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We enter only numbers, we will get the result both in Hebrew and in Strong's ancient Greek dictionaries.

1Now the PhilistinesH6430 gatheredH6908 together allH3605 their armiesH4264 to Aphek,H663 while the IsraelitesH3478 were campingH2583 by the springH9407 whichH834 is in Jezreel.H3157
2And the lordsH5633 of the PhilistinesH6430 were proceedingH5674 on by hundredsH3967 and by thousands,H505 and DavidH1732 and his menH376 were proceedingH5674 on in the rearH314 with Achish.H397
3Then the commandersH8269 of the PhilistinesH6430 said,H559 "WhatH4100 [are] theseH428 HebrewsH5680 [doing here]?" And AchishH397 saidH559 to the commandersH8269 of the Philistines,H6430 "Is thisH2088 not David,H1732 the servantH5650 of SaulH7586 the kingH4428 of Israel,H3478 whoH834 has beenH1961 with me theseH2088 days,H3117 orH176 [rather] theseH2088 years,H8141 and I have foundH4672 noH3808 faultH3972 in him from the dayH3117 he desertedH5307 [to me] to thisH2088 dayH3117?"
4But the commandersH8269 of the PhilistinesH6430 were angryH7107 with him, and the commandersH8269 of the PhilistinesH6430 saidH559 to him, "Make the manH376 goH7725 back,H7725 that he may returnH7725 to his placeH4725 whereH834H8033 you have assignedH6485 him, and do not let him goH3381 downH3381 to battleH4421 with us, lestH3808 in the battleH4421 he becomeH1961 an adversaryH7854 to us. For with whatH4100 could thisH2088 [man] makeH7521 himself acceptableH7521 to his lordH113? [Would it] not [be] with the headsH7218 of theseH1992 menH376?
5"Is thisH2088 not David,H1732 of whomH834 they singH9420 in the dances,H4246 saying,H559 'SaulH7586 has slainH5221 his thousands,H505 And DavidH1732 his tenH7233 thousandsH7233'?"
6Then AchishH397 calledH7121 DavidH1732 and saidH559 to him, "[As] the LordH3068 lives,H2416 you [have been] upright,H3477 and your goingH3318 out and your comingH935 in with me in the armyH4264 are pleasingH2896 in my sight;H5869 for I have not foundH4672 evilH9567 in you from the dayH3117 of your comingH935 to me to thisH2088 day.H3117 Nevertheless, you are not pleasingH2896 in the sightH5869 of the lords.H5633
7"NowH6258 therefore return,H7725 and goH1980 in peace,H7965 that you may not displeaseH6213H7451H5869 the lordsH5633 of the Philistines.H6430"
8And DavidH1732 saidH559 to Achish,H397 "But whatH4100 have I doneH6213? And whatH4100 have you foundH4672 in your servantH5650 from the dayH3117 whenH834 I cameH1961 beforeH6440 you to thisH2088 day,H3117 that I may not goH935 and fightH3898 against the enemiesH340 of my lordH113 the kingH4428?"
