Internet review - Lite Web-master Graphics Games Freeware Time Christmas Bible
Social accounts Contacts Tags Owners Used Geography Applications


Wired How To -
Many instructions on how to do it.

Many instructions on how to do it.

World Bike-sharing Cities -
Bikeshare services on the map.

This map shows bikeshare services (i.e. short-term bicycle rental service available at a network of unattended locations).

For edits, contact us at

SharewareOnSale -

Giveaways of licensed programs, legally.

Catch free handouts of programs for Windows, applications and games for Android.

Control of knoledge
Control of knowledge.

School subjects are divided into separate topics.
For each topic a small summary.
All answers to questions are accompanied by explanations, sometimes illustrative diagrams, illustrations and tables.

Why is a simulator needed?

Nowadays, in extracurricular time, only one method of memorization is used - re-reading a textbook (exercise book). However, re-reading does not require exertion of forces, because in the process of its “recognition” of familiar material, which creates the illusion of knowledge. In fact, the material is poorly fixed in the memory. We propose to facilitate this process by using our simulators.

Trello -
Board for visual communication with the team.

A board for visual communication with the team.
This is a list of lists filled with cards used by your team or directly by you.

Drag cards between lists to see progress.
Add as many people as you want.
Add or replace the lists as convenient for you.

You will see everything about your project by simply looking at the board, and all the updates take place in real time.
There's nothing to configure and everything happens instantly.

Upload files from your computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box And OneDrive.
Add lists, tags, timelines and ...

Healthy vessels, treatment and prevention.

Healthy vessels, treatment and prevention.

Site about vessels, well, almost only about vessels.
I guess someone will need this. Attendance is very high.

Personally, I am a complete zero in medicine. And because I especially like it when they explain this topic to me clearly, with good pictures.

This is such a site, useful.

Bible for WordPress
Widgets of the Bible on WordPress.

There are a number of widgets on the site with a detailed description:

  1. Search the Bible,
  2. Quotations from the Bible in the text of the article,
  3. The short code to output a quote in the form of an epigraph
  4. Do you remember the phrase or part From the Bible, but do not remember the exact location, place on the short code page.

The site for those who want to start a business, but can not decide on the idea.

The site for those who want to start a business, but can not decide on the idea.

Here are analytical articles about marketing, management and business psychology.

Sections: business ideas, self-development, sales, internet marketing, loans, taxes ..

WordPress Theme Detector -
Perfect free online tool to find out WordPress theme or plugins is that awesome site using.

Perfect free online tool to find out WordPress theme or plugins is that awesome site using. -
Sounds of nature on the map.

Sounds of nature on the map.
Free and without ads.

  • We select a place on the map and get a description of the sounds and the type of terrain: forest, tropics, meadow, desert, pond ...
  • We listen to a video up to 10 minutes or a live broadcast (as lucky).

WordPress -
Create a website on Wordpress.

1. Looking for hosting with a pre-installed WordPress

There is and another way - download the latest version of WordPress and install it yourself. But if you did not do this before, it will be very difficult.
In any case, you need hosting and in any case you should look for hosting with PHP and MySQL support. And most webhosts have a pre-installed WordPress, so why not choose ATTENTION when choosing a hosting? In addition, we are talking about how to just make a website. And if there is a pre-installed WordPress on the hosting, it means there is PHP and MySQL, everything you need, you do not even need to think about it.


If there is an indication on the hosting about Fantastico, then WordPress is there. On some hosting sites, as for example on Jino, there is not all Fantastico, but WordPress and a couple more CMS are. Once on a hosting it is simply specified "the Set of scripts".

Unfortunately, not every hosting indicates when choosing tariffs for such trivia as WordPress. So do not hesitate to contact support and consult about the availability of pre-installed WordPress. Maybe you will promise to set it up for you.

I recommend hosting

  1. Jino - very inexpensive and most flexible hosting,
  2. Gudzonhost - this hosting is owned by the Russians in USA, it will be convenient for a small site, if the attendance exceeds 2000 people a day, it will not pull such a load (I then switched to Jino), it will be more expensive than Jino.
  3. RBC hosting - good speed, a lot of space, suitable for a large site, more expensive Jino.

2. Connecting WordPress

So, you have a hosting with a preinstalled WordPress. But it must be connected.
We go to the control panel of the site. It can be cPanel or some other.
In any case, there will be an opportunity to connect WordPress.
It is important to enter the correct email, it will receive information that should be saved. And select the root folder of your site, then your entire site will be WordPress, not a separate folder.

If you have any questions, please SUPPORT SERVICES. This is the advantage of paid hosting.
I can not give any more recommendations, everywhere the panels are different, I will not ship you.

3. Design

We do not want our site to be with the standard WordPress template.
There are many templates (template) for WordPress.

There are templates

  1. Beautiful paid,
  2. Simple unpretentious,
  3. Beautiful free.
I recommend you look for the latter.

What do we actually do?

Our goal is to find a template that we like and change the image of the cap in it so that our name and logo are there.
If you are familiar with web programming, then you can change the style completely.

Some sites with templates

Themes on the official WordPress site are not the biggest choice, but the advantage is that they will be accurately updated via the site control panel .

Themes for WordPress in Russian

And then

Now we go to the control panel, we are guided.
Do not rush, take the time to orient yourself.

Write down your login, password.
For storing passwords, I recommend using password managers.
Password should not be too simple, otherwise the site will be forgiven.
Recommendations for creating a password - read all!

