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We enter only numbers, we will get the result both in Hebrew and in Strong's ancient Greek dictionaries.

1Then the LordH3068 spokeH1696 to MosesH4872 and Aaron,H175 saying,H559
2"ThisH2088 is the statuteH2708 of the lawH8451 whichH834 the LordH3068 has commanded,H6680 saying,H559 'SpeakH1696 to the sonsH1121 of IsraelH3478 that they bringH3947 you an unblemishedH8549 redH122 heiferH6499 in whichH834 is noH369 defect,H9249 [and] on whichH834 a yokeH5923 has neverH3808 been placed.H5927
3'And you shall giveH5414 it to EleazarH499 the priest,H3548 and it shall be broughtH3318 outsideH413H4480H2351 the campH4264 and be slaughteredH7819 in his presence.H6440
4'Next EleazarH499 the priestH3548 shall takeH3947 someH4480 of its bloodH1818 with his finger,H676 and sprinkleH5137 someH4480 of its bloodH1818 towardH413 the frontH6440 of the tentH168 of meetingH4150 sevenH7651 times.H6471
5'Then the heiferH6499 shall be burnedH8313 in his sight;H5869 its hideH5785 and its fleshH1320 and its blood,H1818 with its refuse,H6569 shall be burned.H8313
6'And the priestH3548 shall takeH3947 cedarH730 woodH6086 and hyssopH231 and scarletH8144 [material,] and castH7993 it into the midstH8432 of the burningH8316 heifer.H6499
7'The priestH3548 shall then washH3526 his clothesH899 and batheH7364 his bodyH1320 in water, and afterwardH310 comeH935 into the camp,H4264 but the priestH3548 shall be uncleanH2930 untilH5704 evening.H6153
8'The one who burnsH8313 it shall also washH3526 his clothesH899 in waterH4325 and batheH7364 his bodyH1320 in water,H4325 and shall be uncleanH2930 untilH5704 evening.H6153
9'Now a manH376 who is cleanH2889 shall gatherH622 up the ashesH665 of the heiferH6499 and depositH5117 them outsideH4480H2351 the campH4264 in a cleanH2889 place,H4725 and the congregationH5712 of the sonsH1121 of IsraelH3478 shall keepH4931 it as waterH4325 to remove impurity;H5079 it is purificationH9128 from sin.H9128
10'And the one who gathersH622 the ashesH665 of the heiferH6499 shall washH3526 his clothesH899 and be uncleanH2930 untilH5704 evening;H6153 and it shall be a perpetualH5769 statuteH2708 to the sonsH1121 of IsraelH3478 and to the alienH1616 who sojournsH1481 amongH8432 them.
11'The one who touchesH5060 the corpseH4191 of anyH3605 personH5315H120 shall be uncleanH2930 for sevenH7651 days.H3117
12'That oneH1931 shall purifyH2398 himself from uncleannessH2398 with the water on the thirdH7992 dayH3117 and on the seventhH7637 day,H3117 [and then] he shall be clean;H2891 but ifH518 he does not purifyH2398 himself on the thirdH7992 dayH3117 and on the seventhH7637 day,H3117 he shall not be clean.H2891
13'AnyoneH3605 who touchesH5060 a corpse,H4191 the bodyH5315 of a manH120 whoH834 has died,H4191 and does not purifyH2398 himself, defilesH2930 the tabernacleH4908 of the Lord;H3068 and that personH5315 shall be cutH3772 offH3772 from Israel.H3478 BecauseH3588 the waterH4325 for impurityH5079 was not sprinkledH2236 on him, he shall be unclean;H2931 his uncleannessH2932 is stillH5750 on him.
