Google Chrome

Software / Browsers / Browsers

Google Chrome


Google Chrome

Windows/Linux/Mac OS
| home page | download |

Owner: Google , reliable site.



Browser from Google.
Here you can write a lot, but I won't.
He immediately took all the settings from my Mozilla Firefox.
General impression is:
he has absorbed all the best from the above listed browsers and removed all unnecessary. As a result, a simple and intuitive browser. the


  1. Finally removed the top panel completely unnecessary. the
  2. And most importantly - speed. This is particularly important for those who use Google services (they're all on Ajax and therefore heavy). the
  3. Pleased with the fact that immediately made the Russian version. the
  4. Removed unnecessary window search, set the search in the address bar. the
  5. is There a incognito mode. For example, I'm looking for something in the Internet and while I find many unnecessary visit. But I don't want all this junk was in any of my visits. the
  6. Built-in translator which will offer to translate the website in an unfamiliar language. Simple and clear is configured.


This is one of superprint browser.
You associate your browser with your Google account.

Can be linked:

  1. Applications
  2. Autocomplete
  4. the Extension
  5. Password
  6. Options
  7. Themes.
that is, you can in any other place to access the Internet through your account on Google and you will have your configured for you (with style, passwords, bookmarks) browser. Don't forget at the end to withdraw from the account.

Very convenient. We have 2 computers - I have a wife. We have one account on Google. Because if I want any links to throw his wife simply add in your browser and they will have it. Very convenient.

Google gives access to the O3D API. O3D is an independent (not part of Chromium project) open source API that allows to create interactive 3D applications running in the browser. A browser plugin is available for Windows, Mac and Linux users. Chrome extension

Download Google Chrome

Better to install via the Internet, then you can upgrade. But if you download and install it myself, then we will always be fully download the new version and install it myself. the

The analogue of the toll Internet Explorer

Category: Internet / Browser

Tags: Browsers