And we fill the site with unique content.
If you have a site on the engine, and the content you just copied somewhere on the Internet, then rest assured, Yandex and Google will notice this at once and your site will always be at the tail.
But if you have a unique content and a regular update. If people stop by and stay. Your site will go up.

Describe to me
The project is dedicated to creating verbal descriptions of various images for blind people.

The project is dedicated to creating verbal descriptions of various images for blind people.Thanks to modern technology, the blind man has the opportunity to use the Internet.
Special programs on your computer and smartphone convert text from the screen into speech, but they are almost powerless if we are not looking at text but at a photo or video.
This is why our project appeared: to give blind people access to verbal descriptions of visual information that would otherwise remain inaccessible.

Volunteers at the request of blind people create descriptions of various video clips, greeting cards, paintings and much more. Descriptions are sent to customers, and the most interesting are published on our site.


  • Read descriptions of images that are regularly published on the site;
  • Find descriptions of interest through search or in categories;
  • Share links to your favorite descriptions in messengers and social networks;
  • Send images you would like to see in your email to project volunteers.

    WordPress XML Sitemap Plugin -
    Generates HTML, RSS and Google XML Sitemaps, compatible with Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex and more.

    Generates HTML, RSS and Google XML Sitemaps, compatible with Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex and more. Sitemaps tell search engines when and how often pages are updated, and their relative importance. Find out more about sitemaps.

    Easily manage your sitemap within a familiar WordPress environment. Automatic setup of sitemap files, robots.txt and pinging. Configure sitemap values for the whole website, tages, categories, pages and posts.

    Key features

    1. Supports HTML, RSS and Google XML Sitemap formats.
    2. List all your WordPress Pages, Posts, Archives, Authors, Categories and Tags.
    3. Includes paged links for posts for Archives, Authors, Categories and Tags.
    4. Set global sitemap default values for priorty and update frequencies.
    5. Set sitemap value for priority and frequency at the category, tag, post and page level.
    6. Automatic daily auto ping when you have updated pages / posts in WordPress.
    7. Add latest pages / posts RSS feed to page header.
    8. Updates your Robots.txt file with sitemap entries.

    Bible for WordPress
    Widgets of the Bible on WordPress.

    There are a number of widgets on the site with a detailed description:

    1. Search the Bible,
    2. Quotations from the Bible in the text of the article,
    3. The short code to output a quote in the form of an epigraph
    4. Do you remember the phrase or part From the Bible, but do not remember the exact location, place on the short code page.

    WordPress Theme Detector -
    Perfect free online tool to find out WordPress theme or plugins is that awesome site using.

    Perfect free online tool to find out WordPress theme or plugins is that awesome site using.

    Forbes -
    The economy of Internet.

    Forbes in Russian.
    Forbes - the American financial and economic magazine; One of the most authoritative and well-known economic publications in the world. It was founded in 1917 by Bertie Charles Forbes.
    Russia became the fifth foreign country in the world where Forbes started publishing his journal.

    1. The first Russian issue of the magazine was published in April 2004.
    2. In 2009, the Forbes site appeared in Russian.

    Skype Blogs

    Trello -
    Board for visual communication with the team.

    A board for visual communication with the team.
    This is a list of lists filled with cards used by your team or directly by you.

    Drag cards between lists to see progress.
    Add as many people as you want.
    Add or replace the lists as convenient for you.

    You will see everything about your project by simply looking at the board, and all the updates take place in real time.
    There's nothing to configure and everything happens instantly.

    Upload files from your computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, Box And OneDrive.
    Add lists, tags, timelines and ...

    Healthy vessels, treatment and prevention.

    Healthy vessels, treatment and prevention.

    Site about vessels, well, almost only about vessels.
    I guess someone will need this. Attendance is very high.

    Personally, I am a complete zero in medicine. And because I especially like it when they explain this topic to me clearly, with good pictures.

    This is such a site, useful.

    TED -
    The purpose - to distribute smart idea.

    TED (Technology Entertainment Design) is a private non-profit foundation in the United States, conducts conferences. The goal is to spread smart ideas. The most successful lectures can be viewed on the site.
    Themes: technology, entertainment, design, science, politics, culture, business, art.

    The site for those who want to start a business, but can not decide on the idea.

    The site for those who want to start a business, but can not decide on the idea.

    Here are analytical articles about marketing, management and business psychology.

    Sections: business ideas, self-development, sales, internet marketing, loans, taxes .. -
    Sounds of nature on the map.

    Sounds of nature on the map.
    Free and without ads.

    • We select a place on the map and get a description of the sounds and the type of terrain: forest, tropics, meadow, desert, pond ...
    • We listen to a video up to 10 minutes or a live broadcast (as lucky).

    Русская Православная Церковь -
    Department for External Church Relations.

    BBC America

    Washington College -

    Sony Music -
    Renault -
    WordPress -
    Create a website on Wordpress.

    1. Looking for hosting with a pre-installed WordPress

    There is and another way - download the latest version of WordPress and install it yourself. But if you did not do this before, it will be very difficult.
    In any case, you need hosting and in any case you should look for hosting with PHP and MySQL support. And most webhosts have a pre-installed WordPress, so why not choose ATTENTION when choosing a hosting? In addition, we are talking about how to just make a website. And if there is a pre-installed WordPress on the hosting, it means there is PHP and MySQL, everything you need, you do not even need to think about it.


    If there is an indication on the hosting about Fantastico, then WordPress is there. On some hosting sites, as for example on Jino, there is not all Fantastico, but WordPress and a couple more CMS are. Once on a hosting it is simply specified "the Set of scripts".