14'ThisH2088 is the lawH8451 whenH3588 a manH120 diesH4191 in a tent:H168 everyoneH3605 who comesH935 into the tentH168 and everyoneH3605 whoH834 is in the tentH168 shall be uncleanH2930 for sevenH7651 days.H3117
15'And everyH3605 openH6605 vessel,H3627 whichH834 hasH369 noH369 coveringH9489 tiedH6616 downH6616 on it, shall be unclean.H2931
16'Also, anyoneH3605 whoH834 in the openH6440 fieldH7704 touchesH5060 oneH2491 whoH2491 has been slainH2491 with a swordH2719 orH176 who has diedH4191 [naturally,] orH176 a humanH120 boneH6106 orH176 a grave,H6913 shall be uncleanH2930 for sevenH7651 days.H3117
17'Then for the uncleanH2931 [person] they shall takeH3947 someH4480 of the ashesH6083 of the burntH8316 purificationH9128 from sinH9128 and flowingH2416 waterH4325 shall be addedH5414 to them in a vessel.H3627
18'And a cleanH2889 personH376 shall takeH3947 hyssopH231 and dipH2881 [it] in the water,H4325 and sprinkleH5137 [it] on the tentH168 and on allH3605 the furnishingsH3627 and on the personsH5315 whoH834 were there,H8033 and on the one who touchedH5060 the boneH6106 orH176 the oneH2491 slainH2491 orH176 the one dyingH4191 [naturally] orH176 the grave.H6913
19'Then the cleanH2889 [person] shall sprinkleH5137 on the uncleanH2931 on the thirdH7992 dayH3117 and on the seventhH7637 day;H3117 and on the seventhH7637 dayH3117 he shall purifyH2398 him from uncleanness,H2398 and he shall washH3526 his clothesH899 and batheH7364 [himself] in waterH4325 and shall be cleanH2891 by evening.H6153
20'But the manH376 whoH834 is uncleanH2930 and does not purifyH2398 himself from uncleanness,H2398 that personH5315 shall be cutH3772 offH3772 from the midstH8432 of the assembly,H6951 becauseH3588 he has defiledH2930 the sanctuaryH4720 of the Lord;H3068 the waterH4325 for impurityH5079 has not been sprinkledH2236 on him, he is unclean.H2931