9But AchishH397 answeredH6030 and saidH559 to David,H1732 "I knowH3045 that you are pleasingH2896 in my sight,H5869 like an angelH4397 of God;H430 neverthelessH389 the commandersH8269 of the PhilistinesH6430 have said,H559 'He must not goH5927 up with us to the battle.H4421'
10"NowH6258 then ariseH7925 earlyH7925 in the morningH1242 with the servantsH5650 of your lordH113 whoH834 have comeH935 with you, and as soon as you have arisenH7925 earlyH7925 in the morningH1242 and have light,H215 depart.H1980"
11So DavidH1732 aroseH7925 early,H7925 he and his men,H376 to departH1980 in the morning,H1242 to returnH7725 to the landH776 of the Philistines.H6430 And the PhilistinesH6430 wentH5927 up to Jezreel.H3157

1וַיִּקְבְּצ֧וּ H6908 פְלִשְׁתִּ֛ים H6430 אֶת־H853כָּל־H3605מַחֲנֵיהֶ֖ם H4264 אֲפֵ֑קָה H663 וְיִשְׂרָאֵ֣ל H3478 חֹנִ֔ים H2583 בַּעַ֖יִן H5869 אֲשֶׁ֥ר H834 בְּיִזְרְעֶֽאל׃ H3157
2וְסַרְנֵ֤י H5633 פְלִשְׁתִּים֙ H6430 עֹֽבְרִ֔ים H5674 לְמֵא֖וֹת H3967 וְלַאֲלָפִ֑ים H505 וְדָוִ֣ד H1732 וַאֲנָשָׁ֗יו H376 עֹֽבְרִ֛ים H5674 בָּאַחֲרֹנָ֖ה H314 עִם־H5973אָכִֽישׁ׃ H397
3וַיֹּֽאמְרוּ֙ H559 שָׂרֵ֣י H8269 פְלִשְׁתִּ֔ים H6430 מָ֖ה H4100 הָעִבְרִ֣ים H5680 הָאֵ֑לֶּה H428 וַיֹּ֨אמֶר H559 אָכִ֜ישׁ H397 אֶל־H413שָׂרֵ֣י H8269 פְלִשְׁתִּ֗ים H6430 הֲלֽוֹא־H3808זֶ֨ה H2088 דָוִ֜ד H1732 עֶ֣בֶד H5650 ׀ שָׁא֣וּל H7586 מֶֽלֶךְ־H4428יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל H3478 אֲשֶׁ֨ר H834 הָיָ֤ה H1961 אִתִּי֙ H854 זֶ֤ה H2088 יָמִים֙ H3117 אוֹ־H176זֶ֣ה H2088 שָׁנִ֔ים H8141 וְלֹֽא־H3808מָצָ֤אתִי H4672 בוֹ֙ מְא֔וּמָה H3972 מִיּ֥וֹם H3117 נָפְל֖וֹ H5307 עַד־H5704הַיּ֥וֹם H3117 הַזֶּֽה׃ H2088 פ
4וַיִּקְצְפ֨וּ H7107 עָלָ֜יו H5921 שָׂרֵ֣י H8269 פְלִשְׁתִּ֗ים H6430 וַיֹּ֣אמְרוּ H559 לוֹ֩ שָׂרֵ֨י H8269 פְלִשְׁתִּ֜ים H6430 הָשֵׁ֣ב H7725 אֶת־H853הָאִ֗ישׁ H376 וְיָשֹׁב֙ H7725 אֶל־H413מְקוֹמוֹ֙ H4725 אֲשֶׁ֣ר H834 הִפְקַדְתּ֣וֹ H6485 שָׁ֔ם H8033 וְלֹֽא־H3808יֵרֵ֤ד H3381 עִמָּ֙נוּ֙ H5973 בַּמִּלְחָמָ֔ה H4421 וְלֹא־H3808יִֽהְיֶה־H1961לָּ֥נוּ לְשָׂטָ֖ן H7854 בַּמִּלְחָמָ֑ה H4421 וּבַמֶּ֗ה H4100 יִתְרַצֶּ֥ה H7521 זֶה֙ H2088 אֶל־H413אֲדֹנָ֔יו H113 הֲל֕וֹא H3808 בְּרָאשֵׁ֖י H7218 הָאֲנָשִׁ֥ים H582 הָהֵֽם׃ H1992