    Unfortunately, not every hosting indicates when choosing tariffs for such trivia as WordPress. So do not hesitate to contact support and consult about the availability of pre-installed WordPress. Maybe you will promise to set it up for you.

    I recommend hosting

    1. Jino - very inexpensive and most flexible hosting,
    2. Gudzonhost - this hosting is owned by the Russians in USA, it will be convenient for a small site, if the attendance exceeds 2000 people a day, it will not pull such a load (I then switched to Jino), it will be more expensive than Jino.
    3. RBC hosting - good speed, a lot of space, suitable for a large site, more expensive Jino.

    2. Connecting WordPress

    So, you have a hosting with a preinstalled WordPress. But it must be connected.
    We go to the control panel of the site. It can be cPanel or some other.
    In any case, there will be an opportunity to connect WordPress.
    It is important to enter the correct email, it will receive information that should be saved. And select the root folder of your site, then your entire site will be WordPress, not a separate folder.

    If you have any questions, please SUPPORT SERVICES. This is the advantage of paid hosting.
    I can not give any more recommendations, everywhere the panels are different, I will not ship you.

    3. Design

    We do not want our site to be with the standard WordPress template.
    There are many templates (template) for WordPress.

    There are templates

    1. Beautiful paid,
    2. Simple unpretentious,
    3. Beautiful free.
    I recommend you look for the latter.

    What do we actually do?

    Our goal is to find a template that we like and change the image of the cap in it so that our name and logo are there.
    If you are familiar with web programming, then you can change the style completely.

    Some sites with templates

    Themes on the official WordPress site are not the biggest choice, but the advantage is that they will be accurately updated via the site control panel .

    Themes for WordPress in Russian

    And then

    Now we go to the control panel, we are guided.
    Do not rush, take the time to orient yourself.

    Write down your login, password.
    For storing passwords, I recommend using password managers.
    Password should not be too simple, otherwise the site will be forgiven.
    Recommendations for creating a password - read all!

    And we fill the site with unique content.
    If you have a site on the engine, and the content you just copied somewhere on the Internet, then rest assured, Yandex and Google will notice this at once and your site will always be at the tail.
    But if you have a unique content and a regular update. If people stop by and stay. Your site will go up.

    Mercedes-Benz USA -
    Toyota Brazil -
    Walt Disney -
    JQuery -
    Describe to me
    The project is dedicated to creating verbal descriptions of various images for blind people.

    The project is dedicated to creating verbal descriptions of various images for blind people.Thanks to modern technology, the blind man has the opportunity to use the Internet.
    Special programs on your computer and smartphone convert text from the screen into speech, but they are almost powerless if we are not looking at text but at a photo or video.
    This is why our project appeared: to give blind people access to verbal descriptions of visual information that would otherwise remain inaccessible.

    Volunteers at the request of blind people create descriptions of various video clips, greeting cards, paintings and much more. Descriptions are sent to customers, and the most interesting are published on our site.


    • Read descriptions of images that are regularly published on the site;
    • Find descriptions of interest through search or in categories;
    • Share links to your favorite descriptions in messengers and social networks;
    • Send images you would like to see in your email to project volunteers.

      NASA -
      High Definition Earth-Viewing System.

      High Definition Earth-Viewing System.

      There is very little text on the page, the main thing is the video player, which allows you to see the earth in real time through a camera installed on the International Space Station.
      You can choose the level of image quality.

      The map shows where it is flying now.

      Unfortunately, the player often does not show anything. Probably because it’s far from the most important thing that NASA does at the station, so to speak, is a by-product.
      But try, maybe you are lucky now?

      NGINX -
      NASA Faceinspace -
      Your photo in space.

      The action is over, just like the flight itself.

      Do you want your photo to travel from the cosmos?
      And to get an official NASA certificate about it?
      And you want all this Was it for free?
      Then hurry!

      NASA decided to stage the last flight of its two shuttles:

      1. STS-133 flight is scheduled for September 16, 2010,
      2. STS-134 flight - For November 2010.
      NASA's space agency is ready to take your photo in the last two missions of shuttles. Shuttles will fly into orbit, the cargo will be carried to the ISS; Whether then photos will be launched into cosmic eternity or they will be sold in orbit by the electromagnetic form of the mind, which needs acceptable images for tourist trips to Earth, is not specified.


      To participate in Face in Space (150 thousand people already participate, from Russia and Ukraine about 3 thousand), you must specify your name, choose a flight and add photos on this page.


      It will be possible to pick up the Flight Certificate after the flight of your flight.
      1. STS-133 flight is scheduled for September 25, 2010,
      2. STS-134 flight is for November 2010.

      STS-133 flight


      Flight STS-134


      TechCrunch -
      Hubblesite -

      The Hubble Space Telescope is a telescope in space, so that the atmosphere of the earth does not distort the pictures.

      This site is mostly interesting images that this telescope made.

      Fortune -
      NASA -
      Panorama of Mars.

      NASA posted gigapixel photos from Mars.
      If you compare old photos from Mars or the Moon, it was black and white low-quality photos. Whether the film was digesting the cosmos poorly, or the reaction went badly. But now it's quite another matter.

      The New Yorker -
      NASA -
      The site is NASA TV - streaming from the ISS, as well as a lot of interesting entertainment.

      NASA (NASA) - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (English National Aeronautics and Space Administration) - an agency owned by the US federal government, reporting directly to the vice-president of the USA and financed on 100% from the state budget, responsible for the civil space program of the country.

      The site has NASA TV - streaming with the ISS, as well as a lot of spectacular interesting.

