have not been republished for the past 10 years;
  3. books, rights to which are obtained under contracts with rights holders;
  4. and others legally translated into digital form.


  1. Make available all the editions and scientific works of the collections of Russian libraries, both historical and modern;
  2. form a single electronic knowledge space;
  3. make available works of classical and contemporary fiction, children's literature in Russian and in the languages of the peoples of Russia.

iTunes Android


The largest in Russia electronic library of scientific publications, which has rich possibilities for searching and analyzing scientific information.
The library is integrated with the Russian Scientific Citation Index (RINC) - a free public tool for measuring the scientific activity of scientists and organizations, commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
ELIBRARY.RU and RINC are developed and supported by the Scientific Electronic Library Company.

Young scientist

Scientific journal, online version.

The journal allows you to publish a scientific article.
Access to the electronic version is free.

The weekly release schedule allows you to publish articles as quickly as possible.

The journal is included in the international directory of periodicals Ulruch’s Periodicals Directory, and all journal articles are indexed by Google Scholar (“Google Academy”).


News of astronomy, space and cosmonautics.

News of astronomy, space and cosmonautics.

Coverage of the most relevant news of astronomy.

The goal is to bring the most important scientific achievements and discoveries in the field of astronomy, space and cosmonautics in a clear language, while preserving the scientific grain and not distorting the facts.

For clarity, here are some pages:

  • news
  • ISS online
  • sun online
  • asteroids 2019
  • planets 3d
  • tests


Full-text database of EBSCO periodicals. Founder is Elton Bryson Stephens Sr.
Search for full-text, peer-reviewed specialized materials of socio-humanitarian, economic, medical, technical topics and the database of academic journals Academic Search Complete.

Electronic Library of the Moscow State Pedagogical University

Information system for the accumulation, storage and use of electronic documents and publications in the field of psychology and related disciplines.

The goal is access to electronic forms of educational materials and inaccessible literature specified in the curricula of academic disciplines.

Dynamic Periodic Table

Interactive table of Mendeleyev. Filters, click on the item and get a detailed article with illustrations.