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We enter only numbers, we will get the result both in Hebrew and in Strong's ancient Greek dictionaries.

1Then JoshuaH3091 roseH7925 earlyH7925 in the morning;H1242 and he and allH3605 the sonsH1121 of IsraelH3478 setH5265 out from ShittimH7851 and cameH935 to the Jordan,H3383 and they lodgedH3885 thereH8033 beforeH2962 they crossed.H5674
2And it cameH1961 about at the endH7097 of threeH7969 daysH3117 that the officersH7860 wentH5674 throughH5674 the midstH7130 of the camp;H4264
3and they commandedH6680 the people,H5971 saying,H559 "When you seeH7200 the arkH727 of the covenantH1285 of the LordH3068 your GodH430 with the LeviticalH3881 priestsH3548 carryingH5375 it, then you shall setH5265 out from your placeH4725 and goH1980 afterH310 it.
4"However,H389 there shall be betweenH996 you and it a distanceH7350 of about 2,000 cubitsH520 by measure.H4060 Do not comeH7126 nearH7126 it, that you may knowH3045 the wayH1870 by whichH834 you shall go,H1980 for you have not passedH5674 this wayH1870 beforeH4480.H8543H8032"
5Then JoshuaH3091 saidH559 to the people,H5971 "ConsecrateH6942 yourselves, for tomorrowH4279 the LordH3068 will doH6213 wondersH6381 amongH7130 you."
6And JoshuaH3091 spokeH559 to the priests,H3548 saying,H559 "TakeH5375 up the arkH727 of the covenantH1285 and crossH5674 overH5674 aheadH6440 of the people.H5971" So they tookH5375 up the arkH727 of the covenantH1285 and wentH1980 aheadH6440 of the people.H5971
7Now the LordH3068 saidH559 to Joshua,H3091 "ThisH2088 dayH3117 I will beginH2490 to exaltH1431 you in the sightH5869 of allH3605 Israel,H3478 that they may knowH3045 that justH9201 as I have beenH1961 with Moses,H4872 I will be with you.
8"You shall, moreover, commandH6680 the priestsH3548 who are carryingH5375 the arkH727 of the covenant,H1285 saying,H559 'When you comeH935 to the edgeH7097 of the watersH4325 of the Jordan,H3383 you shall standH5975 [still] in the Jordan.H3383'"