5הֲלוֹא־H3808זֶ֣ה H2088 דָוִ֔ד H1732 אֲשֶׁ֧ר H834 יַעֲנוּ־H6030ל֛וֹ בַּמְּחֹל֖וֹת H4246 לֵאמֹ֑ר H559 הִכָּ֤ה H5221 שָׁאוּל֙ H7586 בַּֽאֲלָפָ֔יו H505 וְדָוִ֖ד H1732 [בְּרִבְבֹתֹו כ] (בְּרִבְבֹתָֽיו׃ H7233 ק) ס
6וַיִּקְרָ֨א H7121 אָכִ֜ישׁ H397 אֶל־H413דָּוִ֗ד H1732 וַיֹּ֣אמֶר H559 אֵ֠לָיו H413 חַי־H2416יְהוָ֞ה H3068 כִּי־H3588יָשָׁ֣ר H3477 אַתָּ֗ה H859 וְט֣וֹב H2896 בְּ֠עֵינַי H5869 צֵאתְךָ֨ H3318 וּבֹאֲךָ֤ H935 אִתִּי֙ H854 בַּֽמַּחֲנֶ֔ה H4264 כִּ֠י H3588 לֹֽא־H3808מָצָ֤אתִֽי H4672 בְךָ֙ רָעָ֔ה H7451 מִיּ֛וֹם H3117 בֹּאֲךָ֥ H935 אֵלַ֖י H413 עַד־H5704הַיּ֣וֹם H3117 הַזֶּ֑ה H2088 וּבְעֵינֵ֥י H5869 הַסְּרָנִ֖ים H5633 לֹֽא־H3808ט֥וֹב H2896 אָֽתָּה׃ H859
7וְעַתָּ֥ה H6258 שׁ֖וּב H7725 וְלֵ֣ךְ H1980 בְּשָׁל֑וֹם H7965 וְלֹֽא־H3808תַעֲשֶׂ֣ה H6213 רָ֔ע H7451 בְּעֵינֵ֖י H5869 סַרְנֵ֥י H5633 פְלִשְׁתִּֽים׃ H6430 ס
8וַיֹּ֨אמֶר H559 דָּוִ֜ד H1732 אֶל־H413אָכִ֗ישׁ H397 כִּ֣י H3588 מֶ֤ה H4100 עָשִׂ֙יתִי֙ H6213 וּמַה־H4100מָּצָ֣אתָ H4672 בְעַבְדְּךָ֔ H5650 מִיּוֹם֙ H3117 אֲשֶׁ֣ר H834 הָיִ֣יתִי H1961 לְפָנֶ֔יךָ H6440 עַ֖ד H5704 הַיּ֣וֹם H3117 הַזֶּ֑ה H2088 כִּ֣י H3588 לֹ֤א H3808 אָבוֹא֙ H935 וְנִלְחַ֔מְתִּי H3898 בְּאֹיְבֵ֖י H341 אֲדֹנִ֥י H113 הַמֶּֽלֶךְ׃ H4428
9וַיַּ֣עַן H6030 אָכִישׁ֮ H397 וַיֹּ֣אמֶר H559 אֶל־H413דָּוִד֒ H1732 יָדַ֕עְתִּי H3045 כִּ֣י H3588 ט֥וֹב H2896 אַתָּ֛ה H859 בְּעֵינַ֖י H5869 כְּמַלְאַ֣ךְ H4397 אֱלֹהִ֑ים H430 אַ֣ךְ H389 שָׂרֵ֤י H8269 פְלִשְׁתִּים֙ H6430 אָֽמְר֔וּ H559 לֹֽא־H3808יַעֲלֶ֥ה H5927 עִמָּ֖נוּ H5973 בַּמִּלְחָמָֽה׃ H4421
10וְעַתָּה֙ H6258 הַשְׁכֵּ֣ם H7925 בַּבֹּ֔קֶר H1242 וְעַבְדֵ֥י H5650 אֲדֹנֶ֖יךָ H113 אֲשֶׁר־H834בָּ֣אוּ H935 אִתָּ֑ךְ H854 וְהִשְׁכַּמְתֶּ֣ם H7925 בַּבֹּ֔קֶר H1242 וְא֥וֹר H215 לָכֶ֖ם וָלֵֽכוּ׃ H1980
11וַיַּשְׁכֵּ֨ם H7925 דָּוִ֜ד H1732 ה֤וּא H1931 וַֽאֲנָשָׁיו֙ H582 לָלֶ֣כֶת H1980 בַּבֹּ֔קֶר H1242 לָשׁ֖וּב H7725 אֶל־H413אֶ֣רֶץ H776 פְּלִשְׁתִּ֑ים H6430 וּפְלִשְׁתִּ֖ים H6430 עָל֥וּ H5927 יִזְרְעֶֽאל׃ H3157 ס

1ΚαὶG2532 συναθροίζουσινG4867 ἀλλόφυλοιG246 πάσαςG3956 τὰςG3588 παρεμβολὰςG3925 αὐτῶνG846 εἰςG1519 Αφεκ, καὶG2532 ΙσραηλG2474 παρενέβαλενG3924 ἐνG1722 Αενδωρ τῇG3588 ἐνG1722 Ιεζραελ.