      Variety -
      Product Reviews
      Reviews, comparisons, ratings of household appliances of popular brands

      Reviews, comparisons, ratings of household appliances of popular brands.
      The site is not large, but it will help you choose household appliances: kettles, coffee makers, coffee machines, meat grinders, window cleaners, vacuum cleaners, kettles...

      The Sun -
      Dotdash -
      A popular store from Britain is becoming more popular with us.

      A platform for gathering information and advice for consumers online. A kind of online encyclopedia. But it is very different from Wikipedia.
      This is actually a collection of various sites, of which there are more than 1000.
      Articles are written by journalists (already over 600), they are paid a scholarship, for additional traffic - a surcharge.

      Smithsonian institution -
      Virtual museums and galleries around the world.

      Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC - USA
      3-D Museum of the Smithsonian Institution.
      On the Institute's website, you can see the exhibits in 3D: twist, approximate.
      The quality is high, only sometimes you need to wait to Loaded.

      Vogue -
      Smithsonian’s National Zoo -
      Webcams - wildlife.

      On the page of the National Smithsonian Zoo (Smithsonian's National Zoological Park), you can find dozens of two different webcams installed in the habitats of living creatures.
      In addition to the standard tigers and toucans in this case, one of the cameras is installed directly under the water in the Amazon, so you can look at a variety of exotic fish in real time.
      Keep in mind that the time zone of another part of the world differs by an average of eight hours in the opposite direction.

      Des Moines University -
      Bata -
      Protest -
      This is Finland -
      WordPress XML Sitemap Plugin -
      Generates HTML, RSS and Google XML Sitemaps, compatible with Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex and more.

      Generates HTML, RSS and Google XML Sitemaps, compatible with Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex and more. Sitemaps tell search engines when and how often pages are updated, and their relative importance. Find out more about sitemaps.

      Easily manage your sitemap within a familiar WordPress environment. Automatic setup of sitemap files, robots.txt and pinging. Configure sitemap values for the whole website, tages, categories, pages and posts.

      Key features

      1. Supports HTML, RSS and Google XML Sitemap formats.
      2. List all your WordPress Pages, Posts, Archives, Authors, Categories and Tags.
      3. Includes paged links for posts for Archives, Authors, Categories and Tags.
      4. Set global sitemap default values for priorty and update frequencies.
      5. Set sitemap value for priority and frequency at the category, tag, post and page level.
      6. Automatic daily auto ping when you have updated pages / posts in WordPress.
      7. Add latest pages / posts RSS feed to page header.
      8. Updates your Robots.txt file with sitemap entries.

      Dallas Mavericks -
      Skype Blogs

      Riverdance -
      Creative Commons -
      Reuters -
      Facebook Newsroom -
      Google Ventures -
      Forbes -
      The economy of Internet.

      Forbes in Russian.
      Forbes - the American financial and economic magazine; One of the most authoritative and well-known economic publications in the world. It was founded in 1917 by Bertie Charles Forbes.
      Russia became the fifth foreign country in the world where Forbes started publishing his journal.

      1. The first Russian issue of the magazine was published in April 2004.
      2. In 2009, the Forbes site appeared in Russian.

      PlayStation Blog -
      Comfort your home in your hands.

      Comfort your home in your hands.
      This is how a site defines itself, that is, a site about a house and how to maintain it with your own hands.
      Articles, advice, reviews, ratings.

      All sorts of articles

      1. Wardrobe
      2. Video,
      3. Cleaning,

      Flickr Blog -
      Spotify News -
      The Rolling Stones -
      Русская Православная Церковь -
      Department for External Church Relations. -
      BBC America

      The New York Observer -
      Sweden -
      Digg Blog -
      Sony Music -
      The Next Web -
      Renault -
      Bloomberg -
      TED -
      The purpose - to distribute smart idea.

      TED (Technology Entertainment Design) is a private non-profit foundation in the United States, conducts conferences. The goal is to spread smart ideas. The most successful lectures can be viewed on the site.
      Themes: technology, entertainment, design, science, politics, culture, business, art.

      Mercedes-Benz USA -
      Toyota Brazil -
      Walt Disney -
      JQuery -
      NGINX -
      TechCrunch -
      Fortune -
      Washington College -

      The New Yorker -
      Product Reviews
      Reviews, comparisons, ratings of household appliances of popular brands

      Reviews, comparisons, ratings of household appliances of popular brands.
      The site is not large, but it will help you choose household appliances: kettles, coffee makers, coffee machines, meat grinders, window cleaners, vacuum cleaners, kettles...

      NASA -
      High Definition Earth-Viewing System.

      High Definition Earth-Viewing System.

      There is very little text on the page, the main thing is the video player, which allows you to see the earth in real time through a camera installed on the International Space Station.
      You can choose the level of image quality.

      The map shows where it is flying now.

      Unfortunately, the player often does not show anything. Probably because it’s far from the most important thing that NASA does at the station, so to speak, is a by-product.
      But try, maybe you are lucky now?

      Variety -
      NASA Faceinspace -
      Your photo in space.

      The action is over, just like the flight itself.

      Do you want your photo to travel from the cosmos?
      And to get an official NASA certificate about it?
      And you want all this Was it for free?
      Then hurry!

      NASA decided to stage the last flight of its two shuttles:

      1. STS-133 flight is scheduled for September 16, 2010,
      2. STS-134 flight - For November 2010.
      NASA's space agency is ready to take your photo in the last two missions of shuttles. Shuttles will fly into orbit, the cargo will be carried to the ISS; Whether then photos will be launched into cosmic eternity or they will be sold in orbit by the electromagnetic form of the mind, which needs acceptable images for tourist trips to Earth, is not specified.