21'So it shall be a perpetualH5769 statuteH2708 for them. And he who sprinklesH5137 the waterH4325 for impurityH5079 shall washH3526 his clothes,H899 and he who touchesH5060 the waterH4325 for impurityH5079 shall be uncleanH2930 untilH5704 evening.H6153
22'Furthermore, anythingH3605 that the uncleanH2931 [personH5315] touchesH5060 shall be unclean;H2930 and the person who touchesH5060 [it] shall be uncleanH2930 untilH5704 evening.H6153' "

1וַיְדַבֵּ֣ר H1696 יְהוָ֔ה H3068 אֶל־H413מֹשֶׁ֥ה H4872 וְאֶֽל־H413אַהֲרֹ֖ן H175 לֵאמֹֽר׃ H559
2זֹ֚את H2063 חֻקַּ֣ת H2708 הַתּוֹרָ֔ה H8451 אֲשֶׁר־H834צִוָּ֥ה H6680 יְהוָ֖ה H3068 לֵאמֹ֑ר H559 דַּבֵּ֣ר H1696 ׀ אֶל־H413בְּנֵ֣י H1121 יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל H3478 וְיִקְח֣וּ H3947 אֵלֶיךָ֩ H413 פָרָ֨ה H6510 אֲדֻמָּ֜ה H122 תְּמִימָ֗ה H8549 אֲשֶׁ֤ר H834 אֵֽין־H369בָּהּ֙ מ֔וּם H3971 אֲשֶׁ֛ר H834 לֹא־H3808עָלָ֥ה H5927 עָלֶ֖יהָ H5921 עֹֽל׃ H5923
3וּנְתַתֶּ֣ם H5414 אֹתָ֔הּ H853 אֶל־H413אֶלְעָזָ֖ר H499 הַכֹּהֵ֑ן H3548 וְהוֹצִ֤יא H3318 אֹתָהּ֙ H853 אֶל־H413מִח֣וּץ H2351 לַֽמַּחֲנֶ֔ה H4264 וְשָׁחַ֥ט H7819 אֹתָ֖הּ H853 לְפָנָֽיו׃ H6440
4וְלָקַ֞ח H3947 אֶלְעָזָ֧ר H499 הַכֹּהֵ֛ן H3548 מִדָּמָ֖הּ H1818 בְּאֶצְבָּע֑וֹ H676 וְהִזָּ֞ה H5137 אֶל־H413נֹ֨כַח H5227 פְּנֵ֧י H6440 אֹֽהֶל־H168מוֹעֵ֛ד H4150 מִדָּמָ֖הּ H1818 שֶׁ֥בַע H7651 פְּעָמִֽים׃ H6471
5וְשָׂרַ֥ף H8313 אֶת־H853הַפָּרָ֖ה H6510 לְעֵינָ֑יו H5869 אֶת־H853עֹרָ֤הּ H5785 וְאֶת־H853בְּשָׂרָהּ֙ H1320 וְאֶת־H853דָּמָ֔הּ H1818 עַל־H5921פִּרְשָׁ֖הּ H6569 יִשְׂרֹֽף׃ H8313
6וְלָקַ֣ח H3947 הַכֹּהֵ֗ן H3548 עֵ֥ץ H6086 אֶ֛רֶז H730 וְאֵז֖וֹב H231 וּשְׁנִ֣י H8144 תוֹלָ֑עַת H8438 וְהִשְׁלִ֕יךְ H7993 אֶל־H413תּ֖וֹךְ H8432 שְׂרֵפַ֥ת H8316 הַפָּרָֽה׃ H6510
7וְכִבֶּ֨ס H3526 בְּגָדָ֜יו H899 הַכֹּהֵ֗ן H3548 וְרָחַ֤ץ H7364 בְּשָׂרוֹ֙ H1320 בַּמַּ֔יִם H4325 וְאַחַ֖ר H310 יָב֣וֹא H935 אֶל־H413הַֽמַּחֲנֶ֑ה H4264 וְטָמֵ֥א H2930 הַכֹּהֵ֖ן H3548 עַד־H5704הָעָֽרֶב׃ H6153