2καὶG2532 σατράπαι ἀλλοφύλωνG246 παρεπορεύοντοG3899 εἰςG1519 ἑκατοντάδας καὶG2532 χιλιάδας,G5505 καὶG2532 ΔαυιδG1138 καὶG2532 οἱG3588 ἄνδρεςG435 αὐτοῦG846 παρεπορεύοντοG3899 ἐπ᾽G1909 ἐσχάτωνG2078 μετὰG3326 Αγχους.
3καὶG2532 εἶπονG2036 οἱG3588 σατράπαι τῶνG3588 ἀλλοφύλωνG246 ΤίνεςG5100 οἱG3588 διαπορευόμενοιG1279 οὗτοι;G3778 καὶG2532 εἶπενG2036 Αγχους πρὸςG4314 τοὺςG3588 στρατηγοὺςG4755 τῶνG3588 ἀλλοφύλωνG246 ΟὐχG3364 οὗτοςG3778 ΔαυιδG1138G3588 δοῦλοςG1401 ΣαουλG4549 βασιλέωςG935 Ισραηλ;G2474 γέγονενG1096 μεθ᾽G3326 ἡμῶνG1473 ἡμέραςG2250 τοῦτοG3778 δεύτερονG1208 ἔτος,G2094 καὶG2532 οὐχG3364 εὕρηκαG2147 ἐνG1722 αὐτῷG846 οὐθὲνG3762 ἀφ᾽G575 ἧςG3739 ἡμέραςG2250 ἐνέπεσενG1706 πρόςG4314 μεG1473 καὶG2532 ἕωςG2193 τῆςG3588 ἡμέραςG2250 ταύτης.G3778
4καὶG2532 ἐλυπήθησανG3076 ἐπ᾽G1909 αὐτῷG846 οἱG3588 στρατηγοὶG4755 τῶνG3588 ἀλλοφύλωνG246 καὶG2532 λέγουσινG3004 αὐτῷG846 ἈπόστρεψονG654 τὸνG3588 ἄνδραG435 εἰςG1519 τὸνG3588 τόπονG5117 αὐτοῦ,G846 οὗG3364 κατέστησαςG2525 αὐτὸνG846 ἐκεῖ,G1563 καὶG2532 μὴG3165 ἐρχέσθωG2064 μεθ᾽G3326 ἡμῶνG1473 εἰςG1519 τὸνG3588 πόλεμονG4171 καὶG2532 μὴG3165 γινέσθωG1096 ἐπίβουλος τῆςG3588 παρεμβολῆς·G3925 καὶG2532 ἐνG1722 τίνιG5100 διαλλαγήσεταιG1259 οὗτοςG3778 τῷG3588 κυρίῳG2962 αὐτοῦ;G846 οὐχὶG3364 ἐνG1722 ταῖςG3588 κεφαλαῖςG2776 τῶνG3588 ἀνδρῶνG435 ἐκείνων;G1565
5οὐχG3364 οὗτοςG3778 Δαυιδ,G1138G3739 ἐξῆρχον ἐνG1722 χοροῖςG5525 λέγοντεςG3004 ἘπάταξενG3960 ΣαουλG4549 ἐνG1722 χιλιάσινG5505 αὐτοῦG846 καὶG2532 ΔαυιδG1138 ἐνG1722 μυριάσινG3461 αὐτοῦ;G846
6καὶG2532 ἐκάλεσενG2564 Αγχους τὸνG3588 ΔαυιδG1138 καὶG2532 εἶπενG2036 αὐτῷG846 ΖῇG2198 κύριοςG2962 ὅτιG3754 εὐθὴς σὺG4771 καὶG2532 ἀγαθὸςG18 ἐνG1722 ὀφθαλμοῖςG3788 μου,G1473 καὶG2532G3588 ἔξοδόςG1841 σουG4771 καὶG2532G3588 εἴσοδόςG1529 σουG4771 μετ᾽G3326 ἐμοῦG1473 ἐνG1722 τῇG3588 παρεμβολῇ,G3925 καὶG2532 ὅτιG3754 οὐχG3364 εὕρηκαG2147 κατὰG2596 σοῦG4771 κακίανG2549 ἀφ᾽G575 ἧςG3739 ἡμέραςG2250 ἥκειςG1854 πρόςG4314 μεG1473 ἕωςG2193 τῆςG3588 σήμερονG4594 ἡμέρας·G2250 καὶG2532 ἐνG1722 ὀφθαλμοῖςG3788 τῶνG3588 σατραπῶν οὐκG3364 ἀγαθὸςG18 σύ·G4771