      To participate in Face in Space (150 thousand people already participate, from Russia and Ukraine about 3 thousand), you must specify your name, choose a flight and add photos on this page.


      It will be possible to pick up the Flight Certificate after the flight of your flight.
      1. STS-133 flight is scheduled for September 25, 2010,
      2. STS-134 flight is for November 2010.

      STS-133 flight


      Flight STS-134


      The Sun -
      Hubblesite -

      The Hubble Space Telescope is a telescope in space, so that the atmosphere of the earth does not distort the pictures.

      This site is mostly interesting images that this telescope made.

      Vogue -
      NASA -
      Panorama of Mars.

      NASA posted gigapixel photos from Mars.
      If you compare old photos from Mars or the Moon, it was black and white low-quality photos. Whether the film was digesting the cosmos poorly, or the reaction went badly. But now it's quite another matter.

      Des Moines University -
      NASA -
      The site is NASA TV - streaming from the ISS, as well as a lot of interesting entertainment.

      NASA (NASA) - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (English National Aeronautics and Space Administration) - an agency owned by the US federal government, reporting directly to the vice-president of the USA and financed on 100% from the state budget, responsible for the civil space program of the country.

      The site has NASA TV - streaming with the ISS, as well as a lot of spectacular interesting.

      Bata -
      Smithsonian institution -
      Virtual museums and galleries around the world.

      Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC - USA
      3-D Museum of the Smithsonian Institution.
      On the Institute's website, you can see the exhibits in 3D: twist, approximate.
      The quality is high, only sometimes you need to wait to Loaded.

      Protest -
      Dotdash -
      A popular store from Britain is becoming more popular with us.

      A platform for gathering information and advice for consumers online. A kind of online encyclopedia. But it is very different from Wikipedia.
      This is actually a collection of various sites, of which there are more than 1000.
      Articles are written by journalists (already over 600), they are paid a scholarship, for additional traffic - a surcharge.

      Smithsonian’s National Zoo -
      Webcams - wildlife.

      On the page of the National Smithsonian Zoo (Smithsonian's National Zoological Park), you can find dozens of two different webcams installed in the habitats of living creatures.
      In addition to the standard tigers and toucans in this case, one of the cameras is installed directly under the water in the Amazon, so you can look at a variety of exotic fish in real time.
      Keep in mind that the time zone of another part of the world differs by an average of eight hours in the opposite direction.

      This is Finland -
      Dallas Mavericks -
      Riverdance -
      Creative Commons -
      Reuters -
      Facebook Newsroom -
      Google Ventures -
      PlayStation Blog -
      Flickr Blog -
      Easy version of Photoshop online.
      No registration required, just go in and work.
      If you're familiar with Photoshop CS6, you won't have to get used to it.

      Easy version of Photoshop online.
      No registration required, just go in and work.
      If you're familiar with Photoshop CS6, you won't have to get used to it.

      Spotify News -
      The Rolling Stones - -
      The New York Observer -
      Sweden -
      Digg Blog -
      The Next Web -
      Bloomberg -
      Drawing lessons for beginners.

      The best online Drawing Lessons, written by acknowledged graphic artists.

      They will be of interest to both beginners and already advanced artists.
      There is a rubricator to help you find the right topic.
      In the forum you can ask all your questions and get comprehensive answers.

      Comfort your home in your hands.

      Comfort your home in your hands.
      This is how a site defines itself, that is, a site about a house and how to maintain it with your own hands.
      Articles, advice, reviews, ratings.

      All sorts of articles

      1. Wardrobe
      2. Video,
      3. Cleaning,

      University of Bible Fellowship
      The goal is to spread the gospel among university students all over the world, for this purpose individual Bible studies, group Bible studies, biblical schools and conferences are conducted.

      The goal is to spread the gospel among university students all over the world, for this purpose individual Bible studies, group Bible studies, biblical schools and conferences are conducted. Also, missionary activities, the spread of the Gospel in other cities and countries.

      Statement of Faith

      • We believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible and immutable Word of God.
      • We believe in the One God of the Creator, who eternally exists in three Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
      • We believe in the divine essence of our Lord Jesus Christ, His immaculate conception, His sinless life, His miracles, His redeeming Sacrifice on the cross, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to heaven, where He sits at the right hand of the Father, and His Second Coming in Flesh on earth in power and glory.
      • We believe that the salvation of sinners, their rebirth by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary.
      • We believe that the Holy Spirit dwells in believers and gives them power for a righteous life.
      • We believe in the bodily resurrection of the paired and unpaired: for the believers - for life, for the unbelievers - for condemnation.
      • We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
      • MROECE The "University Bible Fellowship" works closely with the international movement University Bible Fellowship, the University Bible Fellowship (abbreviated UBF), an international Christian evangelical student organization founded in 1961. Currently, the UBF preaches the Gospel in more More than 80 countries around the world, including in the CIS countries.In the territory of Russia, the University Biblical Commonwealth Movement has been operating since 1990.

      bbPress -
      Forum from the authors of WordPress. It is easy to install and fit into the WordPress engine.

      Forum from the authors of WordPress. It is easy to install and fit into the WordPress engine.

      Router Passwords Community Database -
      The largest database of official passwords and logins of routers.

      The largest database of official passwords and logins of routers.
      Select the brand, click Find password and get a list of models with login and password, which is installed on the device initially.

