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Original text to amateur

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1ThereforeG3767 having been justifiedG1344 by faith,G4102 we haveG2192 peaceG1515 with GodG2316 throughG1223 our LordG2962 JesusG2424 Christ,G5547
2throughG1223 whomG3739 alsoG2532 we have obtainedG2192 our introductionG4318 by faithG4102 into thisG3778 graceG5485 in whichG3739 we stand;G2476 and we exultG2744 in hopeG1680 of the gloryG1391 of God.G2316
3And not onlyG3440 this, but we alsoG2532 exultG2744 in our tribulations,G2347 knowingG3609 that tribulationG2347 bringsG2716 aboutG2716 perseverance;G5281
4and perseverance,G5281 provenG1382 character;G1382 and provenG1382 character,G1382 hope;G1680
5and hopeG1680 does not disappoint,G2617 becauseG3754 the loveG26 of GodG2316 has been pouredG7062 out withinG1722 our heartsG2588 throughG1223 the HolyG40 SpiritG4151 who was givenG1325 to us.
6For while we were stillG2089 helpless,G772 at the rightG2540 timeG2540 ChristG5547 diedG599 for the ungodly.G765
7For oneG5100 will hardlyG3433 dieG599 for a righteousG1342 man;G1342 thoughG1063 perhapsG5029 for the goodG18 manG18 someoneG5100 would dareG5111 evenG2532 to die.G599
8But GodG2316 demonstratesG4921 His ownG1438 loveG26 towardG1519 us, in that while we were yetG2089 sinners,G268 ChristG5547 diedG599 for us.
9MuchG4183 moreG3123 then,G3767 having nowG3568 been justifiedG1344 by His blood,G129 we shall be savedG4982 from the wrathG3709 [of God] throughG1223 Him.
10For ifG1487 while we were enemies,G2190 we were reconciledG2644 to GodG2316 throughG1223 the deathG2288 of His Son,G5207 muchG4183 more,G3123 having been reconciled,G2644 we shall be savedG4982 by His life.G2222
11And not onlyG3440 this, but we alsoG2532 exultG2744 in GodG2316 throughG1223 our LordG2962 JesusG2424 Christ,G5547 throughG1223 whomG3739 we have nowG3568 receivedG2983 the reconciliation.G2643
12Therefore,G1223G3778 justG5618 as throughG1223 oneG1520 manG444 sinG266 enteredG1525 into the world,G2889 and deathG2288 throughG1223 sin,G266 and soG3779 deathG2288 spreadG1330 to allG3956 men,G444 becauseG1909G3739 allG3956 sinnedG264
13for untilG891 the LawG3551 sinG266 was in the world;G2889 but sinG266 is not imputedG1677 when there is noG3361 law.G3551
14NeverthelessG235 deathG2288 reignedG936 from AdamG76 untilG3360 Moses,G3475 evenG2532 overG1909 thoseG3588 who had not sinnedG264 in the likenessG3667 of the offenseG3847 of Adam,G76 whoG3739 is a typeG5179 of Him who was to come.G3195
15But the freeG5486 giftG5486 is not likeG5613 the transgression.G3900 For ifG1487 by the transgressionG3900 of the oneG1520 the manyG4183 died,G599 muchG4183 moreG3123 did the graceG5485 of GodG2316 and the giftG1431 by the graceG5485 of the oneG1520 Man,G444 JesusG2424 Christ,G5547 aboundG4052 to the many.G4183
16And the giftG1434 is not likeG5613 [that which came] throughG1223 the oneG1520 who sinned;G264 for on the oneG3303 handG3303 the judgmentG2917 [arose] from oneG1520 [transgression] resultingG1519 in condemnation,G2631 but on the otherG1161 handG1161 the freeG5486 giftG5486 [arose] from manyG4183 transgressionsG3900 resultingG1519 in justification.G1345
