Buttons of movie rating

Video, TV / Cinema / Social films

Buttons of movie rating

We are interested in movie rating buttons from IMDb - the world's leading movie database and Kinopoisk is the leading movie database in Russia.

reliable site

Owner: Yandex

email: android@kinopoisk.ru
address: Russia


Informer rating from the Movie Search on the official site.
  1. We go to the site Film Search
  2. Choose a film. We take the code (numbers) from the address bar, for example. For the film "Shawshank's Escape" will be http://www.kinopoisk.ru/film/326/.
  3. This code is inserted into the form below:

<; A href='http://www.kinopoisk.ru/film/326'>
<img src='http://rating.kinopoisk.ru/326.gif' border='0'>

We paste on the site and will:

Browser Extensions

Set, then you can simply select the name of the movie in any Place of any site and immediately see the rating. Then click on the icon and go to the page with this movie in the Movie Search.

Extension for Mozilla Firefox.

iTunes Android huawei


IMDb Button

IMDb rating informer.
  1. Go to IMDb.com
  2. Choose a movie. The site is in English, but the titles are original and in Russian if we have them.
  3. Log into the movies page and copy the movie code, for example for the movie "Escape from Shawshank" it will be tt0111161
  4. Change the code on the line https://imdb-button.appspot.com/tt1823672.png