Ph4 / USA / Henderson
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goSeek - goseek.com address: 2831 St. Rose Parkway, Suite 200, NV 89052 email: contactus@goseek.com Group of online travel veterans who happened to be obsessed with getting the very best deal on every trip we. |
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Parler - parler.com An independent alternative to Twitter.moreAn independent alternative to Twitter. As it turns out, Twitter blocks users at its own discretion or even at the behest of certain politicians. That makes Twitter not an independent service, but the mouthpiece of a certain party, a certain country.However, complete freedom borders on chaos and anarchy. On Parler, it is easy to get caught up in anti-Semitism and other kinds of extremism. The social network has become popular in the United States. However, it was denied servers in the U.S. and now rents servers in southern Russia, especially since the owner is married to a Russian. |