Библия. Синодальный перевод

Christianity / Bible / Modern translations

Библия. Синодальный перевод

Библия - Russian

Библия. Синодальный перевод (СП)

Russian Synodal Bible


Publishing house: Russian Bible Society
Переводчик, редактор ...: Filaret (Vasily Drozdov), Moses A. Golubev, Daniil A. Chvolson, Evgraf I. Lovyagin, Pavel I. Savvaitov

 - СП

The first edition of the Bible in a language that is understandable to a modern person.
To this day remains the main Russian translation of the Bible.
The very idea of ​​translating to understandable was based on the emperor born Alexander I. The Russian Bible Society was created to translate the Bible into a language that is understandable to the people.
But after the death of Alexander I, the work was officially stopped. Nevertheless, unofficially the work continued.
Since most of the work was done and part of the Bible was already being published, it was allowed to complete the translation. Officially, the translation was defined as for home reading, but not for worship.
After the opportunity appeared to complete the translation, the work was carried out hastily.

Newer versions

The translation itself was made unacceptably long - more than 60 years between the editions of the New Testament and the complete Bible. The language is very outdated. Because many made an updated version of the Synodal Bible, for example:

  1. 1993 - Translation of the of the Moscow Patriarchate;
  2. 2004 - The Bible-Agape;
  3. 2010 - Jubilee edition of the mission 'Light in the East';
  4. 2012 - Updated synodal translation.
All translators tried to carefully clean, preserve the spirit and style of translation, which became the standard for Russia.

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 John 3:16 Ибо так возлюбил Бог мир, что отдал Сына Своего Единородного, дабы всякий верующий в Него, не погиб, но имел жизнь вечную.
17 Ибо не послал Бог Сына Своего в мир, чтобы судить мир, но чтобы мир спасен был чрез Него.