17For ifG1487 by the transgressionG3900 of the one,G1520 deathG2288 reignedG936 throughG1223 the one,G1520 muchG4183 moreG3123 thoseG3588 who receiveG2983 the abundanceG4050 of graceG5485 and of the giftG1431 of righteousnessG1343 will reignG936 in lifeG2222 throughG1223 the One,G1520 JesusG2424 Christ.G5547
18SoG686 thenG686 as throughG1223 oneG1520 transgressionG3900 there resultedG1519 condemnationG2631 to allG3956 men,G444 evenG2532 soG3779 throughG1223 oneG1520 actG1345 of righteousnessG1345 there resultedG1519 justificationG1347 of lifeG2222 to allG3956 men.G444
19For as throughG1223 the oneG1520 man's disobedienceG3876 the manyG4183 were madeG2525 sinners,G268 evenG2532 soG3779 throughG1223 the obedienceG5218 of the OneG1520 the manyG4183 will be madeG2525 righteous.G1342
20And the LawG3551 cameG3922 in that the transgressionG3900 might increase;G4121 but whereG3757 sinG266 increased,G4121 graceG5485 aboundedG5248 allG5248 the more,G5248
21that, as sinG266 reignedG936 in death,G2288 evenG2532 soG3779 graceG5485 might reignG936 throughG1223 righteousnessG1343 to eternalG166 lifeG2222 throughG1223 JesusG2424 ChristG5547 our Lord.G2962

1δικαιωθεντες G1344G5685 ουν G3767 εκ G1537 πιστεως G4102 ειρηνην G1515 εχομεν G2192G5719 προς G4314 τον G3588 θεον G2316 δια G1223 του G3588 κυριου G2962 ημων G2257 ιησου G2424 χριστου G5547
2δι G1223 ου G3739 και G2532 την G3588 προσαγωγην G4318 εσχηκαμεν G2192G5758 τη G3588 πιστει G4102 εις G1519 την G3588 χαριν G5485 ταυτην G3778 εν G1722 η G3739 εστηκαμεν G2476G5758 και G2532 καυχωμεθα G2744G5736 επ G1909 ελπιδι G1680 της G3588 δοξης G1391 του G3588 θεου G2316
3ου G3756 μονον G3440 δε G1161 αλλα G235 και G2532 καυχωμεθα G2744G5736 εν G1722 ταις G3588 θλιψεσιν G2347 ειδοτες G1492G5761 οτι G3754 η G3588 θλιψις G2347 υπομονην G5281 κατεργαζεται G2716G5736
4η G3588 δε G1161 υπομονη G5281 δοκιμην G1382 η G3588 δε G1161 δοκιμη G1382 ελπιδα G1680
5η G3588 δε G1161 ελπις G1680 ου G3756 καταισχυνει G2617G5719 οτι G3754 η G3588 αγαπη G26 του G3588 θεου G2316 εκκεχυται G1632G5769 εν G1722 ταις G3588 καρδιαις G2588 ημων G2257 δια G1223 πνευματος G4151 αγιου G40 του G3588 δοθεντος G1325G5685 ημιν G2254
6ετι G2089 γαρ G1063 χριστος G5547 οντων G5607G5752 ημων G2257 ασθενων G772 κατα G2596 καιρον G2540 υπερ G5228 ασεβων G765 απεθανεν G599G5627
7μολις G3433 γαρ G1063 υπερ G5228 δικαιου G1342 τις G5100 αποθανειται G599G5695 υπερ G5228 γαρ G1063 του G3588 αγαθου G18 ταχα G5029 τις G5100 και G2532 τολμα G5111G5719 αποθανειν G599G5629
8συνιστησιν G4921G5719 δε G1161 την G3588 εαυτου G1438 αγαπην G26 εις G1519 ημας G2248 ο G3588 θεος G2316 οτι G3754 ετι G2089 αμαρτωλων G268 οντων G5607G5752 ημων G2257 χριστος G5547 υπερ G5228 ημων G2257 απεθανεν G599G5627
9πολλω G4183 ουν G3767 μαλλον G3123 δικαιωθεντες G1344G5685 νυν G3568 εν G1722 τω G3588 αιματι G129 αυτου G846 σωθησομεθα G4982G5701 δι G1223 αυτου G846 απο G575 της G3588 οργης G3709
10ει G1487 γαρ G1063 εχθροι G2190 οντες G5607G5752 κατηλλαγημεν G2644G5648 τω G3588 θεω G2316 δια G1223 του G3588 θανατου G2288 του G3588 υιου G5207 αυτου G846 πολλω G4183 μαλλον G3123 καταλλαγεντες G2644G5651 σωθησομεθα G4982G5701 εν G1722 τη G3588 ζωη G2222 αυτου G846
