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Original text: Bible / John / Chapter 1

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εν G1722 αρχη G746 ην G2258 G5713 ο G3588 λογος G3056 και G2532 ο G3588 λογος G3056 ην G2258 G5713 προς G4314 τον G3588 θεον G2316 και G2532 θεος G2316 ην G2258 G5713 ο G3588 λογος G3056 1 In the beginningG746 was the Word,G3056 and the WordG3056 was with God,G2316 and the WordG3056 was God.G2316
ουτος G3778 ην G2258 G5713 εν G1722 αρχη G746 προς G4314 τον G3588 θεον G2316 2 He was in the beginningG746 with God.G2316
παντα G3956 δι G1223 αυτου G846 εγενετο G1096 G5633 και G2532 χωρις G5565 αυτου G846 εγενετο G1096 G5633 ουδε G3761 εν G1520 ο G3739 γεγονεν G1096 G5754 3 AllG3956 thingsG3956 cameG1096 into beingG1096 by Him, and apartG5565 from Him nothingG3761 G1520 cameG1096 into beingG1096 that has comeG1096 into being.G1096
εν G1722 αυτω G846 ζωη G2222 ην G2258 G5713 και G2532 η G3588 ζωη G2222 ην G2258 G5713 το G3588 φως G5457 των G3588 ανθρωπων G444 4 In Him was life,G2222 and the lifeG2222 was the lightG5457 of men.G444
και G2532 το G3588 φως G5457 εν G1722 τη G3588 σκοτια G4653 φαινει G5316 G5719 και G2532 η G3588 σκοτια G4653 αυτο G846 ου G3756 κατελαβεν G2638 G5627 5 And the lightG5457 shinesG5316 in the darkness,G4653 and the darknessG4653 did not comprehendG2638 it.
εγενετο G1096 G5633 ανθρωπος G444 απεσταλμενος G649 G5772 παρα G3844 θεου G2316 ονομα G3686 αυτω G846 ιωαννης G2491 6 There cameG1096 a man,G444 sentG649 from God,G2316 whoseG846 nameG3686 was John.G2491
ουτος G3778 ηλθεν G2064 G5627 εις G1519 μαρτυριαν G3141 ινα G2443 μαρτυρηση G3140 G5661 περι G4012 του G3588 φωτος G5457 ινα G2443 παντες G3956 πιστευσωσιν G4100 G5661 δι G1223 αυτου G846 7 He cameG2064 for a witness,G3141 that he might bearG3140 witnessG3140 of the light,G5457 that allG3956 might believeG4100 throughG1223 him.
ουκ G3756 ην G2258 G5713 εκεινος G1565 το G3588 φως G5457 αλλ G235 ινα G2443 μαρτυρηση G3140 G5661 περι G4012 του G3588 φωτος G5457 8 He was not the light,G5457 but [came] that he might bearG3140 witnessG3140 of the light.G5457
ην G2258 G5713 το G3588 φως G5457 το G3588 αληθινον G228 ο G3739 φωτιζει G5461 G5719 παντα G3956 ανθρωπον G444 ερχομενον G2064 G5740 εις G1519 τον G3588 κοσμον G2889 9 There was the trueG228 lightG5457 which,G3739 comingG2064 into the world,G2889 enlightensG5461 everyG3956 man.G444
εν G1722 τω G3588 κοσμω G2889 ην G2258 G5713 και G2532 ο G3588 κοσμος G2889 δι G1223 αυτου G846 εγενετο G1096 G5633 και G2532 ο G3588 κοσμος G2889 αυτον G846 ουκ G3756 εγνω G1097 G5627 10 He was in the world,G2889 and the worldG2889 was madeG1096 throughG1223 Him, and the worldG2889 did not knowG1097 Him.
εις G1519 τα G3588 ιδια G2398 ηλθεν G2064 G5627 και G2532 οι G3588 ιδιοι G2398 αυτον G846 ου G3756 παρελαβον G3880 G5627 11 He cameG2064 to His own,G2398 and thoseG3588 who were His ownG2398 did not receiveG3880 Him.