9Then JoshuaH3091 saidH559 to the sonsH1121 of Israel,H3478 "ComeH5066 here,H2008 and hearH8085 the wordsH1697 of the LordH3068 your God.H430"
10And JoshuaH3091 said,H559 "By thisH2088 you shall knowH3045 that the livingH2416 GodH410 is amongH7130 you, and that He will assuredlyH3423 dispossessH3423 from beforeH6440 you the Canaanite,H3669 the Hittite,H2850 the Hivite,H2340 the Perizzite,H6522 the Girgashite,H1622 the Amorite,H567 and the Jebusite.H2983
11"Behold,H2009 the arkH727 of the covenantH1285 of the LordH136 of allH3605 the earthH776 is crossingH5674 overH5674 aheadH6440 of you into the Jordan.H3383
12"NowH6258 then, takeH3947 for yourselves twelveH8147H6240 menH376 from the tribesH7626 of Israel,H3478 oneH259 manH376 for eachH376H259 tribe.H7626
13"And it shall comeH1961 about when the solesH3709 of the feetH7272 of the priestsH3548 who carryH5375 the arkH727 of the Lord,H3068 the LordH136 of allH3605 the earth,H776 shall restH5117 in the watersH4325 of the Jordan,H3383 the watersH4325 of the JordanH3383 shall be cutH3772 off,H3772 [and] the watersH4325 which are flowingH3381 downH3381 from aboveH4480H4605 shall standH5975 in oneH259 heap.H5067"
14So it cameH1961 about when the peopleH5971 setH5265 out from their tentsH168 to crossH5674 the JordanH3383 with the priestsH3548 carryingH5375 the arkH727 of the covenantH1285 beforeH6440 the people,H5971
15and when those who carriedH5375 the arkH727 cameH935 into the Jordan,H3383 and the feetH7272 of the priestsH3548 carryingH5375 the arkH727 were dippedH2881 in the edgeH7097 of the waterH4325 (for the JordanH3383 overflowsH4390H5921 allH3605 its banksH1415 allH3605 the daysH3117 of harvestH7105),
16that the watersH4325 which were flowingH3381 downH3381 from aboveH4480H4605 stoodH5975 [and] roseH6965 up in oneH259 heap,H5067 a greatH3966 distanceH7368 away at Adam,H121 the cityH5892 that is besideH4480H6654 Zarethan;H6891 and those which were flowingH3381 downH3381 towardH5921 the seaH3220 of the Arabah,H6160 the SaltH4417 Sea,H3220 were completelyH8552 cutH3772 off.H3772 So the peopleH5971 crossedH5674 oppositeH5048 Jericho.H3405
