
Web-master / Resources / JavaScript


List of reserved words for JavaScript

JavaScript self-tutorial

I strongly recommend (Tutorial for JavaScript).
I started to learn JavaScript in various textbooks, but they are all written in a complex language.
All of them strengthened me in the belief that I could not figure this out in life.
Anyone who considers himself a professor, makes simple simple, a real professor makes the complicated simple.
This self-taught book was written by a real professor.
I've never met anything like this.
You can easily learn JavaScript.
Visit, you will not regret.


If you are going to use the same JavaScript for a number of pages (eg the menu or photo page script), then write it in a separate file (it will have the extension *. Js) and Make a link to it.

eg. <script language="JavaScript" src="_RU/js/foto.js" type="text/JavaScript" </script>

JavaScript or PHP?

Benefits PHP
- Processing occurs on the server regardless of the browser and user settings.
In mail forms there are no problems with encodings, because the letter always comes from your server to your mail.
In JavaScript, it is extremely difficult to configure a script so that the form is correctly processed by any mail program.
The main problem with this encoding.
 Another plus of PHP is the ease of loading, the whole big formula can be on the server, and the user will get only the result.

Benefits JavaScript.
- Efficiency, the script is processed on the browser and the user immediately sees the result without uploading to the server.

In the cases of the cases there are pluses and our preferences depend on the task.

In addition, Ajax gave new breath to JavaScript.

A common mistake is pages overloaded with scripts. Use them to a minimum. Use JavaScript only if you can not do without it.
Reasonably combining PHP and JavaScript, you can create an easy and at the same time functional page.