οσοι G3745 δε G1161 ελαβον G2983 G5627 αυτον G846 εδωκεν G1325 G5656 αυτοις G846 εξουσιαν G1849 τεκνα G5043 θεου G2316 γενεσθαι G1096 G5635 τοις G3588 πιστευουσιν G4100 G5723 εις G1519 το G3588 ονομα G3686 αυτου G846 12 But as manyG3745 as receivedG2983 Him, to them He gaveG1325 the rightG1849 to becomeG1096 childrenG5043 of God,G2316 [even] to thoseG3588 who believeG4100 in His name,G3686
οι G3739 ουκ G3756 εξ G1537 αιματων G129 ουδε G3761 εκ G1537 θεληματος G2307 σαρκος G4561 ουδε G3761 εκ G1537 θεληματος G2307 ανδρος G435 αλλ G235 εκ G1537 θεου G2316 εγεννηθησαν G1080 G5681 13 whoG3739 were bornG1080 not of blood,G129 norG3761 of the willG2307 of the flesh,G4561 norG3761 of the willG2307 of man,G435 but of God.G2316
και G2532 ο G3588 λογος G3056 σαρξ G4561 εγενετο G1096 G5633 και G2532 εσκηνωσεν G4637 G5656 εν G1722 ημιν G2254 και G2532 εθεασαμεθα G2300 G5662 την G3588 δοξαν G1391 αυτου G846 δοξαν G1391 ως G5613 μονογενους G3439 παρα G3844 πατρος G3962 πληρης G4134 χαριτος G5485 και G2532 αληθειας G225 14 And the WordG3056 becameG1096 flesh,G4561 and dweltG4637 amongG1722 us, and we beheldG2300 His glory,G1391 gloryG1391 as of the onlyG3439 begottenG3439 from the Father,G3962 fullG4134 of graceG5485 and truth.G225
ιωαννης G2491 μαρτυρει G3140 G5719 περι G4012 αυτου G846 και G2532 κεκραγεν G2896 G5754 λεγων G3004 G5723 ουτος G3778 ην G2258 G5713 ον G3739 ειπον G2036 G5627 ο G3588 οπισω G3694 μου G3450 ερχομενος G2064 G5740 εμπροσθεν G1715 μου G3450 γεγονεν G1096 G5754 οτι G3754 πρωτος G4413 μου G3450 ην G2258 G5713 15 JohnG2491 boreG3140 witnessG3140 of Him, and criedG2896 out, saying,G3004 "ThisG3778 was He of whomG3739 I said,G3004 'He who comesG2064 afterG3694 me hasG1096 a higherG1715 rankG1715 than I, for He existedG1510 beforeG4413 me.'"
και G2532 εκ G1537 του G3588 πληρωματος G4138 αυτου G846 ημεις G2249 παντες G3956 ελαβομεν G2983 G5627 και G2532 χαριν G5485 αντι G473 χαριτος G5485 16 For of His fulnessG4138 we have allG3956 received,G2983 and graceG5485 upon grace.G5485
οτι G3754 ο G3588 νομος G3551 δια G1223 μωσεως G3475 εδοθη G1325 G5681 η G3588 χαρις G5485 και G2532 η G3588 αληθεια G225 δια G1223 ιησου G2424 χριστου G5547 εγενετο G1096 G5633 17 For the LawG3551 was givenG1325 throughG1223 Moses;G3475 graceG5485 and truthG225 were realizedG1096 throughG1223 JesusG2424 Christ.G5547
θεον G2316 ουδεις G3762 εωρακεν G3708 G5758 πωποτε G4455 ο G3588 μονογενης G3439 υιος G5207 ο G3588 ων G5607 G5752 εις G1519 τον G3588 κολπον G2859 του G3588 πατρος G3962 εκεινος G1565 εξηγησατο G1834 G5662 18 NoG3762 manG3762 has seenG3708 GodG2316 at anyG4455 time;G4455 the onlyG3439 begottenG3439 God,G2316 who is in the bosomG2859 of the Father,G3962 He has explainedG1834 [Him.]