17And the priestsH3548 who carriedH5375 the arkH727 of the covenantH1285 of the LordH3068 stoodH5975 firmH5975 on dryH2724 groundH2724 in the middleH8432 of the JordanH3383 while allH3605 IsraelH3478 crossedH5674 on dryH2724 ground,H2724 untilH5704H834 allH3605 the nationH1471 had finishedH8552 crossingH5674 the Jordan.H3383

1וַיַּשְׁכֵּם֩ H7925 יְהוֹשֻׁ֨עַ H3091 בַּבֹּ֜קֶר H1242 וַיִּסְע֣וּ H5265 מֵֽהַשִּׁטִּ֗ים H7851 וַיָּבֹ֙אוּ֙ H935 עַד־H5704הַיַּרְדֵּ֔ן H3383 ה֖וּא H1931 וְכָל־H3605בְּנֵ֣י H1121 יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל H3478 וַיָּלִ֥נוּ H3885 שָׁ֖ם H8033 טֶ֥רֶם H2962 יַעֲבֹֽרוּ׃ H5674
2וַיְהִ֕י H1961 מִקְצֵ֖ה H7097 שְׁלֹ֣שֶׁת H7969 יָמִ֑ים H3117 וַיַּעַבְר֥וּ H5674 הַשֹּׁטְרִ֖ים H7860 בְּקֶ֥רֶב H7130 הַֽמַּחֲנֶֽה׃ H4264
3וַיְצַוּוּ֮ H6680 אֶת־H853הָעָ֣ם H5971 לֵאמֹר֒ H559 כִּרְאֽוֹתְכֶ֗ם H7200 אֵ֣ת H853 אֲר֤וֹן H727 בְּרִית־H1285יְהוָה֙ H3068 אֱלֹ֣הֵיכֶ֔ם H430 וְהַכֹּֽהֲנִים֙ H3548 הַלְוִיִּ֔ם H3881 נֹשְׂאִ֖ים H5375 אֹת֑וֹ H853 וְאַתֶּ֗ם H859 תִּסְעוּ֙ H5265 מִמְּק֣וֹמְכֶ֔ם H4725 וַהֲלַכְתֶּ֖ם H1980 אַחֲרָֽיו׃ H310
4אַ֣ךְ H389 ׀ רָח֣וֹק H7350 יִהְיֶ֗ה H1961 בֵּֽינֵיכֶם֙ H996 [וּבֵינֹו כ] (וּבֵינָ֔יו H996 ק) כְּאַלְפַּ֥יִם H505 אַמָּ֖ה H520 בַּמִּדָּ֑ה H4060 אַֽל־H408תִּקְרְב֣וּ H7126 אֵלָ֗יו H413 לְמַ֤עַן H4616 אֲשֶׁר־H834תֵּֽדְעוּ֙ H3045 אֶת־H853הַדֶּ֙רֶךְ֙ H1870 אֲשֶׁ֣ר H834 תֵּֽלְכוּ־H1980בָ֔הּ כִּ֣י H3588 לֹ֧א H3808 עֲבַרְתֶּ֛ם H5674 בַּדֶּ֖רֶךְ H1870 מִתְּמ֥וֹל H8543 שִׁלְשֽׁוֹם׃ H8032 ס
5וַיֹּ֧אמֶר H559 יְהוֹשֻׁ֛עַ H3091 אֶל־H413הָעָ֖ם H5971 הִתְקַדָּ֑שׁוּ H6942 כִּ֣י H3588 מָחָ֗ר H4279 יַעֲשֶׂ֧ה H6213 יְהוָ֛ה H3068 בְּקִרְבְּכֶ֖ם H7130 נִפְלָאֽוֹת׃ H6381
6וַיֹּ֤אמֶר H559 יְהוֹשֻׁ֙עַ֙ H3091 אֶל־H413הַכֹּהֲנִ֣ים H3548 לֵאמֹ֔ר H559 שְׂאוּ֙ H5375 אֶת־H853אֲר֣וֹן H727 הַבְּרִ֔ית H1285 וְעִבְר֖וּ H5674 לִפְנֵ֣י H6440 הָעָ֑ם H5971 וַיִּשְׂאוּ֙ H5375 אֶת־H853אֲר֣וֹן H727 הַבְּרִ֔ית H1285 וַיֵּלְכ֖וּ H1980 לִפְנֵ֥י H6440 הָעָֽם׃ H5971 ס
