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The fact is that normally Google and Yandex will index a limited number of pages of the site and will do it when they themselves consider it necessary. But we can change this situation.

Google offered the opportunity to influence the indexing of your site - Google Sitemap.
We create a file in the. XML format with a list of files, the date of the last update, and the frequency of the update.

What does this give?

  • Google and Yandex will index all the specified pages of the site,
  • will do it quickly
  • and in a timely manner will update this information.
Having a Sitemap does not give you any advantage in ranking.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">


  1. loc (location) – web page address, for example or, ... This tag must be filled in, others are optional.

  2. lastmod (last modified) - the date of the last modification of the page

  3. changefreq (change frequency) - tells Google how often you update your web page.
    Possible values are:
    1. never,
    2. weekly,
    3. daily,
    4. hourly,
    5. monthly,
    6. yearly.
    If you have a news site, then you have to post daily, so that there is no outdated information and was fresh. If you have a static site, then you need to expose never to clearly record your information in search engines.

  4. priority - sets the priority that Google will assign to a particular web page.
    Possible values ​​are:
    1. 0.0 is the lowest priority,
    2. 1.0 is the highest priority,
    3. 0.5 - medium priority
    Attention, the priority set does not raise your page higher or lower. If you put all the pages 1.0 then Google Will report an error in the code and it would be better to just skip this line.

How do I create a Google Sitemap?

Manually in a notebook is inconvenient even if you have a small website. This can be automated. If your site consists of 1000 pages or more, then creating Google Sitemap manually will be too long, dreary and inconvenient.

This can be done with

  1. a number of sites, usually it is paid, and for free only a small number of pages, usually 500.
  2. using small programs,
  3. PHP script. There are special script-modules for CMS (Wordpress, Drupal ...).

Xenu's Link Sleuth

| 555 Kb | home page | download | download here |


A great program, no restrictions on the number of pages and completely free.

Validates links on a website and provides detailed information.

I tried others, but this program works much faster, which is not unimportant for a large site.

With this program, you can create a Sitemap.xml.

Category: Webmaster / HTML utility

Tags: Links Testing Sitemap
  1. - xml sitemap generator - Sitemap.xml generator — free unlimited pages.

Check e Sitemap

  1. - Search Console - Analyzes the Sitemap for errors. You can add a sitemap.xml to your Google search engine like
  2. - Analyzer Sitemap files - Analyzes the Sitemap for errors.
  3. - Website Planet - Sitemap XML Verification.

Sitemap files Description

  1. - - Sitemaps XML format description.
  2. - Google Sitemap - This page describes how to build a sitemap and make it available to Google.


  1. - Yandex - Description of Sitemap structure from Yandex. It is good to know their opinion, because we create Sitemap for Search Engines.
  2. - XML Sitemaps - Generator of site maps in XML and HTML format.
Russian - Englesh

reliable site
The official site was created with the support of Google, Yahoo, Microsoft.

WordPress XML Sitemap Plugin

Generates HTML, RSS and Google XML Sitemaps, compatible with Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex and more. Sitemaps tell search engines when and how often pages are updated, and their relative importance. Find out more about sitemaps.

Easily manage your sitemap within a familiar WordPress environment. Automatic setup of sitemap files, robots.txt and pinging. Configure sitemap values for the whole website, tages, categories, pages and posts.

Key features

  1. Supports HTML, RSS and Google XML Sitemap formats.
  2. List all your WordPress Pages, Posts, Archives, Authors, Categories and Tags.
  3. Includes paged links for posts for Archives, Authors, Categories and Tags.
  4. Set global sitemap default values for priorty and update frequencies.
  5. Set sitemap value for priority and frequency at the category, tag, post and page level.
  6. Automatic daily auto ping when you have updated pages / posts in WordPress.
  7. Add latest pages / posts RSS feed to page header.
  8. Updates your Robots.txt file with sitemap entries.

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