και G2532 αυτη G3778 εστιν G2076 G5748 η G3588 μαρτυρια G3141 του G3588 ιωαννου G2491 οτε G3753 απεστειλαν G649 G5656 οι G3588 ιουδαιοι G2453 εξ G1537 ιεροσολυμων G2414 ιερεις G2409 και G2532 λευιτας G3019 ινα G2443 ερωτησωσιν G2065 G5661 αυτον G846 συ G4771 τις G5101 ει G1488 G5748 19 And thisG3778 is the witnessG3141 of John,G2491 whenG3753 the JewsG2453 sentG649 to him priestsG2409 and LevitesG3019 from JerusalemG2414 to askG2065 him, "WhoG5101 are you?"
και G2532 ωμολογησεν G3670 G5656 και G2532 ουκ G3756 ηρνησατο G720 G5662 και G2532 ωμολογησεν G3670 G5656 οτι G3754 ουκ G3756 ειμι G1510 G5748 εγω G1473 ο G3588 χριστος G5547 20 And he confessed,G3670 and did not deny,G720 and he confessed,G3670 "I amG1510 not the Christ.G5547"
και G2532 ηρωτησαν G2065 G5656 αυτον G846 τι G5101 ουν G3767 ηλιας G2243 ει G1488 G5748 συ G4771 και G2532 λεγει G3004 G5719 ουκ G3756 ειμι G1510 G5748 ο G3588 προφητης G4396 ει G1488 G5748 συ G4771 και G2532 απεκριθη G611 G5662 ου G3756 21 And they askedG2065 him, "WhatG5101 thenG3767? Are you ElijahG2243?" And he said,G3004 "I amG1510 not." "Are you the ProphetG4396?" And he answered,G611 "No.G3756"
ειπον G2036 G5627 ουν G3767 αυτω G846 τις G5101 ει G1488 G5748 ινα G2443 αποκρισιν G612 δωμεν G1325 G5632 τοις G3588 πεμψασιν G3992 G5660 ημας G2248 τι G5101 λεγεις G3004 G5719 περι G4012 σεαυτου G4572 22 They saidG3004 thenG3767 to him, "WhoG5101 are you, soG2443 that we may giveG1325 an answerG612 to thoseG3588 who sentG3992 us? WhatG5101 do you sayG3004 aboutG4012 yourselfG4572?"
εφη G5346 G5713 εγω G1473 φωνη G5456 βοωντος G994 G5723 εν G1722 τη G3588 ερημω G2048 ευθυνατε G2116 G5657 την G3588 οδον G3598 κυριου G2962 καθως G2531 ειπεν G2036 G5627 ησαιας G2268 ο G3588 προφητης G4396 23 He said,G5346 "I am a voiceG5456 of one cryingG994 in the wilderness,G2048 'MakeG2116 straightG2116 the wayG3598 of the Lord,G2962' as IsaiahG2268 the prophetG4396 said.G3004"
και G2532 οι G3588 απεσταλμενοι G649 G5772 ησαν G2258 G5713 εκ G1537 των G3588 φαρισαιων G5330 24 NowG2532 they had beenG1510 sentG649 from the Pharisees.G5330
και G2532 ηρωτησαν G2065 G5656 αυτον G846 και G2532 ειπον G2036 G5627 αυτω G846 τι G5101 ουν G3767 βαπτιζεις G907 G5719 ει G1487 συ G4771 ουκ G3756 ει G1488 G5748 ο G3588 χριστος G5547 ουτε G3777 ηλιας G2243 ουτε G3777 ο G3588 προφητης G4396 25 And they askedG2065 him, and saidG3004 to him, "WhyG5101 thenG3767 are you baptizing,G907 ifG1487 you are not the Christ,G5547 norG3761 Elijah,G2243 norG3761 the ProphetG4396?"
