Button social bookmarking

Web-master / Forms on the website / Social sharing and Authorization

Button social bookmarking

Add to bookmarks Add to bookmarks

This script only works with Internet Explorer. But given that the vast majority of users still use this browser, quite often this script is used.

link <a onclick="window.external.addFavorite('YOUR LINKS','Website title');return false;" href=#>Add to bookmarks</a>

It is becoming increasingly popular to use bookmarking services not to be tied to a specific computer and browser. Allows the user to automatically bring your site to himself in bookmarks, not through the browser.

Save this page! Bobrdobr

The most popular bookmarking service Runet.

The principle of building a link www.bobrdobr.ru/addext.html?url=YOUR_LINK&title=SITE_TITLE

Code (Address and title are automated) <a href="http://bobrdobr.ru" onClick= "location.href='http://bobrdobr.ru/addext.html?url=' + encodeURIComponent(location.href) + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(document.title); return false" title="Save this page!"><img src="http://www.bobrdobr.ru/images/buttons/bobr.gif" width=16 height=16 alt="Save this page!" border=0/></a>

Select the button to the site yourself


Another bookmark service from Bobrdobr, while the test. The fact is that Bobr was the first, but for a time retired from the affairs of modernizing its site and the initiative began to intercept. Probably, now they decided not to admit such a mistake, but something radically new to do in parallel.

The principle of building a link memori.ru/link/?sm=1&u_data[url]=YOUR_LINK&u_data[name]=SITE_TITLE

Code (Address and title are automated) <a href=http://memori.ru/link/title="Remember this page!" onClick="location.href='http://memori.ru/link/?sm=1&u_data[url]=' + encodeURIComponent(document.location.href) + '&u_data[name]=' + escape(document.title);return false;"><img src=http://memori.ru/img/site/memori.gif width=16 height=16 border=0 title='Remember this page!'> </a>

Select the button to the site yourself

Delicious Delicious

The most popular bookmarking service of Internet.

Code (Address and title are automated) <a href='http://delicious.com/post' onclick="window.open('http://delicious.com/post?v=4&noui&jump=close&url=' + encodeURIComponent(location.href) + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(document.title), 'delicious','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400'); return false;"><img src='http://images.delicious.com/static/img/delicious.med.giff' alt='добавь в Delicious!' border=0/></a>

Select the button to the site yourself

Add to bookmarks МоёМесто.ru Моё Место

The principle of building a link moemesto.ru/post.php?url=YOUR_LINK&title=SITE_TITLE

Code (Address and title are automated) <a href="http://moemesto.ru" onClick= "location.href= 'http://moemesto.ru/post.php?url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href) +'&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title); return false;" title="Add to bookmarks МоёМесто.ru"> <img src="http://moemesto.ru/icons/mm_icon.gif" width=16 height=16 alt="Add to bookmarks МоёМесто.ru" style="border: none;"></a>

Select the button to the site yourself

Google Google

Code (Address and title are automated) <a href=https://www.google.com/onClick="location.href='https://www.google.com/bookmarks/mark?op=add&title=&bkmk=' + encodeURIComponent(location.href) + '&labels=&annotation=' + encodeURIComponent(document.title); return false"><img alt='Google' border=0 src="https://www.ph4.org/images/ico/google.png" title=Google></a>

Digg Digg

Code (Address and title are automated) <a href="http://digg.com/submit?url=YOUR_LINK"><img alt='Digg' border=0 src="_RU/images/ico/digg.png" title=Digg></a>


Add to Safe2 Safe2

Code (Address and title are automated) <a href=# onClick="location.href='http://news2.ru/add_story.php?url=' + encodeURIComponent(location.href) + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(document.title);">Add to Safe2</a>

Add to  Safeland Safeland

Unfortunately, only the link to the page, and you need to add manually.

Code <a href='http://www.newsland.ru/Safe/Add/'>Add to Safeland</a>


Add to friend list myspace Myspace

Unfortunately, only the link to the page, and you need to add manually.

Code <a href='http://www.myspace.com/YOUR_ACCAUNT_В_MYSPACE'>Add to friend list myspace</a>

Add this user to your friends list Livejournal

Code <a href='http://www.livejournal.com/friends/add.bml?user=YOUR_ACCAUNT_В_ЖЖ'><img src='http://stat.livejournal.com/img/btn_addfriend.gif' width=22 height=20 alt='Add this user to your friends list' title='Add this user to your friends list' border=0></a>