8וְהַשֹּׂרֵ֣ף H8313 אֹתָ֔הּ H853 יְכַבֵּ֤ס H3526 בְּגָדָיו֙ H899 בַּמַּ֔יִם H4325 וְרָחַ֥ץ H7364 בְּשָׂר֖וֹ H1320 בַּמָּ֑יִם H4325 וְטָמֵ֖א H2930 עַד־H5704הָעָֽרֶב׃ H6153
9וְאָסַ֣ף H622 ׀ אִ֣ישׁ H376 טָה֗וֹר H2889 אֵ֚ת H853 אֵ֣פֶר H665 הַפָּרָ֔ה H6510 וְהִנִּ֛יחַ H3240 מִח֥וּץ H2351 לַֽמַּחֲנֶ֖ה H4264 בְּמָק֣וֹם H4725 טָה֑וֹר H2889 וְ֠הָיְתָה H1961 לַעֲדַ֨ת H5712 בְּנֵֽי־H1121יִשְׂרָאֵ֧ל H3478 לְמִשְׁמֶ֛רֶת H4931 לְמֵ֥י H4325 נִדָּ֖ה H5079 חַטָּ֥את H2403 הִֽוא׃ H1931
10וְ֠כִבֶּס H3526 הָאֹסֵ֨ף H622 אֶת־H853אֵ֤פֶר H665 הַפָּרָה֙ H6510 אֶת־H853בְּגָדָ֔יו H899 וְטָמֵ֖א H2930 עַד־H5704הָעָ֑רֶב H6153 וְֽהָיְתָ֞ה H1961 לִבְנֵ֣י H1121 יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל H3478 וְלַגֵּ֛ר H1616 הַגָּ֥ר H1481 בְּתוֹכָ֖ם H8432 לְחֻקַּ֥ת H2708 עוֹלָֽם׃ H5769
11הַנֹּגֵ֥עַ H5060 בְּמֵ֖ת H4191 לְכָל־H3605נֶ֣פֶשׁ H5315 אָדָ֑ם H120 וְטָמֵ֖א H2930 שִׁבְעַ֥ת H7651 יָמִֽים׃ H3117
12ה֣וּא H1931 יִתְחַטָּא־H2398ב֞וֹ בַּיּ֧וֹם H3117 הַשְּׁלִישִׁ֛י H7992 וּבַיּ֥וֹם H3117 הַשְּׁבִיעִ֖י H7637 יִטְהָ֑ר H2891 וְאִם־H518לֹ֨א H3808 יִתְחַטָּ֜א H2398 בַּיּ֧וֹם H3117 הַשְּׁלִישִׁ֛י H7992 וּבַיּ֥וֹם H3117 הַשְּׁבִיעִ֖י H7637 לֹ֥א H3808 יִטְהָֽר׃ H2891
13כָּֽל־H3605הַנֹּגֵ֡עַ H5060 בְּמֵ֣ת H4191 בְּנֶפֶשׁ֩ H5315 הָאָדָ֨ם H120 אֲשֶׁר־H834יָמ֜וּת H4191 וְלֹ֣א H3808 יִתְחַטָּ֗א H2398 אֶת־H853מִשְׁכַּ֤ן H4908 יְהוָה֙ H3069 טִמֵּ֔א H2930 וְנִכְרְתָ֛ה H3772 הַנֶּ֥פֶשׁ H5315 הַהִ֖וא H1931 מִיִּשְׂרָאֵ֑ל H3478 כִּי֩ H3588 מֵ֨י H4325 נִדָּ֜ה H5079 לֹא־H3808זֹרַ֤ק H2236 עָלָיו֙ H5921 טָמֵ֣א H2931 יִהְיֶ֔ה H1961 ע֖וֹד H5750 טֻמְאָת֥וֹ H2932 בֽוֹ׃
14זֹ֚את H2063 הַתּוֹרָ֔ה H8451 אָדָ֖ם H120 כִּֽי־H3588יָמ֣וּת H4191 בְּאֹ֑הֶל H168 כָּל־H3605הַבָּ֤א H935 אֶל־H413הָאֹ֙הֶל֙ H168 וְכָל־H3605אֲשֶׁ֣ר H834 בָּאֹ֔הֶל H168 יִטְמָ֖א H2930 שִׁבְעַ֥ת H7651 יָמִֽים׃ H3117
15וְכֹל֙ H3605 כְּלִ֣י H3627 פָת֔וּחַ H6605 אֲשֶׁ֛ר H834 אֵין־H369צָמִ֥יד H6781 פָּתִ֖יל H6616 עָלָ֑יו H5921 טָמֵ֖א H2931 הֽוּא׃ H1931