απεκριθη G611 G5662 αυτοις G846 ο G3588 ιωαννης G2491 λεγων G3004 G5723 εγω G1473 βαπτιζω G907 G5719 εν G1722 υδατι G5204 μεσος G3319 δε G1161 υμων G5216 εστηκεν G2476 G5707 G2476 G5758 ον G3739 υμεις G5210 ουκ G3756 οιδατε G1492 G5758 26 JohnG2491 answeredG611 them saying,G3004 "I baptizeG907 in water,G5204 [but] amongG3319 you standsG4739 One whomG3739 you do not know.G3609
αυτος G846 εστιν G2076 G5748 ο G3588 οπισω G3694 μου G3450 ερχομενος G2064 G5740 ος G3739 εμπροσθεν G1715 μου G3450 γεγονεν G1096 G5754 ου G3739 εγω G1473 ουκ G3756 ειμι G1510 G5748 αξιος G514 ινα G2443 λυσω G3089 G5661 αυτου G846 τον G3588 ιμαντα G2438 του G3588 υποδηματος G5266 27 "[It is] He who comesG2064 afterG3694 me, the thongG2438 of whoseG3739 sandalG5266 I amG1510 not worthyG514 to untie.G3089"
ταυτα G5023 εν G1722 βηθαβαρα G962 εγενετο G1096 G5633 περαν G4008 του G3588 ιορδανου G2446 οπου G3699 ην G2258 G5713 ιωαννης G2491 βαπτιζων G907 G5723 28 TheseG3778 thingsG3778 tookG1096 placeG1096 in BethanyG963 beyondG4008 the Jordan,G2446 whereG3699 JohnG2491 was baptizing.G907
τη G3588 επαυριον G1887 βλεπει G991 G5719 ο G3588 ιωαννης G2491 τον G3588 ιησουν G2424 ερχομενον G2064 G5740 προς G4314 αυτον G846 και G2532 λεγει G3004 G5719 ιδε G1492 G5657 ο G3588 αμνος G286 του G3588 θεου G2316 ο G3588 αιρων G142 G5723 την G3588 αμαρτιαν G266 του G3588 κοσμου G2889 29 The nextG1887 dayG1887 he sawG991 JesusG2424 comingG2064 to him, and said,G3004 "Behold,G2396 the LambG286 of GodG2316 who takesG142 awayG142 the sinG266 of the world!G2889
ουτος G3778 εστιν G2076 G5748 περι G4012 ου G3739 εγω G1473 ειπον G2036 G5627 οπισω G3694 μου G3450 ερχεται G2064 G5736 ανηρ G435 ος G3739 εμπροσθεν G1715 μου G3450 γεγονεν G1096 G5754 οτι G3754 πρωτος G4413 μου G3450 ην G2258 G5713 30 "ThisG3778 is He on behalfG5228 of whomG3739 I said,G3004 'AfterG3694 me comesG2064 a ManG435 whoG3739 hasG1096 a higherG1715 rankG1715 than I, for He existedG1510 beforeG4413 me.'
καγω G2504 ουκ G3756 ηδειν G1492 G5715 αυτον G846 αλλ G235 ινα G2443 φανερωθη G5319 G5686 τω G3588 ισραηλ G2474 δια G1223 τουτο G5124 ηλθον G2064 G5627 εγω G1473 εν G1722 τω G3588 υδατι G5204 βαπτιζων G907 G5723 31 "And I did not recognizeG3609 Him, but in orderG2443 that He might be manifestedG5319 to Israel,G2474 I cameG2064 baptizingG907 in water.G5204"
και G2532 εμαρτυρησεν G3140 G5656 ιωαννης G2491 λεγων G3004 G5723 οτι G3754 τεθεαμαι G2300 G5766 το G3588 πνευμα G4151 καταβαινον G2597 G5723 ωσει G5616 περιστεραν G4058 εξ G1537 ουρανου G3772 και G2532 εμεινεν G3306 G5656 επ G1909 αυτον G846 32 And JohnG2491 boreG3140 witnessG3140 saying,G3004 "I have beheldG2300 the SpiritG4151 descendingG2597 as a doveG4058 out of heaven,G3772 and He remainedG3306 upon Him.
