Learn languages
- languagedrops.com - Drops - Study a language on your phone for just 5 minutes a day.
tel.: +7 (495) 229-04-36
address: Hong Kong, Hong Kong, italki HK Limited, Suite 2004, 20/F, Tower 5, China Hong Kong City, 33 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
The global language network.There is a Russian version.
The goal is to contact a native speaker.
In addition to English, you can learn Chinese, German, Russian, Japanese, Hindi ... many languages.
address: Japan, Tokyo, VORT Ebisu III, 6F 1-21-8 Ebisu Shibuya-ku, 150-0013
We learn foreign languages for free.It is possible to send the text of your translation to a native speaker for verification.
When it may be important, especially if you need to write an important letter.
For example, you may ask, "How do I pronounce it in English? "What is the difference between these two words? "Do I have the correct pronunciation?"
You have to do something for others, look at and correct the text written by a foreigner in Russian.
And also help in the same way?
Use YouTube to improve your English pronunciation.With more than 40M tracks, YouGlish gives you fast, unbiased answers about how English is spoken by real people and in context.
Set a short sentence or a turn and listen to how it is used in speech.
Supported languages
English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Chinese.address: Canada, Vancouver, Marine Drive, West Vancouver, BC, V7V 1K4
Network of learners.The teacher guides you, but other students can participate.
Available languages
English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Chinese, Portuguese, Swedish and Japanese.In group discussions, up to 4 pupils can participate with 1 teacher. You can also subscribe to the discussions at 1 to 1.
Discussions can last from 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the number of participants. For example, 1 for 1 discussion lasts 15 minutes; And 2 for 1 - 30 minutes; And 3 for 1 - 45 minutes, etc. It is also possible to create a long discussion 1 to 1 to 1 hour or longer.