16וְכֹ֨ל H3605 אֲשֶׁר־H834יִגַּ֜ע H5060 עַל־H5921פְּנֵ֣י H6440 הַשָּׂדֶ֗ה H7704 בַּֽחֲלַל־H2491חֶ֙רֶב֙ H2719 א֣וֹ H176 בְמֵ֔ת H4191 אֽוֹ־H176בְעֶ֥צֶם H6106 אָדָ֖ם H120 א֣וֹ H176 בְקָ֑בֶר H6913 יִטְמָ֖א H2930 שִׁבְעַ֥ת H7651 יָמִֽים׃ H3117
17וְלָֽקְחוּ֙ H3947 לַטָּמֵ֔א H2931 מֵעֲפַ֖ר H6083 שְׂרֵפַ֣ת H8316 הַֽחַטָּ֑את H2403 וְנָתַ֥ן H5414 עָלָ֛יו H5921 מַ֥יִם H4325 חַיִּ֖ים H2416 אֶל־H413כֶּֽלִי׃ H3627
18וְלָקַ֨ח H3947 אֵז֜וֹב H231 וְטָבַ֣ל H2881 בַּמַּיִם֮ H4325 אִ֣ישׁ H376 טָהוֹר֒ H2889 וְהִזָּ֤ה H5137 עַל־H5921הָאֹ֙הֶל֙ H168 וְעַל־H5921כָּל־H3605הַכֵּלִ֔ים H3627 וְעַל־H5921הַנְּפָשׁ֖וֹת H5315 אֲשֶׁ֣ר H834 הָֽיוּ־H1961שָׁ֑ם H8033 וְעַל־H5921הַנֹּגֵ֗עַ H5060 בַּעֶ֙צֶם֙ H6106 א֣וֹ H176 בֶֽחָלָ֔ל H2491 א֥וֹ H176 בַמֵּ֖ת H4191 א֥וֹ H176 בַקָּֽבֶר׃ H6913
19וְהִזָּ֤ה H5137 הַטָּהֹר֙ H2889 עַל־H5921הַטָּמֵ֔א H2931 בַּיּ֥וֹם H3117 הַשְּׁלִישִׁ֖י H7992 וּבַיּ֣וֹם H3117 הַשְּׁבִיעִ֑י H7637 וְחִטְּאוֹ֙ H2398 בַּיּ֣וֹם H3117 הַשְּׁבִיעִ֔י H7637 וְכִבֶּ֧ס H3526 בְּגָדָ֛יו H899 וְרָחַ֥ץ H7364 בַּמַּ֖יִם H4325 וְטָהֵ֥ר H2891 בָּעָֽרֶב׃ H6153
20וְאִ֤ישׁ H376 אֲשֶׁר־H834יִטְמָא֙ H2930 וְלֹ֣א H3808 יִתְחַטָּ֔א H2398 וְנִכְרְתָ֛ה H3772 הַנֶּ֥פֶשׁ H5315 הַהִ֖וא H1931 מִתּ֣וֹךְ H8432 הַקָּהָ֑ל H6951 כִּי֩ H3588 אֶת־H853מִקְדַּ֨שׁ H4720 יְהוָ֜ה H3068 טִמֵּ֗א H2930 מֵ֥י H4325 נִדָּ֛ה H5079 לֹא־H3808זֹרַ֥ק H2236 עָלָ֖יו H5921 טָמֵ֥א H2931 הֽוּא׃ H1931
21וְהָיְתָ֥ה H1961 לָּהֶ֖ם לְחֻקַּ֣ת H2708 עוֹלָ֑ם H5769 וּמַזֵּ֤ה H5137 מֵֽי־H4325הַנִּדָּה֙ H5079 יְכַבֵּ֣ס H3526 בְּגָדָ֔יו H899 וְהַנֹּגֵ֙עַ֙ H5060 בְּמֵ֣י H4325 הַנִּדָּ֔ה H5079 יִטְמָ֖א H2930 עַד־H5704הָעָֽרֶב׃ H6153
22וְכֹ֛ל H3605 אֲשֶׁר־H834יִגַּע־H5060בּ֥וֹ הַטָּמֵ֖א H2931 יִטְמָ֑א H2930 וְהַנֶּ֥פֶשׁ H5315 הַנֹּגַ֖עַת H5060 תִּטְמָ֥א H2930 עַד־H5704הָעָֽרֶב׃ H6153 פ

1ΚαὶG2532 ἐλάλησενG2980 κύριοςG2962 πρὸςG4314 ΜωυσῆνG3475 καὶG2532 ΑαρωνG2 λέγωνG3004