καγω G2504 ουκ G3756 ηδειν G1492 G5715 αυτον G846 αλλ G235 ο G3588 πεμψας G3992 G5660 με G3165 βαπτιζειν G907 G5721 εν G1722 υδατι G5204 εκεινος G1565 μοι G3427 ειπεν G2036 G5627 εφ G1909 ον G3739 αν G302 ιδης G1492 G5632 το G3588 πνευμα G4151 καταβαινον G2597 G5723 και G2532 μενον G3306 G5723 επ G1909 αυτον G846 ουτος G3778 εστιν G2076 G5748 ο G3588 βαπτιζων G907 G5723 εν G1722 πνευματι G4151 αγιω G40 33 "And I did not recognizeG3609 Him, but He who sentG3992 me to baptizeG907 in waterG5204 saidG3004 to me, 'He upon whomG3739 you seeG3708 the SpiritG4151 descendingG2597 and remainingG3306 upon Him, thisG3778 is the one who baptizesG907 in the HolyG40 Spirit.G4151'
καγω G2504 εωρακα G3708 G5758 και G2532 μεμαρτυρηκα G3140 G5758 οτι G3754 ουτος G3778 εστιν G2076 G5748 ο G3588 υιος G5207 του G3588 θεου G2316 34 "And I have seen,G3708 and have borneG3140 witnessG3140 that thisG3778 is the SonG5207 of God.G2316"
τη G3588 επαυριον G1887 παλιν G3825 ειστηκει G2476 G5715 ο G3588 ιωαννης G2491 και G2532 εκ G1537 των G3588 μαθητων G3101 αυτου G846 δυο G1417 35 AgainG3825 the nextG1887 dayG1887 JohnG2491 was standingG2476 with twoG1417 of his disciples,G3101
και G2532 εμβλεψας G1689 G5660 τω G3588 ιησου G2424 περιπατουντι G4043 G5723 λεγει G3004 G5719 ιδε G1492 G5657 ο G3588 αμνος G286 του G3588 θεου G2316 36 and he lookedG1689 upon JesusG2424 as He walked,G4043 and said,G3004 "Behold,G2396 the LambG286 of God!G2316"
και G2532 ηκουσαν G191 G5656 αυτου G846 οι G3588 δυο G1417 μαθηται G3101 λαλουντος G2980 G5723 και G2532 ηκολουθησαν G190 G5656 τω G3588 ιησου G2424 37 And the twoG1417 disciplesG3101 heardG191 him speak,G2980 and they followedG190 Jesus.G2424
στραφεις G4762 G5651 δε G1161 ο G3588 ιησους G2424 και G2532 θεασαμενος G2300 G5666 αυτους G846 ακολουθουντας G190 G5723 λεγει G3004 G5719 αυτοις G846 τι G5101 ζητειτε G2212 G5719 οι G3588 δε G1161 ειπον G2036 G5627 αυτω G846 ραββι G4461 ο G3739 λεγεται G3004 G5743 ερμηνευομενον G2059 G5746 διδασκαλε G1320 που G4226 μενεις G3306 G5719 38 And JesusG2424 turned,G4762 and beheldG2300 them following,G190 and saidG3004 to them, "WhatG5101 do you seekG2212?" And they saidG3004 to Him, "RabbiG4461 (whichG3739 translatedG3177 meansG3004 TeacherG1320), whereG4226 are You stayingG3306?"