7καὶG2532 νῦνG3568 ἀνάστρεφεG390 καὶG2532 πορεύουG4198 εἰςG1519 εἰρήνην,G1515 καὶG2532 οὐG3364 μὴG3165 ποιήσειςG4160 κακίανG2549 ἐνG1722 ὀφθαλμοῖςG3788 τῶνG3588 σατραπῶν τῶνG3588 ἀλλοφύλων.G246
8καὶG2532 εἶπενG3004 ΔαυιδG1138 πρὸςG4314 Αγχους ΤίG5100 πεποίηκάG4160 σοιG4771 καὶG2532 τίG5100 εὗρεςG2147 ἐνG1722 τῷG3588 δούλῳG1401 σουG4771 ἀφ᾽G575 ἧςG3739 ἡμέραςG2250 ἤμηνG1510 ἐνώπιόνG1799 σουG4771 καὶG2532 ἕωςG2193 τῆςG3588 ἡμέραςG2250 ταύτης,G3778 ὅτιG3754 οὐG3364 μὴG3165 ἔλθωG2064 πολεμῆσαιG4170 τοὺςG3588 ἐχθροὺςG2190 τοῦG3588 κυρίουG2962 μουG1473 τοῦG3588 βασιλέως;G935
9καὶG2532 ἀπεκρίθηG611 Αγχους πρὸςG4314 ΔαυιδG1138 ΟἶδαG1492 ὅτιG3754 ἀγαθὸςG18 σὺG4771 ἐνG1722 ὀφθαλμοῖςG3788 μου,G1473 ἀλλ᾽G235 οἱG3588 σατράπαι τῶνG3588 ἀλλοφύλωνG246 λέγουσινG3004 ΟὐχG3364 ἥξειG1854 μεθ᾽G3326 ἡμῶνG1473 εἰςG1519 πόλεμον.G4171
10καὶG2532 νῦνG3568 ὄρθρισονG3719 τὸG3588 πρωί,G4404 σὺG4771 καὶG2532 οἱG3588 παῖδεςG3816 τοῦG3588 κυρίουG2962 σουG4771 οἱG3588 ἥκοντεςG1854 μετὰG3326 σοῦ,G4771 καὶG2532 πορεύεσθεG4198 εἰςG1519 τὸνG3588 τόπον,G5117 οὗG3364 κατέστησαG2525 ὑμᾶςG4771 ἐκεῖ,G1563 καὶG2532 λόγονG3056 λοιμὸνG3061 μὴG3165 θῇςG5087 ἐνG1722 καρδίᾳG2588 σου,G4771 ὅτιG3754 ἀγαθὸςG18 σὺG4771 ἐνώπιόνG1799 μου·G1473 καὶG2532 ὀρθρίσατεG3719 ἐνG1722 τῇG3588 ὁδῷ,G3598 καὶG2532 φωτισάτωG5461 ὑμῖν,G4771 καὶG2532 πορεύθητε.G4198
11καὶG2532 ὤρθρισενG3719 ΔαυιδG1138 αὐτὸςG846 καὶG2532 οἱG3588 ἄνδρεςG435 αὐτοῦG846 ἀπελθεῖνG565 καὶG2532 φυλάσσεινG5442 τὴνG3588 γῆνG1065 τῶνG3588 ἀλλοφύλων,G246 καὶG2532 οἱG3588 ἀλλόφυλοιG246 ἀνέβησανG305 πολεμεῖνG4170 ἐπὶG1909 Ισραηλ.G2474