2ΑὕτηG3778G3588 διαστολὴG1293 τοῦG3588 νόμου,G3551 ὅσαG3745 συνέταξενG4929 κύριοςG2962 λέγωνG3004 ΛάλησονG2980 τοῖςG3588 υἱοῖςG5207 ΙσραηλG2474 καὶG2532 λαβέτωσανG2983 πρὸςG4314 σὲG4771 δάμαλινG1151 πυρρὰνG4450 ἄμωμον,G299 ἥτιςG3748 οὐκG3364 ἔχειG2192 ἐνG1722 αὐτῇG846 μῶμονG3470 καὶG2532G3739 οὐκG3364 ἐπεβλήθηG1911 ἐπ᾽G1909 αὐτὴνG846 ζυγός.G2218
3καὶG2532 δώσειςG1325 αὐτὴνG846 πρὸςG4314 ΕλεαζαρG1648 τὸνG3588 ἱερέα,G2409 καὶG2532 ἐξάξουσινG1806 αὐτὴνG846 ἔξωG1854 τῆςG3588 παρεμβολῆςG3925 εἰςG1519 τόπονG5117 καθαρὸνG2513 καὶG2532 σφάξουσινG4969 αὐτὴνG846 ἐνώπιονG1799 αὐτοῦ.G846
4καὶG2532 λήμψεταιG2983 ΕλεαζαρG1648 ἀπὸG575 τοῦG3588 αἵματοςG129 αὐτῆςG846 καὶG2532 ῥανεῖG4468 ἀπέναντιG561 τοῦG3588 προσώπουG4383 τῆςG3588 σκηνῆςG4633 τοῦG3588 μαρτυρίουG3142 ἀπὸG575 τοῦG3588 αἵματοςG129 αὐτῆςG846 ἑπτάκις.G2034
5καὶG2532 κατακαύσουσινG2618 αὐτὴνG846 ἐναντίονG1726 αὐτοῦ,G846 καὶG2532 τὸG3588 δέρμαG1192 καὶG2532 τὰG3588 κρέαG2907 αὐτῆςG846 καὶG2532 τὸG3588 αἷμαG129 αὐτῆςG846 σὺνG4862 τῇG3588 κόπρῳG2874 αὐτῆςG846 κατακαυθήσεται.G2618
6καὶG2532 λήμψεταιG2983G3588 ἱερεὺςG2409 ξύλονG3586 κέδρινον καὶG2532 ὕσσωπονG5301 καὶG2532 κόκκινονG2847 καὶG2532 ἐμβαλοῦσινG1685 εἰςG1519 μέσονG3319 τοῦG3588 κατακαύματος τῆςG3588 δαμάλεως.G1151
7καὶG2532 πλυνεῖG4150 τὰG3588 ἱμάτιαG2440 αὐτοῦG846G3588 ἱερεὺςG2409 καὶG2532 λούσεταιG3068 τὸG3588 σῶμαG4983 αὐτοῦG846 ὕδατιG5204 καὶG2532 μετὰG3326 ταῦταG3778 εἰσελεύσεταιG1525 εἰςG1519 τὴνG3588 παρεμβολήν,G3925 καὶG2532 ἀκάθαρτοςG169 ἔσταιG1510G3588 ἱερεὺςG2409 ἕωςG2193 ἑσπέρας.G2073
8καὶG2532G3588 κατακαίωνG2618 αὐτὴνG846 πλυνεῖG4150 τὰG3588 ἱμάτιαG2440 αὐτοῦG846 καὶG2532 λούσεταιG3068 τὸG3588 σῶμαG4983 αὐτοῦG846 καὶG2532 ἀκάθαρτοςG169 ἔσταιG1510 ἕωςG2193 ἑσπέρας.G2073
9καὶG2532 συνάξειG4863 ἄνθρωποςG444 καθαρὸςG2513 τὴνG3588 σποδὸνG4700 τῆςG3588 δαμάλεωςG1151 καὶG2532 ἀποθήσειG659 ἔξωG1854 τῆςG3588 παρεμβολῆςG3925 εἰςG1519 τόπονG5117 καθαρόν,G2513 καὶG2532 ἔσταιG1510 τῇG3588 συναγωγῇG4864 υἱῶνG5207 ΙσραηλG2474 εἰςG1519 διατήρησιν, ὕδωρG5204 ῥαντισμοῦ·G4473 ἅγνισμά ἐστιν.G1510