7וַיֹּ֤אמֶר H559 יְהוָה֙ H3068 אֶל־H413יְהוֹשֻׁ֔עַ H3091 הַיּ֣וֹם H3117 הַזֶּ֗ה H2088 אָחֵל֙ H2490 גַּדֶּלְךָ֔ H1431 בְּעֵינֵ֖י H5869 כָּל־H3605יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל H3478 אֲשֶׁר֙ H834 יֵֽדְע֔וּן H3045 כִּ֗י H3588 כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר H834 הָיִ֛יתִי H1961 עִם־H5973מֹשֶׁ֖ה H4872 אֶהְיֶ֥ה H1961 עִמָּֽךְ׃ H5973
8וְאַתָּ֗ה H859 תְּצַוֶּה֙ H6680 אֶת־H853הַכֹּ֣הֲנִ֔ים H3548 נֹשְׂאֵ֥י H5375 אֲרֽוֹן־H727הַבְּרִ֖ית H1285 לֵאמֹ֑ר H559 כְּבֹאֲכֶ֗ם H935 עַד־H5704קְצֵה֙ H7097 מֵ֣י H4325 הַיַּרְדֵּ֔ן H3383 בַּיַּרְדֵּ֖ן H3383 תַּעֲמֹֽדוּ׃ H5975 פ
9וַיֹּ֥אמֶר H559 יְהוֹשֻׁ֖עַ H3091 אֶל־H413בְּנֵ֣י H1121 יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל H3478 גֹּ֣שׁוּ H5066 הֵ֔נָּה H2008 וְשִׁמְע֕וּ H8085 אֶת־H853דִּבְרֵ֖י H1697 יְהוָ֥ה H3068 אֱלֹֽהֵיכֶֽם׃ H430
10וַיֹּ֣אמֶר H559 יְהוֹשֻׁ֔עַ H3091 בְּזֹאת֙ H2063 תֵּֽדְע֔וּן H3045 כִּ֛י H3588 אֵ֥ל H410 חַ֖י H2416 בְּקִרְבְּכֶ֑ם H7130 וְהוֹרֵ֣שׁ H3423 יוֹרִ֣ישׁ H3423 מִ֠פְּנֵיכֶם H6440 אֶת־H853הַכְּנַעֲנִ֨י H3669 וְאֶת־H853הַחִתִּ֜י H2850 וְאֶת־H853הַחִוִּ֗י H2340 וְאֶת־H853הַפְּרִזִּי֙ H6522 וְאֶת־H853הַגִּרְגָּשִׁ֔י H1622 וְהָאֱמֹרִ֖י H567 וְהַיְבוּסִֽי׃ H2983
11הִנֵּה֙ H2009 אֲר֣וֹן H727 הַבְּרִ֔ית H1285 אֲד֖וֹן H136 כָּל־H3605הָאָ֑רֶץ H776 עֹבֵ֥ר H5674 לִפְנֵיכֶ֖ם H6440 בַּיַּרְדֵּֽן׃ H3383
12וְעַתָּ֗ה H6258 קְח֤וּ H3947 לָכֶם֙ שְׁנֵ֣י H8147 עָשָׂ֣ר H6240 אִ֔ישׁ H376 מִשִּׁבְטֵ֖י H7626 יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל H3478 אִישׁ־H376אֶחָ֥ד H259 אִישׁ־H376אֶחָ֖ד H259 לַשָּֽׁבֶט׃ H7626
13וְהָיָ֡ה H1961 כְּנ֣וֹחַ H5117 כַּפּ֣וֹת H3709 רַגְלֵ֣י H7272 הַכֹּהֲנִ֡ים H3548 נֹשְׂאֵי֩ H5375 אֲר֨וֹן H727 יְהוָ֜ה H3068 אֲד֤וֹן H136 כָּל־H3605הָאָ֙רֶץ֙ H776 בְּמֵ֣י H4325 הַיַּרְדֵּ֔ן H3383 מֵ֤י H4325 הַיַּרְדֵּן֙ H3383 יִכָּ֣רֵת֔וּן H3772 הַמַּ֥יִם H4325 הַיֹּרְדִ֖ים H3381 מִלְמָ֑עְלָה H4605 וְיַעַמְד֖וּ H5975 נֵ֥ד H5067 אֶחָֽד׃ H259
