Острожская Библия

Christianity / Bible / Modern translations

Острожская Библия

Библия - Church Slavonic

Острожская Библия

Ostroh Bible


Переводчик, редактор ...: Ivan Fedorov


In Russia, different books of the Bible were kept in different monostyrs, but nowhere were they collected together.
The Ostroh Bible is not a new translation, but simply all the books of the Bible in the Slavic language are first collected together.
Unfortunately, the language was already outdated by that time.

- модуль для Цитата из Библии

 John 3:16 Тако б̂о възлюбѝ б҃ъ миръ, ѩ҆́ко и҆ сн҃а свое҆го е҆ді́нород̑наго далъ е҆сть, да всѧк̑҇ вѣрꙋаѝ во́нь не поги́бнет̑, н̂о и́мать живо́тъ вѣчныи·
Не посла̀ б̂о б҃ъ сн҃а свое҆го в꙽ ми́ръ, да сꙋ́дитъ ми́рови, н̂о да сп҃се́тсѧ и҆мъ ми́ръ·
Вѣрꙋаѝ во́нь, не бꙋдетъ ѻ҆сꙋженъ.