Amalgama lab
Lingvo-laboratory Amalgam.Learning English with lyrics, you can suggest your own translation.
Russian - Englesh
Here you may:- Ask for a lyrics translation from any to any language.
- Add a lyrics translation from any to any language.
- Comment on translations of other users and receive feedback on your translations
- this will improve your knowledge and help others to improve.
- Join a discussion in our lyrics forum.
- Find a good translator from any to any language.
Translations of songs into Russian.How does it work?
- Set the search for the artist, select the language if necessary.
- Choose from the list (if any).
- We look at the discography by years with a list of songs in each album.
- Choose a song, click and get the text in the original and in parallel the Russian translation.
- You can increase the font or reduce, print, add to your favorites, listen to the whole album.
- You can listen to the song and follow the text.
A large collection of lyrics.
The site is incredible simple.
It is simply impossible to invent.
Go and get the menu:
- search,
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- popular.