14וַיְהִ֗י H1961 בִּנְסֹ֤עַ H5265 הָעָם֙ H5971 מֵאָ֣הֳלֵיהֶ֔ם H168 לַעֲבֹ֖ר H5674 אֶת־H853הַיַּרְדֵּ֑ן H3383 וְהַכֹּהֲנִ֗ים H3548 נֹֽשְׂאֵ֛י H5375 הָאָר֥וֹן H727 הַבְּרִ֖ית H1285 לִפְנֵ֥י H6440 הָעָֽם׃ H5971
15וּכְב֞וֹא H935 נֹשְׂאֵ֤י H5375 הָֽאָרוֹן֙ H727 עַד־H5704הַיַּרְדֵּ֔ן H3383 וְרַגְלֵ֤י H7272 הַכֹּֽהֲנִים֙ H3548 נֹשְׂאֵ֣י H5375 הָֽאָר֔וֹן H727 נִטְבְּל֖וּ H2881 בִּקְצֵ֣ה H7097 הַמָּ֑יִם H4325 וְהַיַּרְדֵּ֗ן H3383 מָלֵא֙ H4390 עַל־H5921כָּל־H3605גְּדוֹתָ֔יו H1415 כֹּ֖ל H3605 יְמֵ֥י H3117 קָצִֽיר׃ H7105
16וַיַּעַמְד֡וּ H5975 הַמַּיִם֩ H4325 הַיֹּרְדִ֨ים H3381 מִלְמַ֜עְלָה H4605 קָ֣מוּ H6965 נֵד־H5067אֶחָ֗ד H259 הַרְחֵ֨ק H7368 מְאֹ֜ד H3966 [בָאָדָם כ] (מֵֽאָדָ֤ם H121 ק) הָעִיר֙ H5892 אֲשֶׁר֙ H834 מִצַּ֣ד H6654 צָֽרְתָ֔ן H6891 וְהַיֹּרְדִ֗ים H3381 עַ֣ל H5921 יָ֧ם H3220 הָעֲרָבָ֛ה H6160 יָם־H3220הַמֶּ֖לַח H4417 תַּ֣מּוּ H8552 נִכְרָ֑תוּ H3772 וְהָעָ֥ם H5971 עָבְר֖וּ H5674 נֶ֥גֶד H5048 יְרִיחֽוֹ׃ H3405
17וַיַּעַמְד֣וּ H5975 הַכֹּהֲנִ֡ים H3548 נֹ֠שְׂאֵי H5375 הָאָר֨וֹן H727 בְּרִית־H1285יְהוָ֜ה H3068 בֶּחָֽרָבָ֛ה H2724 בְּת֥וֹךְ H8432 הַיַּרְדֵּ֖ן H3383 הָכֵ֑ן H3559 וְכָל־H3605יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל H3478 עֹֽבְרִים֙ H5674 בֶּחָ֣רָבָ֔ה H2724 עַ֤ד H5704 אֲשֶׁר־H834תַּ֙מּוּ֙ H8552 כָּל־H3605הַגּ֔וֹי H1471 לַעֲבֹ֖ר H5674 אֶת־H853הַיַּרְדֵּֽן׃ H3383

1ΚαὶG2532 ὤρθρισενG3719 ἸησοῦςG2424 τὸG3588 πρωί,G4404 καὶG2532 ἀπῆρανG522 ἐκG1537 Σαττιν καὶG2532 ἤλθοσανG2064 ἕωςG2193 τοῦG3588 ΙορδάνουG2446 καὶG2532 κατέλυσανG2647 ἐκεῖG1563 πρὸG4253 τοῦG3588 διαβῆναι.G1224
2καὶG2532 ἐγένετοG1096 μετὰG3326 τρεῖςG5140 ἡμέραςG2250 διῆλθονG1330 οἱG3588 γραμματεῖςG1122 διὰG1223 τῆςG3588 παρεμβολῆςG3925
3καὶG2532 ἐνετείλαντοG1781 τῷG3588 λαῷG2992 λέγοντεςG3004 ὍτανG3752 ἴδητεG3708 τὴνG3588 κιβωτὸνG2787 τῆςG3588 διαθήκηςG1242 κυρίουG2962 τοῦG3588 θεοῦG2316 ἡμῶνG1473 καὶG2532 τοὺςG3588 ἱερεῖςG2409 ἡμῶνG1473 καὶG2532 τοὺςG3588 ΛευίταςG3019 αἴρονταςG142 αὐτήν,G846 ἀπαρεῖτεG522 ἀπὸG575 τῶνG3588 τόπωνG5117 ὑμῶνG4771 καὶG2532 πορεύεσθεG4198 ὀπίσωG3694 αὐτῆς·G846
