Trains on the map


Airplanes and trains on the map.

Want to see the planes that are now in the air and where are the trains now? Now you can follow them directly on the map.

Information about the flights and the calculation of the location is based on the data of the Yandex. Respisation service. Our planes fly in orthodromies - the shortest distance between two points located on the surface of the sphere (although in real life routes are routed through special air corridors).

Click on the airplane or train and see its route.

iTunes Android huawei


Russian - Englesh

Used: OpenStreetMap.


All public transport (railroads, subway, streetcars...).
The map does not include airways, monorails, and maglevs.

In fact, all the leading online maps have railroads, but they are marked somehow secondary and monotonous.
This map shows the railroads clearly. In addition, there is a distinction between major railroads and local ones.
For example, there are railroads that only carry raw materials to a factory or fuel to an airfield.
Now we have a large number of large factories, enterprises, ports .... And naturally, branches of railroads are being built to them, and quite decent sections.
On normal maps, such sections are not indicated. here are indicated.

When you zoom out of the map, the secondary sections disappear and we see only the main sections of the railroad and only when you zoom in you can see everything.

There is a filter to help you know the speed, electrification ...