Infographic Russian reliable site Russian Owner: Sber, email: it@lenta-co.ru phone.: +7 (495) 785-17-00 address: Russia, Москва, 117105, Варшавское шоссе, д. 9, стр. 1, БЦ «Даниловская Мануфактура», «Ряды Солдатенкова» Lenta.ru — InfografiksInfographics on the site Lenta.ru. It's important, not how beautiful it looks, there are many beautiful places in other places. The main thing here is the correctness and freshness of the information, because this is their profile.
5coinsInformation or statistics are presented in a visual and lively form.
The team of enthusiasts decided to contribute 5 kopecks to this matter (hence the name). There is nothing on the site, except for infographics, not sprayed. Vivid MapsMaps that describe the world.
There are visually presented various statistics on the maps. In addition to graphics cards, there are videos that show changes on something on the map over a period of 5m time. This could be the melting of glaciers, population growth, the spread of religion ... Russian
reliable site Russian Owner: RIAN, email: internet-group@rian.ru phone.: +7 (495) 645-66-01 address: Russia, Москва, 119021, Зубовский бульвар, д. 4 |
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