4ἀλλὰG235 μακρὰνG3112 ἔστωG1510 ἀνὰG303 μέσονG3319 ὑμῶνG4771 καὶG2532 ἐκείνηςG1565 ὅσονG3745 δισχιλίουςG1367 πήχεις·G4083 στήσεσθε,G2476 μὴG3165 προσεγγίσητεG4331 αὐτῇ,G846 ἵνG2443 ἐπίστησθεG1987 τὴνG3588 ὁδόν,G3598 ἣνG3739 πορεύεσθεG4198 αὐτήν·G846 οὐG3364 γὰρG1063 πεπόρευσθεG4198 τὴνG3588 ὁδὸνG3598 ἀπ᾽G575 ἐχθὲςG5504 καὶG2532 τρίτηςG5154 ἡμέρας.G2250
5καὶG2532 εἶπενG2036 ἸησοῦςG2424 τῷG3588 λαῷG2992 ἉγνίσασθεG48 εἰςG1519 αὔριον,G839 ὅτιG3754 αὔριονG839 ποιήσειG4160 ἐνG1722 ὑμῖνG4771 κύριοςG2962 θαυμαστά.G2298
6καὶG2532 εἶπενG2036 ἸησοῦςG2424 τοῖςG3588 ἱερεῦσινG2409 ἌρατεG142 τὴνG3588 κιβωτὸνG2787 τῆςG3588 διαθήκηςG1242 κυρίουG2962 καὶG2532 προπορεύεσθεG4313 τοῦG3588 λαοῦ.G2992 καὶG2532 ἦρανG142 οἱG3588 ἱερεῖςG2409 τὴνG3588 κιβωτὸνG2787 τῆςG3588 διαθήκηςG1242 κυρίουG2962 καὶG2532 ἐπορεύοντοG4198 ἔμπροσθενG1715 τοῦG3588 λαοῦ.G2992
7καὶG2532 εἶπενG2036 κύριοςG2962 πρὸςG4314 ἸησοῦνG2424 ἘνG1722 τῇG3588 ἡμέρᾳG2250 ταύτῃG3778 ἄρχομαιG757 ὑψῶσαίG5312 σεG4771 κατενώπιονG2714 πάντωνG3956 υἱῶνG5207 Ισραηλ,G2474 ἵναG2443 γνῶσιν,G1097 καθότιG2530 ἤμηνG1510 μετὰG3326 Μωυσῆ,G3475 οὕτωςG3778 ἔσομαιG1510 καὶG2532 μετὰG3326 σοῦ.G4771
8καὶG2532 νῦνG3568 ἔντειλαιG1781 τοῖςG3588 ἱερεῦσινG2409 τοῖςG3588 αἴρουσινG142 τὴνG3588 κιβωτὸνG2787 τῆςG3588 διαθήκηςG1242 λέγωνG3004 ὩςG3739 ἂνG302 εἰσέλθητεG1525 ἐπὶG1909 μέρουςG3313 τοῦG3588 ὕδατοςG5204 τοῦG3588 Ιορδάνου,G2446 καὶG2532 ἐνG1722 τῷG3588 ΙορδάνῃG2446 στήσεσθε.G2476
9καὶG2532 εἶπενG2036 ἸησοῦςG2424 τοῖςG3588 υἱοῖςG5207 ΙσραηλG2474 ΠροσαγάγετεG4317 ὧδεG3592 καὶG2532 ἀκούσατεG191 τὸG3588 ῥῆμαG4487 κυρίουG2962 τοῦG3588 θεοῦG2316 ἡμῶν.G1473
10ἐνG1722 τούτῳG3778 γνώσεσθεG1097 ὅτιG3754 θεὸςG2316 ζῶνG2198 ἐνG1722 ὑμῖνG4771 καὶG2532 ὀλεθρεύωνG3645 ὀλεθρεύσειG3645 ἀπὸG575 προσώπουG4383 ἡμῶνG1473 τὸνG3588 Χαναναῖον καὶG2532 τὸνG3588 Χετταῖον καὶG2532 τὸνG3588 Φερεζαῖον καὶG2532 τὸνG3588 Ευαῖον καὶG2532 τὸνG3588 Αμορραῖον καὶG2532 τὸνG3588 Γεργεσαῖον καὶG2532 τὸνG3588 Ιεβουσαῖον·
11ἰδοὺG2400G3588 κιβωτὸςG2787 διαθήκηςG1242 κυρίουG2962 πάσηςG3956 τῆςG3588 γῆςG1065 διαβαίνειG1224 τὸνG3588 Ιορδάνην.G2446
