Monuments on the map

Transport / Travel / Travel on Map

Monuments on the map


Used: Google maps.

Hot spots of the earth.
No, these are not hot spots in our understanding, but the most popular ones from the point of view of this service. The service simply figured out which places are more photographed, those and the most light (yellow).
The most popular attractions are marked separately.
The service uses Google Maps and photos from Panoramio.

The architecture of Greece.
The site is in Greek and English.

You can navigate among the infinite number of the historical architecture of Greece. There is a search, a list by years, a slider-filter that sets the time range.

It remains only to click on the required asterisk and get the information with the picture.

London Remembers

Attractions of London on the map.
Google maps are used.

The map is not the main thing that is on the map. It is more of a help, for the sake of clarity to tourists. The main thing is you can see the Monuments, get exhaustive information about them ...

Thus, the site will be useful to those who plan to visit London and have not yet decided on the itinerary. And those who have already visited, but want to refresh in their memory.