      WordPress -
      The most popular site engine. The reason is ease of installation and use. Many themes and a huge selection of templates and plug-ins.

      The most popular site engine. The reason is ease of installation and use.
      Which does not mean that you do not have to study it. We all learned how to work with the MS Word, browsers ... You also just need to take time for it.
      Because of that most people choose WordPress and as a result is creted huge choise of templates and plug-ins.

      Initially WordPress is like a CMS for blogs, but we can use it as a CMS for blogs or a regular website. Simply in the control panel we assign the start page of the site. And then we choose to add information to pages or records. That is, we run a website or blog or combine.

      Plug-ins allow you to add details like social networking buttons, contact form ... or add serious functionality like the ability to have versions of the site in different languages, forum, statistics.

      The code is open, if you are familiar with web programming, you can write the plug-in yourself or take it as a basis ready and correct for yourself.

      Map Icons Collection -
      Free icons for Google Maps or Google Earth.

      Free icons for Google Maps or Google Earth.
      Map Icons Collection is a set of more than 1000 free icons to use as placemarks for your POI (Point of Interests) locations on your maps.
      You can use them on Google Maps with the “My maps / my places” feature, automatically by using the Google Maps API or with WordPress mapping plugins like Maps Marker Pro.


      Organized into logical color coded categories, for better and quicker overview, you get a complete and diverse collection of unique markers for point of interests, for example cinemas, hotels, banks, restaurants and stores.

      Using Google maps, I want to make them as clear as possible.
      Icon collections will help greatly in this.

      Easy version of Photoshop online.
      No registration required, just go in and work.
      If you're familiar with Photoshop CS6, you won't have to get used to it.

      Easy version of Photoshop online.
      No registration required, just go in and work.
      If you're familiar with Photoshop CS6, you won't have to get used to it.

      Tie a Tie -
      Learn How to Tie a Tie.

      The site will teach all possible ways of tying a tie, a butterfly, a scarf or laying a handkerchief in a breast pocket.
      There is even a tie length calculator. Enter our height and neck circumference and get the result.
      The site will also help to look after a tie, quickly get rid of wrinkles.

      Drawing lessons for beginners.

      The best online Drawing Lessons, written by acknowledged graphic artists.

      They will be of interest to both beginners and already advanced artists.
      There is a rubricator to help you find the right topic.
      In the forum you can ask all your questions and get comprehensive answers.

      The New York Times -
      The archives of libraries in the world.

      Time Machine of the New York Times.
      That is, we can read the newspaper from 1851 to 1922. News about the catastrophe of the Titanic or the end of the First World War you will see just as decorated, as the readers of the newspaper saw them many years a

      Medical portal for women.

      Medical portal for women about pregnancy.
      In fact, I was surprised by the popularity of this site.
      Not too big base and very little text, but a lot of pictures. Maybe this is the reason?

      Map Icons Collection -
      Free icons for Google Maps or Google Earth.

      Free icons for Google Maps or Google Earth.
      Map Icons Collection is a set of more than 1000 free icons to use as placemarks for your POI (Point of Interests) locations on your maps.
      You can use them on Google Maps with the “My maps / my places” feature, automatically by using the Google Maps API or with WordPress mapping plugins like Maps Marker Pro.


      Organized into logical color coded categories, for better and quicker overview, you get a complete and diverse collection of unique markers for point of interests, for example cinemas, hotels, banks, restaurants and stores.

      Using Google maps, I want to make them as clear as possible.
      Icon collections will help greatly in this.

      bbPress -
      Forum from the authors of WordPress. It is easy to install and fit into the WordPress engine.

      Forum from the authors of WordPress. It is easy to install and fit into the WordPress engine.

      WordPress -
      The most popular site engine. The reason is ease of installation and use. Many themes and a huge selection of templates and plug-ins.

      The most popular site engine. The reason is ease of installation and use.
      Which does not mean that you do not have to study it. We all learned how to work with the MS Word, browsers ... You also just need to take time for it.
      Because of that most people choose WordPress and as a result is creted huge choise of templates and plug-ins.

      Initially WordPress is like a CMS for blogs, but we can use it as a CMS for blogs or a regular website. Simply in the control panel we assign the start page of the site. And then we choose to add information to pages or records. That is, we run a website or blog or combine.

      Plug-ins allow you to add details like social networking buttons, contact form ... or add serious functionality like the ability to have versions of the site in different languages, forum, statistics.

      The code is open, if you are familiar with web programming, you can write the plug-in yourself or take it as a basis ready and correct for yourself.

      University of Bible Fellowship
      The goal is to spread the gospel among university students all over the world, for this purpose individual Bible studies, group Bible studies, biblical schools and conferences are conducted.

      The goal is to spread the gospel among university students all over the world, for this purpose individual Bible studies, group Bible studies, biblical schools and conferences are conducted. Also, missionary activities, the spread of the Gospel in other cities and countries.

      Statement of Faith

      • We believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible and immutable Word of God.
      • We believe in the One God of the Creator, who eternally exists in three Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
      • We believe in the divine essence of our Lord Jesus Christ, His immaculate conception, His sinless life, His miracles, His redeeming Sacrifice on the cross, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to heaven, where He sits at the right hand of the Father, and His Second Coming in Flesh on earth in power and glory.
      • We believe that the salvation of sinners, their rebirth by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary.
      • We believe that the Holy Spirit dwells in believers and gives them power for a righteous life.
      • We believe in the bodily resurrection of the paired and unpaired: for the believers - for life, for the unbelievers - for condemnation.
      • We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
      • MROECE The "University Bible Fellowship" works closely with the international movement University Bible Fellowship, the University Bible Fellowship (abbreviated UBF), an international Christian evangelical student organization founded in 1961. Currently, the UBF preaches the Gospel in more More than 80 countries around the world, including in the CIS countries.In the territory of Russia, the University Biblical Commonwealth Movement has been operating since 1990.

