Attractions Jerusalem

Christianity / Israel / Yerushalayim

Attractions Jerusalem

Today 23 Shvat 5730 AD Sunday, (15 September 2024)


Tomb of King David

The traditional biblical version says that King David was buried in Jerusalem on the mountain Zion. Near the tomb of King David there is a functioning synagogue of his name. In the IV century there was a Christian church of St. David, which was destroyed by the Persians, and in 1524 the El Daud mosque was erected in its place, the minaret of which can be seen today. A large stone sarcophagus is covered with a veil on which the crowns of the Torah scrolls, symbolizing the 22 Israeli kingdoms, are embroidered, and the words from the First Book of Kings are embroidered: "David, the king of Israel, is alive and there." The legend tells that behind the tomb of King David were hidden the treasures of the First Temple. Many conquerors of Jerusalem (Persians, Crusaders, Mamluks) destroyed the grave in search of treasure.

On the top floor is the room of the holy supper. It is clear that this is not the same room, the building itself was built later. But this is an attempt to recreate that atmosphere.

Wall of Tears

The Wailing Wall or the Western Wall (ha-Kotel) is part of a massive stone wall around the Temple Mount of Jerusalem's Old City, which survived after the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans at 70 AD The Wailing Wall is considered to be the most sacred place in Judaism.

Temple Mount

The most expensive place in the world. Rather, it's priceless.

Temple Mount

Olive Mountain

Garden of Gethsemane

The place where Jesus mourned before the arrest and where the arrest occurred.

The garden where it was believed to have preserved the olive trees of the time of Jesus. But the examination showed that these trees are a little over 1000 year old. However, it may be the children of those trees that saw Jesus. But those places, that's for sure.


Bathies of Bethesda

The original bathing basin is preserved, next to the temple mountain, where Jesus healed a man who is over 38 year old. (John 5)

The Way of the Cross - Via Dolorosa

The Path of Sorrow - The Way of the Cross is the road from the place where Jesus was sentenced to execution and solemnly flogged to the place of burial and resurrection ...


There are 2 supposed places: one classical, it is also a place of convergence of blessed fire.

Museum of Israel with the model Jerusalem from the time of the 2nd Temple

The Jerusalem model of the period of the Second Temple is executed on a scale of 1:50.
Hotel "Holy Land", Jerusalem.

The Jerusalem model of the Second Temple period is 1:50

Yad Vashem (memory)

National Holocaust and Holocaust Memorial.