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Codex online

(lat. сōdех - trunk, stump, that is, wooden tablets for writing)
The format of the first books, when the pages were not sewn together in the modern sense, but connected or woven.
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reliable site

Owner: Online Bible,

address: Belarus

Online Bible

On this magnificent site you can read and work online with the texts of the Codices and types of the New Testament.
Everything is digital, not photos.
There is also a half-line TR + Synodal text.

  1. Westcott and Hort 1881
  2. Nestle Greek NT 1904
  3. GNT Orthodox Church 1904
  4. Byzantine Majority Text 2005
  5. GNT Family 35
  6. SBL Greek New Testament 2010
  7. Codex Sinaiticus - 4th century
  8. Codex Vaticanus - 4th century
  9. Codex Alexandrinus - 5th century
  10. Codex Ephraim - 5th century
  11. Beza Codex - 5th century
  12. Codex Borgia - 5th century
  13. Code of Washington - 5th century

reliable site
English - Russian

address: Great Britain, Лондон

Codex Sinaiticus, a manuscript of the Christian Bible written in the mid-fourth century, contains the earliest complete copy of the Christian New Testament.
Handwritten text in Greek. The New Testament is written in the original vernacular language (Koine), while the Old Testament is written in a version known as the Septuagint, which was adopted by the early Greek-speaking Christians.
On the site you can work with text online.
We select a place in the Bible and get to a page where you can:

  1. look at photographs of fragments of the codex,
  2. get Greek text in PDF that can be copied
  3. text of the fragment translated into English.

Codex Sinaiticus
reliable site
English - English

address: USA

The text is online, in parallel with English, French and even Targum (Aramaic, of course).

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Interlinear translation of the Old and New Testaments and the Synodal translation of the Bible with parallel places and references. There are not many functions. Just text the Bible in Greek with a subscript, click on the words and get the values.

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