11ου G3756 μονον G3440 δε G1161 αλλα G235 και G2532 καυχωμενοι G2744G5740 εν G1722 τω G3588 θεω G2316 δια G1223 του G3588 κυριου G2962 ημων G2257 ιησου G2424 χριστου G5547 δι G1223 ου G3739 νυν G3568 την G3588 καταλλαγην G2643 ελαβομεν G2983G5627
12δια G1223 τουτο G5124 ωσπερ G5618 δι G1223 ενος G1520 ανθρωπου G444 η G3588 αμαρτια G266 εις G1519 τον G3588 κοσμον G2889 εισηλθεν G1525G5627 και G2532 δια G1223 της G3588 αμαρτιας G266 ο G3588 θανατος G2288 και G2532 ουτως G3779 εις G1519 παντας G3956 ανθρωπους G444 ο G3588 θανατος G2288 διηλθεν G1330G5627 εφ G1909 ω G3739 παντες G3956 ημαρτον G264G5627
13αχρι G891 γαρ G1063 νομου G3551 αμαρτια G266 ην G2258G5713 εν G1722 κοσμω G2889 αμαρτια G266 δε G1161 ουκ G3756 ελλογειται G1677G5743 μη G3361 οντος G5607G5752 νομου G3551
14αλλ G235 εβασιλευσεν G936G5656 ο G3588 θανατος G2288 απο G575 αδαμ G76 μεχρι G3360 μωσεως G3475 και G2532 επι G1909 τους G3588 μη G3361 αμαρτησαντας G264G5660 επι G1909 τω G3588 ομοιωματι G3667 της G3588 παραβασεως G3847 αδαμ G76 ος G3739 εστιν G2076G5748 τυπος G5179 του G3588 μελλοντος G3195G5723
15αλλ G235 ουχ G3756 ως G5613 το G3588 παραπτωμα G3900 ουτως G3779 και G2532 το G3588 χαρισμα G5486 ει G1487 γαρ G1063 τω G3588 του G3588 ενος G1520 παραπτωματι G3900 οι G3588 πολλοι G4183 απεθανον G599G5627 πολλω G4183 μαλλον G3123 η G3588 χαρις G5485 του G3588 θεου G2316 και G2532 η G3588 δωρεα G1431 εν G1722 χαριτι G5485 τη G3588 του G3588 ενος G1520 ανθρωπου G444 ιησου G2424 χριστου G5547 εις G1519 τους G3588 πολλους G4183 επερισσευσεν G4052G5656
16και G2532 ουχ G3756 ως G5613 δι G1223 ενος G1520 αμαρτησαντος G264G5660 το G3588 δωρημα G1434 το G3588 μεν G3303 γαρ G1063 κριμα G2917 εξ G1537 ενος G1520 εις G1519 κατακριμα G2631 το G3588 δε G1161 χαρισμα G5486 εκ G1537 πολλων G4183 παραπτωματων G3900 εις G1519 δικαιωμα G1345
17ει G1487 γαρ G1063 τω G3588 του G3588 ενος G1520 παραπτωματι G3900 ο G3588 θανατος G2288 εβασιλευσεν G936G5656 δια G1223 του G3588 ενος G1520 πολλω G4183 μαλλον G3123 οι G3588 την G3588 περισσειαν G4050 της G3588 χαριτος G5485 και G2532 της G3588 δωρεας G1431 της G3588 δικαιοσυνης G1343 λαμβανοντες G2983G5723 εν G1722 ζωη G2222 βασιλευσουσιν G936G5692 δια G1223 του G3588 ενος G1520 ιησου G2424 χριστου G5547
18αρα G686 ουν G3767 ως G5613 δι G1223 ενος G1520 παραπτωματος G3900 εις G1519 παντας G3956 ανθρωπους G444 εις G1519 κατακριμα G2631 ουτως G3779 και G2532 δι G1223 ενος G1520 δικαιωματος G1345 εις G1519 παντας G3956 ανθρωπους G444 εις G1519 δικαιωσιν G1347 ζωης G2222
19ωσπερ G5618 γαρ G1063 δια G1223 της G3588 παρακοης G3876 του G3588 ενος G1520 ανθρωπου G444 αμαρτωλοι G268 κατεσταθησαν G2525G5681 οι G3588 πολλοι G4183 ουτως G3779 και G2532 δια G1223 της G3588 υπακοης G5218 του G3588 ενος G1520 δικαιοι G1342 κατασταθησονται G2525G5701 οι G3588 πολλοι G4183
20νομος G3551 δε G1161 παρεισηλθεν G3922G5627 ινα G2443 πλεοναση G4121G5661 το G3588 παραπτωμα G3900 ου G3757 δε G1161 επλεονασεν G4121G5656 η G3588 αμαρτια G266 υπερεπερισσευσεν G5248G5656 η G3588 χαρις G5485
21ινα G2443 ωσπερ G5618 εβασιλευσεν G936G5656 η G3588 αμαρτια G266 εν G1722 τω G3588 θανατω G2288 ουτως G3779 και G2532 η G3588 χαρις G5485 βασιλευση G936G5661 δια G1223 δικαιοσυνης G1343 εις G1519 ζωην G2222 αιωνιον G166 δια G1223 ιησου G2424 χριστου G5547 του G3588 κυριου G2962 ημων G2257