Planes and trains on the map

Internet search / Yandex / Maps

Planes and trains on the map


Leading service of maps of Russia.


  1. There are more plans of Russian cities than on Google.
  2. Much more panoramas of Russian cities than on Google.
  3. Leading service of traffic jams in Russia.
  4. Panoramas from the air, so far only St. Petersburg.
  5. Snapping webcams.

Transport on the map

  • Central Russia,
  • Novosibirsk Region, Ural,
  • Vladivostok, Khabarovsk,
  • Crimea,
  • Belarus, Kazakhstan,
  • ...
You can track traffic on the map in real time.
It is possible to track it both through a mobile application and a website.

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АнтальяЯндекс.Карты — поиск мест и адресов, городской транспорт


Airplanes and trains on the map.

Want to see the planes that are now in the air and where are the trains now? Now you can follow them directly on the map.

Information about the flights and the calculation of the location is based on the data of the Yandex. Respisation service. Our planes fly in orthodromies - the shortest distance between two points located on the surface of the sphere (although in real life routes are routed through special air corridors).

Click on the airplane or train and see its route.

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