Real-time statistics

Mass media / Information / Statistics

Real-time statistics

  1. - World life expectancy map - The map shows real-time fertility and population growth, in which countries life expectancy is.
  2. - Countrymeters - Real-time statistics. Data on the population of any country.

reliable site
A map with statistics of deaths and births in real time. The site shows in which country the person was born or died at the moment.

Global Trend Tracker

Broadcast search queries on the interactive globe in real time.



A solid site with time and statistics of the world population in real time.
There is a timer, alarm clock ...

Russian - Englesh


World statistics in real time.
  • by population,
  • education,
  • environment,
  • food,
  • energy consumption
  • and health.
Interesting statistical information using the
  • world population counter,
  • population growth counter,
  • statistics and information on population,
  • statistics on forest loss,
  • carbon dioxide emissions Co2,
  • information about the famine on the planet,
  • global energy consumption,
  • and much more.

U.S. National Debt Clock

The national debt of the United States in real time.
In real time, we show the growth of the country's debt, how much each citizen has, the growth of taxes, spending on medicine, military spending, social ...

iTunes Android

The Internet in Real Time

Internet in real time. What does it mean?
It is immediately shown how many gigabytes of data are being transmitted at a given time.

The amount of data downloaded on Internet for 1 second 24 000 Gb. In a month it will be more than 90 exabytes. Well, also you can see how many Android downloads are happening right now, how many videos are viewed on YouTube, how many emails are sent, etc. Skype, Twitter, Facebook ...