.UA Area

Web-master / Domains / National

.UA Area

.UA (UA ccTLD)
(.UA Country Code Top-Level Domains)
Domain of the top-level country (national domain zone) Ukraine (Ukraine). Domain .UA was created on December 1, 1994.
This list identifies domain names reserved for government needs and for use for common purposes.

Branch Domains

Branch domains are intended for registration of third-level domain names taking into account industry, departmental and other similar specifics.
The branch domains are:
  • UA - for registered trademarks.
  • com.ua - for commercial organizations.
  • gov.ua - for government organizations.
  • net.ua - for network service providers.
  • edu.ua - for educational institutions that have a license for educational activities.
  • int.ua - for international organizations.
  • org.uau - for non-profit organizations.
  • in.ua - for individual users.

1.2. Geographic domains

Whois server

For individual users

Geographical domain names recognize the existing designations of the subjects of Ukraine
Geographical domains include:
  1. Dnepropetrovsk - .dnepropetrovsk.ua (dp.ua)
  2. Donetsk - .donetsk.ua (dn.ua)
  3. Vinnitsa - .vinnica.ua (vn.ua)
  4. Zhitomir - .zhitomir.ua (zt.ua)
  5. Zaporozhye - .zaporizhzhe.ua (zp.ua)
  6. Ivano-Frankivsk - .ivano-frankivsk.ua (if.ua)
  7. Kiev - .kiev.ua (kv.ua)
  8. Kirovograd - .kirovograd.ua (kr.ua)
  9. Crimea - .crimea.ua
  10. Lugansk - .lugansk.ua (lg.ua)
  11. Lutsk - .lutsk.ua
  12. Lviv - .lviv.ua
  13. Nikolaev - .nikolaev.ua (mk.ua)
  14. Odessa - .odessa.ua (od.ua)
  15. Poltava - .poltava.ua (pl.ua)
  16. Exactly - .rovno.ua (rv.ua)
  17. Sevastopol - .sebastopol.ua
  18. Sumy - .sumy.ua
  19. Ternopil - .ternopil.ua (te.ua)
  20. Uzhgorod - .uzhgorod.ua
  21. Kharkov - .kharkov.ua (kh.ua)
  22. Kherson - .kherson.ua (ks.ua)
  23. Khmelnitsky - .khmelnitskiy.ua (km.ua)
  24. Cherkasy - .cherkassy.ua (ck.ua)
  25. Chernigov - .chernigov.ua (cn.ua)
  26. Chernivtsi - .chernovtsy.ua (cv.ua)