10καὶG2532 πλυνεῖG4150 τὰG3588 ἱμάτιαG2440G3588 συνάγωνG4863 τὴνG3588 σποδιὰν τῆςG3588 δαμάλεωςG1151 καὶG2532 ἀκάθαρτοςG169 ἔσταιG1510 ἕωςG2193 ἑσπέρας.G2073 καὶG2532 ἔσταιG1510 τοῖςG3588 υἱοῖςG5207 ΙσραηλG2474 καὶG2532 τοῖςG3588 προσκειμένοις προσηλύτοιςG4339 νόμιμονG3545 αἰώνιον.G166
11G3588 ἁπτόμενοςG680 τοῦG3588 τεθνηκότοςG2348 πάσηςG3956 ψυχῆςG5590 ἀνθρώπουG444 ἀκάθαρτοςG169 ἔσταιG1510 ἑπτὰG2033 ἡμέρας·G2250
12οὗτοςG3778 ἁγνισθήσεταιG48 τῇG3588 ἡμέρᾳG2250 τῇG3588 τρίτῃG5154 καὶG2532 τῇG3588 ἡμέρᾳG2250 τῇG3588 ἑβδόμῃG1442 καὶG2532 καθαρὸςG2513 ἔσται·G1510 ἐὰνG1437 δὲG1161 μὴG3165 ἀφαγνισθῇ τῇG3588 ἡμέρᾳG2250 τῇG3588 τρίτῃG5154 καὶG2532 τῇG3588 ἡμέρᾳG2250 τῇG3588 ἑβδόμῃ,G1442 οὐG3364 καθαρὸςG2513 ἔσται.G1510
13πᾶςG3956G3588 ἁπτόμενοςG680 τοῦG3588 τεθνηκότοςG2348 ἀπὸG575 ψυχῆςG5590 ἀνθρώπου,G444 ἐὰνG1437 ἀποθάνῃ,G599 καὶG2532 μὴG3165 ἀφαγνισθῇ, τὴνG3588 σκηνὴνG4633 κυρίουG2962 ἐμίανεν·G3392 ἐκτριβήσεται ἡG3588 ψυχὴG5590 ἐκείνηG1565 ἐξG1537 Ισραηλ·G2474 ὅτιG3754 ὕδωρG5204 ῥαντισμοῦG4473 οὐG3364 περιερραντίσθη ἐπ᾽G1909 αὐτόν,G846 ἀκάθαρτόςG169 ἐστιν,G1510 ἔτιG2089G3588 ἀκαθαρσίαG167 αὐτοῦG846 ἐνG1722 αὐτῷG846 ἐστιν.G1510
14ΚαὶG2532 οὗτοςG3778G3588 νόμος·G3551 ἄνθρωποςG444 ἐὰνG1437 ἀποθάνῃG599 ἐνG1722 οἰκίᾳ,G3614 πᾶςG3956G3588 εἰσπορευόμενοςG1531 εἰςG1519 τὴνG3588 οἰκίανG3614 καὶG2532 ὅσαG3745 ἐστὶνG1510 ἐνG1722 τῇG3588 οἰκίᾳ,G3614 ἀκάθαρταG169 ἔσταιG1510 ἑπτὰG2033 ἡμέρας·G2250
15καὶG2532 πᾶνG3956 σκεῦοςG4632 ἀνεῳγμένον,G455 ὅσαG3745 οὐχὶG3364 δεσμὸνG1199 καταδέδεταιG2611 ἐπ᾽G1909 αὐτῷ,G846 ἀκάθαρτάG169 ἐστιν.G1510
16καὶG2532 πᾶς,G3956 ὃςG3739 ἐὰνG1437 ἅψηταιG680 ἐπὶG1909 προσώπουG4383 τοῦG3588 πεδίου τραυματίου ἢG2228 νεκροῦG3498G2228 ὀστέουG3747 ἀνθρωπίνουG442G2228 μνήματος,G3418 ἑπτὰG2033 ἡμέραςG2250 ἀκάθαρτοςG169 ἔσται.G1510