λεγει G3004 G5719 αυτοις G846 ερχεσθε G2064 G5737 και G2532 ιδετε G1492 G5628 ηλθον G2064 G5627 και G2532 ειδον G1492 G5627 που G4225 μενει G3306 G5719 και G2532 παρ G3844 αυτω G846 εμειναν G3306 G5656 την G3588 ημεραν G2250 εκεινην G1565 ωρα G5610 δε G1161 ην G2258 G5713 ως G5613 δεκατη G1182 39 He saidG3004 to them, "Come,G2064 and you will see.G3708" They cameG2064 thereforeG3767 and sawG3708 whereG4226 He was staying;G3306 and they stayedG3306 with Him that day,G2250 for it was aboutG5613 the tenthG1182 hour.G5610
ην G2258 G5713 ανδρεας G406 ο G3588 αδελφος G80 σιμωνος G4613 πετρου G4074 εις G1520 εκ G1537 των G3588 δυο G1417 των G3588 ακουσαντων G191 G5660 παρα G3844 ιωαννου G2491 και G2532 ακολουθησαντων G190 G5660 αυτω G846 40 OneG1520 of the twoG1417 who heardG191 JohnG2491 [speak,] and followedG190 Him, was Andrew,G406 SimonG4613 Peter's brother.G80
ευρισκει G2147 G5719 ουτος G3778 πρωτος G4413 τον G3588 αδελφον G80 τον G3588 ιδιον G2398 σιμωνα G4613 και G2532 λεγει G3004 G5719 αυτω G846 ευρηκαμεν G2147 G5758 τον G3588 μεσσιαν G3323 ο G3739 εστιν G2076 G5748 μεθερμηνευομενον G3177 G5746 ο G3588 χριστος G5547 41 He foundG2147 firstG4413 his ownG2398 brotherG80 Simon,G4613 and saidG3004 to him, "We have foundG2147 the MessiahG3323" (whichG3739 translatedG3177 meansG1510 ChristG5547).
και G2532 ηγαγεν G71 G5627 αυτον G846 προς G4314 τον G3588 ιησουν G2424 εμβλεψας G1689 G5660 δε G1161 αυτω G846 ο G3588 ιησους G2424 ειπεν G2036 G5627 συ G4771 ει G1488 G5748 σιμων G4613 ο G3588 υιος G5207 ιωνα G2495 συ G4771 κληθηση G2564 G5701 κηφας G2786 ο G3739 ερμηνευεται G2059 G5743 πετρος G4074 42 He broughtG71 him to Jesus.G2424 JesusG2424 lookedG1689 at him, and said,G3004 "You are SimonG4613 the sonG5207 of John;G2491 you shall be calledG2564 CephasG2786" (whichG3739 is translatedG2059 PeterG4074).
τη G3588 επαυριον G1887 ηθελησεν G2309 G5656 ο G3588 ιησους G2424 εξελθειν G1831 G5629 εις G1519 την G3588 γαλιλαιαν G1056 και G2532 ευρισκει G2147 G5719 φιλιππον G5376 και G2532 λεγει G3004 G5719 αυτω G846 ακολουθει G190 G5720 μοι G3427 43 The nextG1887 dayG1887 He purposedG2309 to goG1831 forthG1831 into Galilee,G1056 and He foundG2147 Philip.G5376 And JesusG2424 saidG3004 to him, "FollowG190 Me."
ην G2258 G5713 δε G1161 ο G3588 φιλιππος G5376 απο G575 βηθσαιδα G966 εκ G1537 της G3588 πολεως G4172 ανδρεου G406 και G2532 πετρου G4074 44 NowG1161 PhilipG5376 was from Bethsaida,G966 of the cityG4172 of AndrewG406 and Peter.G4074
ευρισκει G2147 G5719 φιλιππος G5376 τον G3588 ναθαναηλ G3482 και G2532 λεγει G3004 G5719 αυτω G846 ον G3739 εγραψεν G1125 G5656 μωσης G3475 εν G1722 τω G3588 νομω G3551 και G2532 οι G3588 προφηται G4396 ευρηκαμεν G2147 G5758 ιησουν G2424 τον G3588 υιον G5207 του G3588 ιωσηφ G2501 τον G3588 απο G575 {VAR1: ναζαρετ G3478 } {VAR2: ναζαρεθ G3478 } 45 PhilipG5376 foundG2147 NathanaelG3482 and saidG3004 to him, "We have foundG2147 Him of whomG3739 MosesG3475 in the LawG3551 and [also] the ProphetsG4396 wrote,G1125 JesusG2424 of Nazareth,G3478 the sonG5207 of Joseph.G2501"
