Our recommendation

Communications / Mail / Mail

Our recommendation

When sending mail a person faces a choice:
  1. @mail.ru
  2. @yandex.ru
  3. @yahoo.com
  4. @gmail.com
  5. @live.com
Logo of  Yandex.Mail

additional url: mail.yandex


Register mail

Mailbox size: 15 Gb including Yandex.Disk.

Maximum Size of incoming/outgoing message: 30 Mb - regular mail.
and up to 10 Gb using Yandex.Disk, which is integrated with the mail.
Links to them will appear in the email automatically. It works only through the web interface.

Account action: if not used for 4 months will be deleted (if there is a ЮMoney wallet on this account, Then the purse itself remains, and the mail is still deleted, but you can always start using this mail again because in that case nobody can take your login).


  1. @yandex.ru
  2. @yandex.ua
  3. @yandex.by
  4. @yandex.kz
  5. yandex.com
  6. @ya.ru
(you get immediately the address in all these domains, that is - NAME@yandex.ru, NAME@ya.ru ... is the same, the letters will come in the same box.)

It is possible to create mailboxes with a point in the login (for example, ivan.petrov@yandex.ru), the dot will be equivalent to a hyphen. Thus, by registering the login ivan.petrov, the user will receive mail sent to ivan.petrov@yandex.ru, and to ivan-petrov@yandex.ru.


  1. Azerbaijani
  2. Belarusian
  3. Georgian
  4. Kazakh
  5. Romanian
  6. Russian
  7. Tatar
  8. Turkish
  9. Ukrainian

When you receive an account, you have:


  1. Grouping by discussion,
  2. Tags,
  3. Video, audio (MP3) and photos appear in the message itself, you can see, listen,
  4. You can record video from the webcam directly in the browser,
  5. You can add a postcard directly in the message,
  6. You can send a copy of the message in the form of a text message,
  7. You can connect the notification of receipt of the letter,
  8. Send large files to 5 Gb, thanks to the integration of Yandex.Disk,
  9. The built-in translator (if the message is not in your language, the offer will be translated),
  10. We can change the color of the mail style.
  11. View documents directly in the mail, formats - *.doc and *.xls.

Grouping by discussion

Letters with one topic can be collected in chains (as in forums), even if several people participated in the discussion. This will allow monitoring the course of the conversation and not "lose" important messages.


With the help of labels, it will be easier for you to organize incoming mail the way you want. Tags can be either standard (for example, "Important" or "Letter with an attachment"), and your own, with any name and any color - all this you determine.

Your mail color

You can choose the color for your mailbox and change it at least every day - depending on Mood.

Sending large files

Your new Mail allows you to send large files to your interlocutors - to 5 Gb. She will determine the file size herself and suggest the most suitable method of sending.

Notifications from social services

You will immediately notice letters from social services (such as "In contact", Odnoklassniki, LiveJournal, Ya.ru) - notifications from them are now marked with "branded" icons. In addition, by clicking on this icon, you can see all the emails from this service.

Audio, video, pictures

Listen to the MP3-files sent to you, see the attached pictures and even the videos to which you send the links, directly on the email viewing page.

Register mail

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reliable site

Owner: Sber
address: Russia, Moscow


2 Gb of space for free. The oldest Russian portal.
Mail look decent and convenient. You can collect mail from other mailboxes: Mail.ru, Yandex.Mail, Gamail ....
Many still use this mail. There are no clouds and the limit is 2 Gb. And as usual, if you have not used 6 months - an account can be deleted.
When registering, you specify a phone that can be verified by SMS, which will simplify the recovery of the box when the password is lost.

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Facebook VK Instagram Odnoclassniki Youtube Telegram Messenger  


Logo of  Mail.ru

additional url: мэйл.рф


Register mail

Box size: 10 Gb, but you can increase it by 2 Gb an unlimited number of times.

Maximum size of incoming/outgoing mail: 30 Mb - regular mail.
and up to 20 files with a total volume of 20 Gb using file hosting. - Files are uploaded to the cloud. Links to them will appear in the email automatically.
Works only through the web interface.


  1. mail.ru
  2. list.ru
  3. inbox.ru
  4. bk.ru
Account activity: If not used within 9 months will be deleted.

When you receive an account, you have:

  • Diary,
  • Photo, Video Hosting,
  • Blogs.


  • Laconic name,
  • Spell check,
  • Work with mail via WAP,
  • Mobile notifications,
  • Promising service, Now they are spinning their monetary system, which should be more convenient than existing ones.

Mail Agent

displays notifications containing the name of the sender, the subject of the message and the time it was received.

By the way, you can get free mail and on Mail.com

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Пароль: Забыли пароль?

Logo of  Gmail

additional url: gmail.com

Russian - Englesh

reliable site

Owner: Google
Used: Gmail.
address: USA


Google linked Google Drive to the mail.
So you can make attachments of up to 10 Gb.


  1. 15 Gb is the general place for mail and Google Drive
  2. 25 Mb - the maximum size of the mail attachment.
  3. 50 Mb - the maximum size of the incoming mail attachment. That is, if someone sends you a letter with this attachment, you will receive it.
  4. 10 Gb - the maximum size of the file you upload to Google Drive.

You can save the file to Google Drive without leaving the mail and Mail a link to it.
Or just make a regular attachment if it exceeds the permissible size, you will be asked to download it to Google Drive and send the link.
From you just need to agree, there's no need to go anywhere, Everything will go unnoticed for you, staying in the mail.
The recipient does not need to have an account on Google.

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