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Christianity / Teachings / Metrology

Source of information

Source of information

While studying this topic, I faced a difficulty: different sources offered different figures (for example: someone claims that ephah contains 22 liters and some 40 liters). Where is the truth? Here are some tips for those who want to learn this topic on their own. Please pay ATTENTION:
  1. Is the author authoritative in this matter?
    For example, a person makes up a dictionary or an encyclopedia, which includes hundreds of small or dozens of broad topics. He can not be an expert in every one of them. If this is his topic, he will dwell on this in some detail.

  2. The newer the edition, the more accurate the information.
    For the last 100 year, science has gone far ahead.

  3. Not all measures need to be perfect.
Not everything is correlated with kilograms and liters. It is important not just how much the talent of silver weighed, but what follows from this.