και G2532 ειπεν G2036 G5627 αυτω G846 ναθαναηλ G3482 εκ G1537 {VAR1: ναζαρετ G3478 } {VAR2: ναζαρεθ G3478 } δυναται G1410 G5736 τι G5101 αγαθον G18 ειναι G1511 G5750 λεγει G3004 G5719 αυτω G846 φιλιππος G5376 ερχου G2064 G5736 και G2532 ιδε G1492 G5657 46 And NathanaelG3482 saidG3004 to him, "CanG1410 anyG5100 goodG18 thingG18 comeG1510 out of NazarethG3478?" PhilipG5376 saidG3004 to him, "ComeG2064 and see.G3708 "
ειδεν G1492 G5627 ο G3588 ιησους G2424 τον G3588 ναθαναηλ G3482 ερχομενον G2064 G5740 προς G4314 αυτον G846 και G2532 λεγει G3004 G5719 περι G4012 αυτου G846 ιδε G1492 G5657 αληθως G230 ισραηλιτης G2475 εν G1722 ω G3739 δολος G1388 ουκ G3756 εστιν G2076 G5748 47 JesusG2424 sawG3708 NathanaelG3482 comingG2064 to Him, and saidG3004 of him, "Behold,G2396 an IsraeliteG2475 indeed,G230 in whomG3739 is noG3756 guile!G1388"
λεγει G3004 G5719 αυτω G846 ναθαναηλ G3482 ποθεν G4159 με G3165 γινωσκεις G1097 G5719 απεκριθη G611 G5662 ο G3588 ιησους G2424 και G2532 ειπεν G2036 G5627 αυτω G846 προ G4253 του G3588 σε G4571 φιλιππον G5376 φωνησαι G5455 G5658 οντα G5607 G5752 υπο G5259 την G3588 συκην G4808 ειδον G1492 G5627 σε G4571 48 NathanaelG3482 saidG3004 to Him, "HowG4159 do You knowG1097 me?" JesusG2424 answeredG611 and saidG3004 to him, "BeforeG4253 PhilipG5376 calledG5455 you, when you were underG5259 the figG4808 tree,G4808 I sawG3708 you."
απεκριθη G611 G5662 ναθαναηλ G3482 και G2532 λεγει G3004 G5719 αυτω G846 ραββι G4461 συ G4771 ει G1488 G5748 ο G3588 υιος G5207 του G3588 θεου G2316 συ G4771 ει G1488 G5748 ο G3588 βασιλευς G935 του G3588 ισραηλ G2474 49 NathanaelG3482 answeredG611 Him, "Rabbi,G4461 You are the SonG5207 of God;G2316 You are the KingG935 of Israel.G2474"
απεκριθη G611 G5662 ιησους G2424 και G2532 ειπεν G2036 G5627 αυτω G846 οτι G3754 ειπον G2036 G5627 σοι G4671 ειδον G1492 G5627 σε G4571 υποκατω G5270 της G3588 συκης G4808 πιστευεις G4100 G5719 μειζω G3173 τουτων G5130 οψει G3700 G5695 50 JesusG2424 answeredG611 and saidG3004 to him, "BecauseG3754 I saidG3004 to you that I sawG3708 you underG5270 the figG4808 tree,G4808 do you believeG4100? You shall seeG3708 greaterG3173 thingsG3173 than these.G3778"
και G2532 λεγει G3004 G5719 αυτω G846 αμην G281 αμην G281 λεγω G3004 G5719 υμιν G5213 απ G575 αρτι G737 οψεσθε G3700 G5695 τον G3588 ουρανον G3772 ανεωγοτα G455 G5757 και G2532 τους G3588 αγγελους G32 του G3588 θεου G2316 αναβαινοντας G305 G5723 και G2532 καταβαινοντας G2597 G5723 επι G1909 τον G3588 υιον G5207 του G3588 ανθρωπου G444 51 And He saidG3004 to him, "Truly,G281 truly,G281 I sayG3004 to you, you shall seeG3708 the heavensG3772 opened,G455 and the angelsG32 of GodG2316 ascendingG305 and descendingG2597 on the SonG5207 of Man.G444"
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