12προχειρίσασθεG4400 ὑμῖνG4771 δώδεκαG1427 ἄνδραςG435 ἀπὸG575 τῶνG3588 υἱῶνG5207 Ισραηλ,G2474 ἕναG1519 ἀφ᾽G575 ἑκάστηςG1538 φυλῆς.G5443
13καὶG2532 ἔσταιG1510 ὡςG3739 ἂνG302 καταπαύσωσινG2664 οἱG3588 πόδεςG4228 τῶνG3588 ἱερέωνG2409 τῶνG3588 αἰρόντωνG142 τὴνG3588 κιβωτὸνG2787 τῆςG3588 διαθήκηςG1242 κυρίουG2962 πάσηςG3956 τῆςG3588 γῆςG1065 ἐνG1722 τῷG3588 ὕδατιG5204 τοῦG3588 Ιορδάνου,G2446 τὸG3588 ὕδωρG5204 τοῦG3588 ΙορδάνουG2446 ἐκλείψει,G1587 τὸG3588 δὲG1161 ὕδωρG5204 τὸG3588 καταβαῖνονG2597 στήσεται.G2476
14καὶG2532 ἀπῆρενG522G3588 λαὸςG2992 ἐκG1537 τῶνG3588 σκηνωμάτωνG4638 αὐτῶνG846 διαβῆναιG1224 τὸνG3588 Ιορδάνην,G2446 οἱG3588 δὲG1161 ἱερεῖςG2409 ἤροσανG142 τὴνG3588 κιβωτὸνG2787 τῆςG3588 διαθήκηςG1242 κυρίουG2962 πρότεροιG4387 τοῦG3588 λαοῦ.G2992
15ὡςG3739 δὲG1161 εἰσεπορεύοντοG1531 οἱG3588 ἱερεῖςG2409 οἱG3588 αἴροντεςG142 τὴνG3588 κιβωτὸνG2787 τῆςG3588 διαθήκηςG1242 ἐπὶG1909 τὸνG3588 ΙορδάνηνG2446 καὶG2532 οἱG3588 πόδεςG4228 τῶνG3588 ἱερέωνG2409 τῶνG3588 αἰρόντωνG142 τὴνG3588 κιβωτὸνG2787 τῆςG3588 διαθήκηςG1242 κυρίουG2962 ἐβάφησανG911 εἰςG1519 μέροςG3313 τοῦG3588 ὕδατοςG5204 τοῦG3588 ΙορδάνουG2446 — ὁG3588 δὲG1161 ΙορδάνηςG2446 ἐπλήρουG4137 καθ᾽G2596 ὅληνG3650 τὴνG3588 κρηπῖδα αὐτοῦG846 ὡσεὶG5616 ἡμέραιG2250 θερισμοῦG2326 πυρῶνG4443 — ,
16καὶG2532 ἔστηG2476 τὰG3588 ὕδαταG5204 τὰG3588 καταβαίνονταG2597 ἄνωθεν,G509 ἔστηG2476 πῆγμα ἓνG1519 ἀφεστηκὸςG868 μακρὰνG3112 σφόδραG4970 σφοδρῶςG4971 ἕωςG2193 μέρουςG3313 Καριαθιαριμ, τὸG3588 δὲG1161 καταβαῖνονG2597 κατέβηG2597 εἰςG1519 τὴνG3588 θάλασσανG2281 Αραβα, θάλασσανG2281 ἁλός,G251 ἕωςG2193 εἰςG1519 τὸG3588 τέλοςG5056 ἐξέλιπεν·G1587 καὶG2532G3588 λαὸςG2992 εἱστήκειG2476 ἀπέναντιG561 Ιεριχω.G2410
17καὶG2532 ἔστησανG2476 οἱG3588 ἱερεῖςG2409 οἱG3588 αἴροντεςG142 τὴνG3588 κιβωτὸνG2787 τῆςG3588 διαθήκηςG1242 κυρίουG2962 ἐπὶG1909 ξηρᾶςG3584 ἐνG1722 μέσῳG3319 τοῦG3588 Ιορδάνου·G2446 καὶG2532 πάντεςG3956 οἱG3588 υἱοὶG5207 ΙσραηλG2474 διέβαινονG1224 διὰG1223 ξηρᾶς,G3584 ἕωςG2193 συνετέλεσενG4931 πᾶςG3956G3588 λαὸςG2992 διαβαίνωνG1224 τὸνG3588 Ιορδάνην.G2446