      Router Passwords Community Database -
      The largest database of official passwords and logins of routers.

      The largest database of official passwords and logins of routers.
      Select the brand, click Find password and get a list of models with login and password, which is installed on the device initially.

      Wired Magazine -
      Magazine about the impact of modern technology on culture, economy and politics.

      American magazine printed and online about the impact of modern technology on culture, economics and politics.

      Translation into Russian selected articles can be read here.

      Tie a Tie -
      Learn How to Tie a Tie.

      The site will teach all possible ways of tying a tie, a butterfly, a scarf or laying a handkerchief in a breast pocket.
      There is even a tie length calculator. Enter our height and neck circumference and get the result.
      The site will also help to look after a tie, quickly get rid of wrinkles.

      Wired How To -
      Many instructions on how to do it.

      Many instructions on how to do it.

      The New York Times -
      The archives of libraries in the world.

      Time Machine of the New York Times.
      That is, we can read the newspaper from 1851 to 1922. News about the catastrophe of the Titanic or the end of the First World War you will see just as decorated, as the readers of the newspaper saw them many years a

      Medical portal for women.

      Medical portal for women about pregnancy.
      In fact, I was surprised by the popularity of this site.
      Not too big base and very little text, but a lot of pictures. Maybe this is the reason?

      Control of knoledge
      Control of knowledge.

      School subjects are divided into separate topics.
      For each topic a small summary.
      All answers to questions are accompanied by explanations, sometimes illustrative diagrams, illustrations and tables.

      Why is a simulator needed?

      Nowadays, in extracurricular time, only one method of memorization is used - re-reading a textbook (exercise book). However, re-reading does not require exertion of forces, because in the process of its “recognition” of familiar material, which creates the illusion of knowledge. In fact, the material is poorly fixed in the memory. We propose to facilitate this process by using our simulators.

      World Bike-sharing Cities -
      Bikeshare services on the map.

      This map shows bikeshare services (i.e. short-term bicycle rental service available at a network of unattended locations).

      For edits, contact us at

      SharewareOnSale -

      Giveaways of licensed programs, legally.

      Catch free handouts of programs for Windows, applications and games for Android.

      Wired Magazine -
      Magazine about the impact of modern technology on culture, economy and politics.

      American magazine printed and online about the impact of modern technology on culture, economics and politics.

      Translation into Russian selected articles can be read here.


      WordPress Pin it Button for Images -
      Adding the 'Pin It' button.

      Social Locker -
      Payment with tweets, likes, etc.

      WordPress SEO by Yoast -
      Optimization of the site on WordPress.

      WP Hide Post -
      Control the display of articles in your blog.

      Contact form 7 -
      A popular WordPress plugin for collecting email addresses.

      Scroll Triggered Box -
      Increase the conversion of the site - only for WordPress.

      Editorial Calendar -
      Display your posts in the calendar.

      WordPress Pin it Button for Images -
      Adding the 'Pin It' button.

      Social Locker -
      Payment with tweets, likes, etc.

      WordPress SEO by Yoast -
      Optimization of the site on WordPress.

      WP Hide Post -
      Control the display of articles in your blog.

      Contact form 7 -
      A popular WordPress plugin for collecting email addresses.

      Scroll Triggered Box -
      Increase the conversion of the site - only for WordPress.

      Editorial Calendar -
      Display your posts in the calendar.

      WordPress plugin for image optimization. -
      WordPress plugin for image optimization.


      The Starter Kit -
      Source for programmers and designers.

      The Starter Kit -
      Source for programmers and designers.


      Podcast on the site.

      The leading audio magazine of the Runet, where you can register and start broadcasting your podcast or listen from the offer.

      The largest site, this means that everyone will find podcasts to their own taste, according to their subject matter. There are also many high quality podcasts.

      Unfortunately, most authors believe that a simple microphone for Skype is enough to make a podcast. And only the most advanced understand that it is worth spending and buying a decent studio microphone.

      Eminent podcasters, famous radio presenters, scriptwriters and experts work with - all those who know and understand how to create high-quality programs that are interesting to a wide audience.

      The list of professionals is constantly updated, and next time you visit, you can find your favorite presenter's audio shows.

      It is possible to take the player code and paste it on the site. Like for example a YouTube player, audio only.





      New York Times

      Russian Broadcasting Network
      International media holding.

      The media holding includes a number of TV channels, primarily:

      1. TBN - public television
      2. Smile of a child - children's television channel
      3. JuCeTV - music channel
      4. Rodnoy Shalom - Israeli Russian-language TV channel
      5. TBN-Native - American Russian-language TV channel
      Also appearing TV channels like TBN-Kino, TBN-Armenia.

      Russian Broadcasting Network
      International media holding.

      The media holding includes a number of TV channels, primarily:

      1. TBN - public television
      2. Smile of a child - children's television channel
      3. JuCeTV - music channel
      4. Rodnoy Shalom - Israeli Russian-language TV channel
      5. TBN-Native - American Russian-language TV channel
      Also appearing TV channels like TBN-Kino, TBN-Armenia.