17καὶG2532 λήμψονταιG2983 τῷG3588 ἀκαθάρτῳG169 ἀπὸG575 τῆςG3588 σποδιᾶς τῆςG3588 κατακεκαυμένηςG2618 τοῦG3588 ἁγνισμοῦG49 καὶG2532 ἐκχεοῦσινG1632 ἐπ᾽G1909 αὐτὴνG846 ὕδωρG5204 ζῶνG2198 εἰςG1519 σκεῦος·G4632
18καὶG2532 λήμψεταιG2983 ὕσσωπονG5301 καὶG2532 βάψειG911 εἰςG1519 τὸG3588 ὕδωρG5204 ἀνὴρG435 καθαρὸςG2513 καὶG2532 περιρρανεῖ ἐπὶG1909 τὸνG3588 οἶκονG3624 καὶG2532 ἐπὶG1909 τὰG3588 σκεύηG4632 καὶG2532 ἐπὶG1909 τὰςG3588 ψυχάς,G5590 ὅσαιG3745 ἐὰνG1437 ὦσινG1510 ἐκεῖ,G1563 καὶG2532 ἐπὶG1909 τὸνG3588 ἡμμένονG680 τοῦG3588 ὀστέουG3747 τοῦG3588 ἀνθρωπίνουG442G2228 τοῦG3588 τραυματίου ἢG2228 τοῦG3588 τεθνηκότοςG2348G2228 τοῦG3588 μνήματος·G3418
19καὶG2532 περιρρανεῖ ὁG3588 καθαρὸςG2513 ἐπὶG1909 τὸνG3588 ἀκάθαρτονG169 ἐνG1722 τῇG3588 ἡμέρᾳG2250 τῇG3588 τρίτῃG5154 καὶG2532 ἐνG1722 τῇG3588 ἡμέρᾳG2250 τῇG3588 ἑβδόμῃ,G1442 καὶG2532 ἀφαγνισθήσεται τῇG3588 ἡμέρᾳG2250 τῇG3588 ἑβδόμῃG1442 καὶG2532 πλυνεῖG4150 τὰG3588 ἱμάτιαG2440 αὐτοῦG846 καὶG2532 λούσεταιG3068 ὕδατιG5204 καὶG2532 ἀκάθαρτοςG169 ἔσταιG1510 ἕωςG2193 ἑσπέρας.G2073
20καὶG2532 ἄνθρωπος,G444 ὃςG3739 ἐὰνG1437 μιανθῇG3392 καὶG2532 μὴG3165 ἀφαγνισθῇ, ἐξολεθρευθήσεταιG1842G3588 ψυχὴG5590 ἐκείνηG1565 ἐκG1537 μέσουG3319 τῆςG3588 συναγωγῆς,G4864 ὅτιG3754 τὰG3588 ἅγιαG40 κυρίουG2962 ἐμίανεν,G3392 ὅτιG3754 ὕδωρG5204 ῥαντισμοῦG4473 οὐG3364 περιερραντίσθη ἐπ᾽G1909 αὐτόν,G846 ἀκάθαρτόςG169 ἐστιν.G1510
21καὶG2532 ἔσταιG1510 ὑμῖνG4771 νόμιμονG3545 αἰώνιον·G166 καὶG2532G3588 περιρραίνων ὕδωρG5204 ῥαντισμοῦG4473 πλυνεῖG4150 τὰG3588 ἱμάτιαG2440 αὐτοῦ,G846 καὶG2532G3588 ἁπτόμενοςG680 τοῦG3588 ὕδατοςG5204 τοῦG3588 ῥαντισμοῦG4473 ἀκάθαρτοςG169 ἔσταιG1510 ἕωςG2193 ἑσπέρας·G2073
22καὶG2532 παντός,G3956 οὗG3739 ἐὰνG1437 ἅψηταιG680 αὐτοῦG846G3588 ἀκάθαρτος,G169 ἀκάθαρτονG169 ἔσται,G1510 καὶG2532G3588 ψυχὴG5590G3588 ἁπτομένηG680 ἀκάθαρτοςG169 ἔσταιG1510 ἕωςG2193 ἑσπέρας.G2073