
Beginning / Safety / Safety


Centralized security of apartments

The most reliable protection is the centralized protection of apartments. But we pay for the installation and for the content.
If after the holidays we take pictures. Then again you will have to pay for the installation.
In short, not everyone can afford it.
And if there are elderly people in the house, there is a difficulty - every time you enter the house, you need to call, report the code that changes.


The Internet is studied not only by US special services, as we know from Snowden.
Employers often punch through the Internet job seekers. If they find strange pictures, they will not be taken to work.

Also internet explores and thieves. In social networks, Twitter, Skype, people share their plans and in detail inform their closest friends - when and where they go.
It's cheaper and more reliable than any gunner.

I remember when the perestroika began, apartments were cracked only with a double door or with an iron door. It's just that there's something there.
That is, a good door and a good lock of a thief will not stop, just tinker away longer.

So, we never inform anyone about the dates of our departure. If this is important for you, let's say, when to meet. Then part of the information through one source is a part through SMS.

Relatives can be said - I'll let you know by phone, not now, not here ...
Inform your relatives so that they also do not advertise. What's the use of not telling the exact data in the conversation, and your friend on his account, where this conversation is yours, will tell others that they will be busy, because they come to him from Mogilev from August 5 to 16?

Better show activity by posting pictures of your vacation.