      New York Times


      Reuters Russia and CIS countries -

      Reuters Russia and CIS countries -


      Radio Tomsk Blagovest

      Radio Tomsk Blagovest


      The Wall Street Journal -

      The Wall Street Journal -


      Worship Radio Network -
      Worship Radio Network, a division of Light of Life Ministries, Inc. is committed to providing you with the best of Christian music and programming that inspires Christian living.

      Worship Radio Network -
      Worship Radio Network, a division of Light of Life Ministries, Inc. is committed to providing you with the best of Christian music and programming that inspires Christian living.


      LinkedIn -
      Business and professional network.

      A global social network for finding and establishing business contacts.
      The network owns Microsoft.
      The most popular professional network is more than 400 million users from 200 countries and regions of the world.

      LinkedIn users can use the contact list:

      • Be represented through existing contacts and expand connections
      • Search for companies, people, interest groups
      • Publish professional resumes and search for work
      • Recommend and be recommended
      • Publish vacancies
      • Create in-group (For example: Russian connection, Russian speaking professionals abroad, Harvard Club of Russia, etc.)

      How it works

      We register by specifying your mail, Facebook account (if any). LinkedIn finds in our address book and among our friends on Facebook those who have a LinkedIn account and we immediately get friends.

      Then we fill out the questionnaire, indicating your abilities. Our friends in turn confirm or do not confirm our opportunities.
      Thus, it helps employers find the most competent employees.
      Say, if I know Sergei and trust him, and he introduced Nicholas as a good programmer (I just need such a programmer), then chances are that I will choose Nicholas.

      LinkedIn -
      Business and professional network.

      A global social network for finding and establishing business contacts.
      The network owns Microsoft.
      The most popular professional network is more than 400 million users from 200 countries and regions of the world.

      LinkedIn users can use the contact list:

      • Be represented through existing contacts and expand connections
      • Search for companies, people, interest groups
      • Publish professional resumes and search for work
      • Recommend and be recommended
      • Publish vacancies
      • Create in-group (For example: Russian connection, Russian speaking professionals abroad, Harvard Club of Russia, etc.)

      How it works

      We register by specifying your mail, Facebook account (if any). LinkedIn finds in our address book and among our friends on Facebook those who have a LinkedIn account and we immediately get friends.

      Then we fill out the questionnaire, indicating your abilities. Our friends in turn confirm or do not confirm our opportunities.
      Thus, it helps employers find the most competent employees.
      Say, if I know Sergei and trust him, and he introduced Nicholas as a good programmer (I just need such a programmer), then chances are that I will choose Nicholas.


      Students Circle Network -
      Social network connecting students, teachers and institutions, of course resources, research groups and classrooms.

      Students Circle Network -
      Social network connecting students, teachers and institutions, of course resources, research groups and classrooms.


      Mozilla Foundation -
      All Mozilla programs and the possibility of their integration.

      All Mozilla programs and the ability to integrate them.
      Here you can choose what suits you (32 and 64 bits, or you can find very old versions that do almost the same job, but much easier and faster).

      Mozilla Foundation -
      All Mozilla programs and the possibility of their integration.

      All Mozilla programs and the ability to integrate them.
      Here you can choose what suits you (32 and 64 bits, or you can find very old versions that do almost the same job, but much easier and faster).


      Premium Pixels -
      Resources for the designer: clipart, icons, brushes for Photoshop, etc.

      Resources for the designer: clipart, icons, brushes for Photoshop, etc.

      TemPlaza -
      On the site you can see and download templates on WordPress and Joomla and plug-ins.

      On the site you can see and download templates on WordPress and Joomla and plug-ins.

      TemPlaza -
      On the site you can see and download templates on WordPress and Joomla and plug-ins.

      On the site you can see and download templates on WordPress and Joomla and plug-ins.


      TemplateWorld -

      TemplateWorld -


      Topics on the WordPress official website -
      Not the biggest choice, but the advantage is that they will be updated exactly through the control panel of the site.

      WPDEAN -
      WordPress Forum Themes.

      WPDEAN -
      WordPress Forum Themes.

      Topics on the WordPress official website -
      Not the biggest choice, but the advantage is that they will be updated exactly through the control panel of the site.


      Twitter for WordPress -
      Is similar to the previous plugin.

      Twitter Tools -
      Allows tweets to make articles on the blog and vice versa, from the articles - tweets.

      Tweet This -
      Similar to the previous plugin.

      Tweet Tweet -
      The plug-in archives all your tweets and responses from users to the database.

      Twitme -
      Allows readers to retouch an article on your blog.

      Twitter for WordPress -
      Is similar to the previous plugin.

      Twitter Tools -
      Allows tweets to make articles on the blog and vice versa, from the articles - tweets.

      Twitter Widget Pro -
      The plugin creates a widget on the blog with a list of your tweets.

      TwitterCounter -
      The Twitter counters. In addition, you can use as a widget to display who from Twitter'a came to the blog.

      1C-Bitrix 2GIS Adobe AliExpress Amazon Android Apple Baidu Maps Bing maps Blogger Bootstrap Craigslist Dribbble Dropbox Drupal eBay Facebook Gmail Google Google Analytics Google calendar Google Docs Google Drive Google fonts Google maps Google Photo Google Street View Instagram Joomla Linkedin LiveJournal Microsoft NASA Odnoclassniki OneDrive OpenStreetMap Ozon PayPal Photoshop Pinterest Reddit Skype Spotify The Weather Channel Twitter uCoz Vimeo VK WebMoney Wikipedia WinAmp Windows WordPress Yandex Yandex.Maps YouTube ЮMoney

      Mobile version

      Terms of publication of the article
      About us



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